Job description of the chief physician: sample, main responsibilities and rights

II. Job responsibilities

The responsibilities of the chief physician include:

1. Management of resources of a medical organization, interaction with other organizations:

— Decision-making in the budget process of a medical organization

— Approval of reporting and accounting documents of a medical organization

— Approval of a plan for the financial and economic activities of a medical organization

— Providing resources to a medical organization and monitoring their use

— Decision-making in the field of logistics of a medical organization

— Management of employees of a medical organization

— Organization of internal control of compliance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms

— Providing advanced training for employees of a medical organization

— Implementation of internal control of compliance with requirements for ensuring the security of personal data of the organization’s employees, patients and information constituting medical confidentiality

— Ensuring the implementation of the collective agreement

— Approval of the staffing table of a medical organization

— Building business connections and coordinating cooperation with organizations of various legal forms

— Representation of a medical organization in state and local authorities, as well as in a higher organization

— Approval of plans, programs and reports on the activities of a medical organization

— Using in the work of information and analytical systems and the information and telecommunications network “Internet”

— Monitoring the placement of information about the activities of a medical organization, including on the Internet information and telecommunications network

2. Organization of activities of a medical organization:

— Management of the organization and implementation of medical activities

— Ensuring quality control of medical care in a medical organization

— Approval of regulations for the work of the medical commission and consultations in a medical organization

— Planning the activities of a medical organization, approving the list and establishing the values ​​of target indicators for the activities of a medical organization

— Management of the development and approval of local regulatory acts of a medical organization

— Improving the organizational and management structure of a medical organization

— Monitoring the implementation of plans and programs for the activities of a medical organization

— Interaction with management and employees of the authorized executive body in the field of health protection

— Interaction with the services of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief, territorial internal affairs bodies

— Making management decisions to improve the activities of a medical organization

— Organization of continuous improvement of professional knowledge and skills during working life, as well as continuous improvement of professional level

— Organization of implementation of innovations in the activities of a medical organization

— Control of information and reference support for citizens on issues of disability, social protection, medical and social examination and rehabilitation, habilitation of disabled people and citizens in difficult life situations

3. Management of quality and safety of medical activities in a medical organization:

— Development of policies and strategic goals in the field of quality management of the activities of a medical organization

— Providing a leading role in the implementation and development of a quality management system in a medical organization

— Management of the development and organization of internal control of the quality and safety of medical activities in a medical organization

— Management of the creation of an internal control system for the quality and safety of medical activities in a medical organization, as well as ensuring its implementation and improvement

— Management of internal audits within the quality management system of a medical organization

— Management of the internal control system of quality and safety of medical activities in a medical organization

4. Strategic planning, ensuring the development of a medical organization:

— Assessment of the external and internal environment of a medical organization

— Determining the development strategy of a medical organization

— Formation of strategic and program documents for the activities and development of a medical organization

— Organizing the involvement of employees of a medical organization in the implementation of the strategic goals of the activities of a medical organization

— Providing proposals on the strategy for the development of the healthcare system in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

— Defining a strategy for the development of the corporate culture of a medical organization

5. Providing emergency medical care:

— Assessment of the patient’s condition requiring emergency medical care

— Recognition of conditions that pose a threat to the life of patients, including the state of clinical death (cessation of vital functions of the human body (blood circulation and (or) respiration), requiring emergency medical care

— Providing emergency medical care to patients in conditions that pose a threat to the life of patients, including clinical death (cessation of vital functions of the human body (blood circulation and (or) respiration)

— Use of medicines and medical devices when providing emergency medical care

What does the chief physician do?

The chief physician of a modern medical institution is a Specialist with the highest level of qualifications . But this does not mean that he is obliged to explain to the surgeon the correct sequence of the operation or discuss with the obstetrician-gynecologist the procedure for conducting labor.

Maintaining an appropriate level of knowledge is necessary for professional communication with colleagues, including providing assistance, if necessary, and making decisions on complex medical situations.

The next thing without which it is impossible to manage an institution, regardless of its scale, is the ability to quickly make the right decisions .

For the primary service of workers of attached industrial enterprises, teenagers, disabled people and participants of the Great

Patriotic War, university students. technical schools, vocational school students and

Senior secondary schools, selection and placement of personnel, organization of educational work among clinic staff.

The appointment and dismissal of the chief physician is carried out by a higher health authority.

The chief physician is directly subordinate to the municipal health authority.

In his activities, the chief physician is guided by current legislation, orders, instructions and instructions of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation, municipal health authorities, this job description, as well as methodological recommendations for improving the activities of outpatient clinics.

III. Rights

The chief physician has the right:

1. Request and receive the necessary information, as well as materials and documents related to issues of their activities.

2. Improve your qualifications, undergo retraining (retraining)

3. Initiate and conduct meetings on organizational issues, quality control and timely execution of orders.

4. Give instructions and instructions that are mandatory for all employees.

5. Represent the interests of a medical organization in state and local government bodies, as well as in a higher organization

6. Make independent decisions, guided by qualification requirements and job responsibilities

7. ___________________________________________________________

Job description of the chief physician of a medical organization

Organizes the implementation of new technologies, monitors training for positions, the technical level of employees, provides assistance to employees in complex processes (trainees, young professionals with a probationary period). 2.8. Monitors and analyzes the quality of work of subordinates, identifies violations and deviations from norms, and carries out “work on mistakes.” 2.9.


