Donate blood for money
Most potential blood donors are primarily interested in a logical question: where to donate blood, how much money do they pay for it?
There are two payment methods: a food ration plus 550 rubles or a cash reward in the amount of 3,500 rubles. In one year, a donor can donate his blood no more than five times, that is, in a year you can earn about 20,000 rubles from donation.
In addition, there is a special program for those who have donated blood for several years in a row. They receive the title of honorary donor and have a number of benefits and corresponding social status. True, only those who donate blood without receiving a monetary reward can become an honorary donor.
As for benefits, according to the law, an honorary donor has the right to take a vacation at any time, receive a trip to a sanatorium in the first place, as well as medical care out of turn.
Who can become a blood donor? It is important to note that only a healthy person can become a donor. The person must meet the following requirements:
- Citizenship of the Russian Federation (or a person who has lived in Russia for more than one year);
- Age from 18 to 60 years;
- There are no contraindications for donating blood;
- Weight not less than 60 kg;
Before the procedure, each potential donor undergoes an examination to identify contraindications and appropriate preparation. Contraindications include primarily:
- The presence of infectious and viral diseases;
- Oncological diseases;
- Pregnancy;
- Allergies of various etiologies;
- Dental diseases;
- Dermatological and eye diseases.
Donation will also be denied to those who have recently visited tropical countries, undergone vaccinations and surgeries, or had piercings or tattoos. It is contraindicated to donate blood to women during menstruation.
Preparation for the procedure
- Three days before the procedure, you must stop taking medications that have a blood thinning effect (analgin, aspirin and others, except hormonal contraceptives);
- For 2 days, alcohol consumption is prohibited, it is also advisable to quit smoking;
- Before the procedure, it is advisable to follow a diet, avoid fatty and spicy foods, and also exclude milk, bananas, butter, and eggs. The recommended diet is durum wheat pasta, water-based porridge, as well as fruit and vegetable dishes. It is also advisable to drink sweet tea, fruit juice or fruit drink before the procedure.
How does the procedure work?
Before donating blood, each donor fills out a form where he indicates his passport details, as well as information about previous diseases. Then an examination is carried out, during which a specialist examines the donor. After this, a blood test is prescribed, which determines the group and general blood parameters, an analysis for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis.
Blood sampling is carried out in a sitting or lying position; this usually does not cause discomfort to the donor. After the procedure, dizziness, nausea, and headache may occur. Therefore, for 1-2 days after donating blood, it is recommended to observe bed rest and a high-calorie diet.
If everything is okay with this, then you will find out further where to donate blood for money in Moscow:
- Lyubertsy regional blood transfusion station, Lyubertsy, Oktyabrsky Prospekt, 64 - 1st floor. fax (495) 5037227 - reception
- Department of Blood Transfusion, Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after. M.F. Vladimirsky, st. Shchepkina, 61/2 to 8, tel. (495) 631 72 82, tel.
- Blood transfusion station, Moscow Department of Health, st. Baku, 31, tel. autoinformer, st. Polikarpova, 14 k2, tel. (495) 945 75 45 — registration
Where to donate blood for money in St. Petersburg
- St. Petersburg City Hospital No. 31, blood transfusion department, Dynamo Ave., 3, tel. 8-812-235-73-81
- St. Petersburg City Mariinsky Hospital, blood transfusion department, Liteiny Prospect, 56, tel. 8-812-275-74-21
- Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology FMBA of Russia, Blood Transfusion Department, 2nd Sovetskaya St., 16, tel. 8-812-274-57-21, 8-812-274-92-27
Donate blood for money in Nizhny Novgorod
- Nizhny Novgorod Regional Blood Center named after. N.Ya. Klimova, st. Rodionova, 194, Reception 8-831-432-88-80, Registration 8-831-432-84-27; Pre-registration of donors by phone. (831) 432-84-27
Donate blood for money in Yekaterinburg
- Blood transfusion station of the FMBA of Russia in Ekaterinburg, st. Solikamskaya, 6, tel 8-343-322-73-48
- Sverdlovsk regional blood transfusion station (formerly "Sangvis"), Ekaterinburg, st. Palmiro Tolyatti, 8
- Regional Children's Clinical Hospital No. 1, blood transfusion department, st. S. Deryabina, 32, tel. 8-343-240-57-80, 8-343-240-58-01
Sperm donation is more profitable than blood donation. First of all, donating sperm does not bring any side effects, there is no recovery required after the procedure, and the most important aspect is the monetary reward.
