Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/06/2010 No. 63 “On approval of the instructions on the procedure for accessing state secrets for officials and citizens of the Russian Federation”
The most well-known prohibition for persons having access to various classified information at the state level is
Article 229. Procedure for forming commissions to investigate accidents.
Timing and procedure for conducting an investigation An accident is an event that led to the appearance of
How to quickly find out your tax system for individual entrepreneurs
What is the problem? Today there is no need to waste time registering an individual business with the Federal Tax Service.
How to find out tax debt using TIN
I received an email from [email protected] - what is it?
Methods for checking tax debts on the website page Currently, the tax service
Functionality of the National Electronic Platform
What is a qualified electronic signature (QES)?
Advantages Among the 8 existing federal electronic platforms that are authorized to carry out government procurement tenders, the “National Electronic
Data calculation
Comparative characteristics of individual entrepreneur taxation systems
Who can open an individual entrepreneur The basic principles of the organization and work of an entrepreneur are set out by the legislator in the Federal Law
Can a director work part-time?
Can the head of an organization work part-time?
Restrictions for directors Combination – performance of additional duties during the main work and in
Cashier job description sample
What should a cashier’s job description contain: examples and sample documents
Cashier job description - sample 2020 is required for any organization working with cash.
Occupational Safety Specialist
Job Description – Occupational Safety and Health Specialist
Job description of a labor protection specialist [name of organization] This job description has been developed and approved
Application for Land Tax Benefit Sample Filling Out
Today, Russian citizens who have the right to receive subsidies by paying property taxes can apply for
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