Interacts with the Director of VHI in matters of servicing insurance patients.

  1. Monitors medical documentation.

Organizes work with staff to promote the Clinic’s services and train employees on the specifics of insurance patients. 2.12.
Monitors compliance with work procedures in the Clinic, production discipline, and internal labor regulations. 2.13. Ensures all employees are trained and participate in internal conferences. 2.14.

IV. Responsibility

The chief physician is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. ____________________________________________________________________

This job description has been developed in accordance with the provisions (requirements) of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197 FZ (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (with amendments and additions), the professional standard “Specialist in the field of healthcare organization and public health” approved by order of the Ministry labor and social protection of the Russian Federation dated November 7, 2020. No. 768n and other legal acts regulating labor relations.

Prom-supervision. ru

Russian Federation in the field of healthcare, consumer rights protection and sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population;

— theoretical foundations of social hygiene and health care organization;

— management systems and labor organization in healthcare;

— population health statistics;

— assessment criteria and indicators characterizing the health status of the population;

— organization of medical and social examination;

— organization of social and medical rehabilitation of patients;

— psychology of professional communication;

— basics of labor legislation;

— the procedure for concluding and executing business and labor contracts;

— basics of insurance medicine;

— labor protection and fire safety rules;

— fundamentals of disaster medicine.

Manages the activities of the hospital on the basis of unity of command, relying on the public; is responsible for all treatment and preventive, administrative, economic and financial activities of the hospital.

Directly reports to a higher health authority or a higher authority according to subordination.

In its activities, it is guided by the current legislation, regulations (charter) of the hospital, orders, resolutions, decisions, instructions and orders of higher health authorities or higher management bodies by subordination, and these instructions.

Represents the hospital in government, judicial, insurance, arbitration and other bodies.

The orders and instructions of the chief physician are mandatory for all hospital personnel.

Job description of the chief dentist of dentistry

3.8. The procedure for concluding and executing contracts.

  • 3.9. Organization of work ability examinations in medical and preventive institutions.
  • 3.10.

    Organization of social and medical rehabilitation of patients. 3.11. Theoretical and organizational foundations of the sanitary-epidemiological service.

  • 3.12.


Organization of health education, hygienic education of the population and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

  • 3.13. Legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation.
  • 3.14.

Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

  • During the absence of the chief physician (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a deputy, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.
  • II.
  • FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Chief physician of the Clinic: 2.1. Plans, organizes, coordinates and directs the daily rhythmic work of the Clinic in accordance with the mission and values ​​of the Company.

    2.2. Provides therapeutic, diagnostic and advisory assistance to patients and colleagues in accordance with modern requirements. 2.3. Carries out quality control of medical appointments and the treatment process (see more details) at the second level. 2.4. Provides the quality control expert with outpatient records of patients on a monthly basis in an amount of at least 50% of their total number. 2.5. Organizes meetings at the Clinic on treatment and issues. 2.6. Ensures compliance with the Company’s values ​​by the Clinic’s employees. 2.7.

    Job Description of the Chief Physician

    Types of chief doctors of medical institutions:

    • Job descriptions of the chief physician of the clinic additionally include responsibility for students or graduates of medical educational institutions assigned to them. Provide conditions of stay, registration and work within the institution.
    • The job description of the head physician of a sanatorium can be expanded to the ability to understand the sanatorium business, the documents required for this, the diseases for which treatment is prescribed, and be interested in the experience of colleagues in this area from other medical institutions, both within one’s region, and the experience of others.
    • The job descriptions of the chief physician of a private medical center, among other things, include the constant development and expansion of the list of possible paid services in which patients can be involved.

    Job description of the chief physician of a dental clinic/med. center

    Participate in drawing up requests for medicines, equipment and monitoring their rational use.

    • Labor protection rules, various types of safety and control over documents accompanying these procedures.
    • Study complaints and appeals within your competence, take the necessary actions in order to resolve them positively.
    • Work towards improving your skills.
    • Strictly comply with the terms of the employment contract and internal regulations of the company, in addition, monitors similar compliance on the part of employees.
    • Be responsible for the entrusted property.
    • Recruit staff for vacant positions.

    Retraining does not exempt you from the probationary period. Responsibility of the chief physician The presence of duties always implies the presence of responsibility for their improper performance.

    Job description of the chief physician of a private clinic

    Functions of the chief physician of the dental clinic LLC "Dental Clinic" APPROVED by the General Director of LLC "Dental Clinic" " " 200 JOB DESCRIPTION Chief physician of dentistry GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1.

    This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the chief physician of the Dental Clinic. 1.2. The chief physician is appointed and dismissed by order of the General Director of the enterprise. 1.3. The Chief Doctor of the Dental Clinic reports directly to the General Director. 1.4. A person with higher professional medical education and specialization and experience in dentistry is appointed to the position of chief physician. 1.5.

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