The price of one dose of genetic material can vary from 200 rubles. up to $200, which directly depends on the fertility of the seed.
How much does it cost to donate sperm?
Typically, the donor enters into a contract with a medical clinic and can donate his sperm 2 times a week for one year. On average in Russia, the first procedure is paid in the amount of 500 rubles, each subsequent procedure is 1000 rubles. There are 52 weeks in a year, that is, you can earn about 103,000 rubles a year from sperm donation if you donate it twice a week.
Clinic where you can donate sperm
It also states that a donor can receive up to 35 thousand rubles per month, that is, donate 10 times a month. At this rate, you can earn 420,000 rubles in a year.
In addition, the donor has a significant bonus - a free examination of the body at the expense of the clinic. Of course, the requirements for the donor are quite high. Let's look at them in more detail.
Requirements for a sperm donor
- Physical health;
- Attractive appearance;
- The absence of hereditary diseases not only in the potential donor, but also in his close relatives;
- Age up to 35 years;
- No infectious diseases.
Before concluding a contract, the donor undergoes several stages of examination, during which all possible contraindications are excluded. At the first stage, a blood test is performed to determine the group and Rh factor, as well as a spermogram. The donor also undergoes consultation with a psychiatrist and geneticist. In addition, the donor is examined quarterly by a urologist and tested for HIV, herpes, syphilis and other viral diseases.
Once a year, in addition to other examinations, the donor undergoes a consultation with a therapist, undergoes general blood and urine tests, as well as fluorography. Therefore, if you want to become a sperm donor, you must carefully monitor your health and lifestyle during the contract. A week before the procedure, you must completely avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.
State regulation in the field of donation
The Russian Federation maintains a database of blood donations and its components. The main purpose of maintaining this database is to ensure control in the area of circulation of donor blood by government agencies of the Russian Federation.
Payments to blood donors in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region in 2021
The donor’s personal data is entered into this database. Data is entered only with the written consent of the donor. In fact, a register of donors is maintained indicating the donor's full name, date of birth, gender, and passport details. This database also contains the following data:
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Honorary donors of Russia and the USSR will receive an increased annual payment in 2021. Taking into account indexation, the amount will be 15,109 rubles. 46 kopecks Citizens who donate their blood for free are greatly respected in Russia and receive numerous benefits and preferences that they should be aware of.
Compensation for honorary donors in 2019
Donation is available to capable persons, citizens of the Russian Federation (who meet the conditions of Article 21 of the Civil Code) or non-citizens over 18 years of age who have been residing in the Russian Federation in compliance with the law for at least a year, with their good will to donate blood and in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. . 21 Civil Code.
To perform his function, the DC goes to the blood transfusion station, where he is obliged to:
- Show your passport (other identification document).
- Enter (in the questionnaire) the data known to him about his infectious diseases, communication with such patients, being in places with the threat of the emergence (spread) of mass infectious diseases or epidemics, about the use of drugs, psychotropic substances, about working in harmful and (or) dangerous conditions , vaccinations and surgical operations that occurred within a year before the date of delivery.
- Pass medical checks based on Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2001 No. 364.
- After positive test results, delivery occurs.
A medical examination precedes the collection of biomaterial; it is free for the recreation center. With autologous transfusion, such examination is not necessary. The personal data of the person receiving the donated blood is not disclosed to the donor and vice versa.
Donors are awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge if they donate for free:
- blood and/or its components (minus blood plasma) at least 40 times;
- the specified elements at least 25 times and plasma in their total volume 40 times;
- blood and/or its components less than 25 times and plasma in their total volume at least 60 times;
- plasma at least 60 times.
The procedure for obtaining such a sign is noted in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2012 No. 1228. It allows you to receive social assistance measures listed in Art. 23 Federal Law No. 125 dated July 20, 2012, one of them is an annual cash payment.
The amount of such payment in 2021 is 10,557 rubles. It is indexed once a year on January 1, based on the inflation rate, which is established by the Federal Law on the federal budget for the appropriate financial year and planning period. This compensation is not subject to personal income tax.
