application for replacement of vacation with monetary compensation
Replacement of annual leave with monetary compensation - in what cases is it permissible and payment terms, an example of filling out an application
Vacation debt has accumulated - what to do? Employees often accumulate vacation arrears
Sample letter to the tax office about giving explanations
Citizens of the Russian Federation are often faced with the need to submit a tax return in form 3-NDFL to the tax office.
Product report. Unified form N TORG-29 (filling sample)
Why do you need a product report? The report is necessary so that the accounting department can make sure that
INV-26 statement of accounting of results identified by inventory
How to correctly fill out form INV-26 This form is compiled based on the results of the work of a specially created commission.
An example of calculating the coordinates of the corner points of the water protection zone and the corner points of the water area.
Reporting in forms 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia No. 30 dated 02/06/2008
Regardless of the form of ownership of the enterprise and its affiliation, certain documentation is provided at the legislative level,
Form INV-23 “Logbook for monitoring the implementation of inventory orders”
Order 300 form 8 The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation signed an order on June 22, 2020
where to complain about the tax office
Complaint against the tax inspectorate - sample and procedure for drawing up an application
Sometimes the tax inspectorate does not fully fulfill its functions and responsibilities towards citizens.
Features of concluding an employment contract with a chef
Sample job description for a chef General provisions During the absence of a chef (business trip, vacation, treatment), his
Gray salary: responsibility and consequences, where to complain, whether to agree
Home / Labor Law / Payment and Benefits / Wages Back Published: 05/28/2020
The procedure for accounting for inventories
Concept and classification of inventories Inventories are part of the organization’s assets: used in
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