The badge of the Honorary Donor of Russia is awarded if one of the conditions is met:
- 40 whole blood donations;
- 60 plasma donations;
- 25 blood donations and 15 plasma donations;
- a total of 60 blood and plasma donations if whole blood is donated less than 25 times.
Scheme “How to become an Honorary Donor of Russia”
Honorary donors of Russia are entitled to the following benefits:
- if the holder of this title works - paid leave at any time convenient for him;
- extraordinary services in state and municipal medical institutions;
- priority right to preferential travel vouchers at the place of work;
- annual indexed payment, which in 2021 is equal to 13,562.78 rubles.
The same benefits are granted to Russian citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation who were awarded the badges of the Honorary Donor of the USSR and the Honorary Donor of Ukraine.
Moscow and St. Petersburg also provide regional awards and benefits for honorary donors.
Conditions for awarding the Honorary Donor of Moscow badge:
- 20–40 whole blood donations in medical institutions in Moscow;
- 20 blood and plasma donations, including 13 whole blood donations in Moscow institutions;
- 30 blood and plasma donations in Moscow institutions, if there are less than 13 whole blood donations.
If, after receiving the badge, the Honorary Donor of Moscow continues to donate whole blood in the capital three times a year or platelets seven times a year, he is entitled to the following benefits:
- free travel on public transport, except for minibuses and taxis, in Moscow, and in fact, in the Moscow region;
- free production and insertion of dentures, metal-ceramics and precious metals are paid for at your own expense;
- 50% discount on utilities within the social norm for living space per person and consumption standards;
- 50% discount on medicines.
To become an Honorary Donor of St. Petersburg, one of the following conditions must be met:
- donate blood in institutions of the St. Petersburg Blood Service system 20–40 times;
- plasma - 30–60 times;
- blood and plasma - 40 donations, if 10–25 of them are whole blood, 60 - if there are less than 10 whole blood donations.
The St. Petersburg Honorary Donor Medal, unlike Moscow, does not provide the right to additional benefits.
An important feature is that only gratuitous blood donations are taken into account for awarding the Honorary Donor badge or medal. Paid donations in Moscow and St. Petersburg, when the donor received payments in excess of food compensation, are not counted.
Honorary donor position Russia
Control over the expenditure of funds is carried out by the federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the financial and budgetary sphere, and the bodies authorized by it, the federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the field of healthcare and social development, and the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.
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Is it true that previously those who were awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge had the same position as “veterans of labor”, were equated with them. Had the same benefits? And now what advantages do blood donors have? Do they retire on a general basis?
After receiving the title of honorary donor, a person receives an annual cash benefit. Its size is twelve thousand rubles. Please note that the amount is subject to regular indexation and is not taxed.
What are the benefits for donors?
Benefits for recreational centers are established both by the Federal Law of July 20, 2012 No. 125, and by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Art. 22 Federal Law No. 125 determines that a person who donates blood free of charge:
- on the day of donation, they are provided with free food, which is paid for by the organization that collects the donated blood. The composition of such nutrition is determined by the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, which is in charge of this organization; the minimum requirements for the composition are prescribed in Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 13, 2012 No. 1039n;
- Compensation for food to donors is paid when the collection takes place in a mobile blood collection complex, in a room provided free of charge by the employer, and also if an application for such payment is received from the donor. Compensation for food to donors is 5% of the subsistence level of the working-age population, established and in force in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation where the donation took place, on the date of such a procedure. The values of subsistence minimums are determined by the relevant laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
- A DC who has passed the two maximum doses during the year receives the right to an extraordinary purchase at work or study of preferential vouchers to sanatoriums (resorts). The volume of these doses is determined by the doctor during the examination.
Art. 186 of the Labor Code contains the following guarantees and compensation to donors:
- on the days of blood collection (donation) and associated medical examination, workers are released from work;
- if an employee went to work on the day of donation by agreement with the employer, he is given another day off at his request. Going to work in harmful and/or dangerous conditions on this day is excluded;
- An employee receives an additional day off when biomaterial is taken from him on a day of rest, a non-working holiday, or during annual paid leave;
- for each day of biomaterial collection, the employee is rewarded with an additional day of rest, which, according to his will (expressed in the application), is added to the annual leave or used in another period within a year after the donation;
- When taking blood, the employer retains for the employee his average earnings for these days and the days off provided in this regard.
If the employer violates the legal requirements regarding the workplace, you must contact the labor inspectorate or court. As a rule, such actions give rise to a fine for the employer under Art. 5.27 of the Administrative Code, as well as possible consequences under Art. 236 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Principles and concept of donation
On the day of blood donation, the person is released from work in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If a donor decides to donate blood during paid annual leave, as well as on a weekend or holiday, he has the right to request an additional day of rest from the employer.
What payments can a blood donor receive?
The main goal of any blood service is to ensure unity in the circulation of donor blood and its components. As a rule, the coordination of the blood service is carried out by the executive authority.
Earning the title “Honorary Donor” is not easy, because a person not only must donate his blood and its components for the benefit of medicine and other people, but also do it more than once, consciously and absolutely free of charge. And correspondingly. in gratitude for the selfless performance of public duty, he will be rewarded not only with material benefits, but also with social guarantees established by regulations.
No. 125-FZ “On the donation of blood and its components” clearly defines the concept of blood donation, and people who donate their blood free of charge are rightfully considered honorary citizens. In our country, a blood donor is considered to be any person who voluntarily donates his own blood, as well as such components as: Blood plasma and its immune
Benefits for honorary donors in 2021: the latest news
“Our hall is usually full, there is even a line in the corridor, donors are waiting to sit in a chair. Today we see a half-empty hall. This is very sad because the first to suffer will be the patients and the doctors who treat them. This is very sad,” says transfusiologist Irina Evgenievna Drozhzhina.
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After taking the required amount of blood components, the remaining part is transfused back to the donor. The process of donating blood is absolutely safe for the donor, the medical instruments used are sterile and undergo constant certification, so you should not believe in various mythical stories about the possibility of infection.
How to prepare to donate blood
Donors are compensated in 2021 if they:
- have a rare blood phenotype discovered during previous blood collections: ccDEE, CCDEe, ccddee, CcDEE, Ccddee, CCDEE, CCddEE;
- lack one of the following erythrocyte antigens: k, -S, -M and others;
- are allowed to be donated by apheresis of plasma, platelets, erythrocytes, and leukocytes.
These grounds are identified during a medical examination or thanks to the medical documents of the giver. Even with such facts, the DC can voluntarily agree to the procedure for free.
Payment options for blood donation:
- 8% of the current subsistence level on the day of delivery in the subject of the Russian Federation where it is donated, if the donor has a rare phenotype or is deprived of one of the erythrocyte antigens, for one donation of 450 (/-10%) ml;
- if DC is allowed to be donated through apheresis of plasma, platelets, erythrocytes, leukocytes, one plasma donation of 600 (/-10%) ml will already bring 15% of the subsistence level. One donation of platelets in a minimum volume of cells costs 35%. One volume of red blood cells (400 ml / -10%) - 25%. The dose of leukocytes minimum cells is 45%.
These payments are not subject to personal income tax.
If you plan to donate blood, find out if pre-registration is required in your area. In Moscow it is mandatory; you can sign up by phone or online. On a first-come, first-served basis, the city blood center accepts only those who donate blood free of charge for relatives.
In the 90s, the so-called “per-client” blood donation was practiced. Both clients and donors were found by intermediaries who were located in the lobby of the blood transfusion station during operating hours. Once, one such intermediary tried to offer services to me when I went to the regional blood transfusion station to interview its director.
The day before the planned visit to the blood transfusion station, you will have to refrain from spicy, fatty, fried foods, bananas, eggs, nuts, milk and dairy products, animal and vegetable oil.
You should not drink alcohol for two days before donation. Aspirin, analgesics and drugs containing them - three days.
Be sure to get enough sleep before donating blood. If the donation was preceded by a night shift, you did not sleep or you slept poorly, it is better to reschedule it for another day.
Immediately before going to the blood donation point, a light breakfast is required - porridge with water, an apple, sweet tea with cookies.
If you are not feeling well on the day of your scheduled blood donation, cancel your donation.
When the doctor has completed manipulations with the donor, it is recommended not to get up from the chair immediately, but to lie in it for 10–15 minutes. If you feel dizzy or have other unpleasant symptoms, be sure to tell the medical staff - they will help you.
When I participated in university donor days, I saw some students faint during blood donation or immediately after it. They were promptly brought to their senses and allowed to rest. And when I myself looked down after the procedure, the nurse who filled out the papers for me asked if everything was okay with me. Fortunately, I didn’t feel ill, it was just a habit I had.
It is recommended not to remove the bandage that the health worker placed on your arm for three to four hours, and not to get the injection site wet. Otherwise, there is a risk of bruising.
You should not smoke for two hours after donating blood, and you should not drive a motorcycle for the same amount of time. But you can get behind the wheel of a car right away. But it’s also better to be guided by how you feel: a certificate of blood donation will not be a mitigating circumstance if, due to your poor health, an accident occurs, and it will not help you much if you yourself suffer in it. It’s safer to be guided by your own feelings, and if you’re unsure, hold off on the trip.
Physical activity, be it going to the gym or going grocery shopping, is highly undesirable after donating blood.
During the first days after blood donation, you need to eat well and drink at least two liters of water per day for the next two days. But you should abstain from alcohol for at least a day after blood donation.
Vaccinations cannot be done 10 days after donating blood.
Honorary donor of Russia: benefits and payments in 2020
The center’s employees provide comprehensive control of all activities, both organizational and medical. The center also guarantees the drawing up of a legally competent cooperation agreement with the donor, as well as the signing of a waiver of parental rights.
Benefits for donors
With commercial donation, the amount charged for blood donation is equal to 8–45% of the subsistence level in the region. The first 30 milliliters are free of charge. Free regular donation of plasma or blood gives a person the right to receive the status of “Honorary Donor of Russia.”
May 12, 2021 vektorurist 123
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Bonus - make money on hair
Another easy way to make money is selling hair. True, you can only sell long hair from 40 cm. In addition to length, much attention is paid to the quality, structure of the hair, thickness and strength. Hair color is also an important factor. Natural hair of light shades is in great demand.
The cost depends on the length and is about 3,000 rubles per 100 g with a length of 40 cm. The longer the hair, the higher its price.
For those who are interested in continuing the topic of making money from their body, there is an article on how to sell a kidney and get $200,000.
Why do you need to donate blood and do you get paid for it?
Russian hospitals are constantly in need of blood and its components. Massive bleeding during surgery, large loss of blood due to injury in a car accident or accident, injuries during criminal incidents - in such and similar cases, a sufficient volume of donor blood often becomes a condition for saving the patient’s life. And in case of emergency situations, the need of medical institutions for donor blood increases several times.
A separate interest of the donor himself is that periodically donating blood is good for health. When the blood is regularly renewed, and when there is a slight deficiency, the body is able to quickly replenish it using its own reserves, it becomes cleaner. In this regard, the internal organs and systems that are involved in the formation of blood can be compared to a car.
Medical statistics show that those who regularly donate blood are less likely to develop blood clots and have heart attacks. Along with the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, donating blood has a good effect on the picture of skin diseases. Along with the blood, some of the allergens and other harmful substances that have accumulated there, which cause acne and other unhealthy formations on the skin, are also removed from the body.
Finally, we cannot ignore the material side of the matter. The state pays for donated blood. And even if the donor does his business for free, at the blood donation point he will be given at least food or offered money not for the blood itself, but compensation for food. The amount of payments depends on the region. In most cases, the donor has the right to rely only on nutritional compensation. But in Moscow and St. Petersburg you can get money for blood itself.
I myself donated blood for the first time when I was a student - at the university, on average, donor days were held once every six months: specialists from the regional blood transfusion station came to the academic building with the necessary equipment, occupied one of the empty classrooms, and those who wanted to donate blood lined up there.
The amount of compensation was comparable to the scholarship and was partly given in cash, and partly accrued by the accounting department in addition to the next scholarship on the basis of a certificate that had to be taken to the dean’s office. After the blood donation, we were treated to sweet tea and pastries. He also received a voucher for lunch at the university cafeteria.
general information
If you decide to start donating blood, then you should not stop at small results . You will be considered a donor even after two or three of your donations, but to become an honorary one, it is worth putting in a lot of effort and time .
How to become?
- this process is carried out on a voluntary basis; absolutely no one can be forced or coerced into donating blood;
- it is necessary that you reach 18 years of age, otherwise this process may be reversed and cause harm to your health;
- You must obtain all the necessary certificates from the hospital indicating that you are absolutely healthy and can begin this difficult task.
- You will need to provide documentary evidence of free blood donation to the regional Ministry of Health
- Obtain a verified badge and ID from your local health authority
- Receive confirmation of your badge from the Ministry of Health
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Medical and formal requirements for donors
Anyone who meets the following set of criteria has the right to become a donor:
- Russian citizenship or residence permit in the Russian Federation, issued at least a year ago;
- 18 - 60 years old;
- weight from 50 kg;
- availability of an identity document (Russian passport or foreigner’s residence permit) when visiting a blood donation point;
- no medical contraindications.
Medical contraindications to donation are divided into absolute and temporary. Absolutely exclude the possibility of donating blood, regardless of how long ago a person suffered from a disease from this list, and how the treatment ended. There are more than 30 such factors. Temporary ones make it possible to resume donation after a pause, which is different for each factor from this list and ranges from 48 hours to three years.
A complete official list of all contraindications can be found, for example, on the website of the Moscow Blood Center (city blood transfusion station) named after Gavrilov.
As an example, here are some of the most common temporary contraindications:
- alcohol consumption - 48 hours;
- smoking - 1 hour;
- taking aspirin, analgesics and medications containing them - 72 hours;
- taking antibiotics - 2 weeks;
- menstruation - 5 days;
- surgery - six months;
- tattooing or acupuncture treatment - 1 year;
- foreign business trips longer than 2 months - six months;
- stay more than three months in subtropical countries where malaria is common - 3 years;
- contact with patients with hepatitis - 3 months for hepatitis A and 1 year for hepatitis B and C.
Basic requirements for donors and temporary contraindications in the form of a diagram
How much does it cost to donate blood?
The amount of compensation for donors in each region is different, and it is better to clarify the latest information at the blood donation point where you plan to donate - this is the name of the blood donation procedure. As a rule, this information is available on the websites of the blood transfusion stations themselves, if they have a website, or of regional and local health authorities.
Here, for clarity, we present prices in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Rostov-on-Don as of February 2019.
In Moscow, a donor can count on the following payments:
- 450 ml of blood - 4080 rubles;
- 600 ml of plasma - 3600 rubles;
- 200 x 109 platelet cells - 5760 rubles;
- 400 ml of blood for red blood cells - 6,000 rubles.
At the donor's choice, he can receive money not immediately after donation, but after several donations of blood and components. In Moscow, this option is more profitable. Prices in 2021 are as follows:
- 4 donations of whole blood - 24,000 rubles;
- 15 plasma donations - 62,400 rubles;
- 10 platelet donations - 62,400 rubles;
- 2 donations of red blood cells - 19,200 rubles.
Money for one donation can be received on the day of application or within a year after it directly at the blood donation point. If a donor chooses the reward option for multiple donations, the application deadline is 3 months from the date of the last one for which he is entitled to payment.
Not everyone can become a paid donor. In Moscow, if you are donating blood for the first time, only a free option is possible. Exclusively free blood donation is possible in the capital for those who act as donors for their relatives.
All donors who donate blood and components, both free of charge and for money, are entitled to compensation for food, which is paid in cash immediately after donation. In Moscow in 2019 it is equal to 1128 rubles.
In St. Petersburg, 880 rubles are paid for donating whole blood. The amount of compensation for food provided to all donors, including those who donate blood free of charge, depends on the affiliation of a particular hospital or blood transfusion station. In federal and departmental ones, this is 5% of the local subsistence level - 604 rubles in February 2021. In urban areas, donors who have permanent registration in the Northern capital are paid an additional 757 rubles.
In Rostov-on-Don, a donor has the right to count on compensation for food costs - 5% of the local subsistence level. The regional blood transfusion station does not offer paid donation options, only free donations. The situation is similar in most other regions of the country.
Time off for donors
If the donor is in an employment relationship, he is released from work on the day of blood donation, and the employer is obliged to maintain his average earnings for that day. If the donor went to work on the day of blood donation, the day off can be used on any other day. He is also entitled to an additional day off while maintaining his average earnings. Thus, a certificate of blood donation, which is issued upon completion of the process, gives the employee the right to actually two paid days off.
If an employee donates blood during a paid vacation, he also retains the right to a paid day off for the day of blood donation.
An employee who donates full doses of blood and components at least twice a year is also entitled to full sick pay for that year, regardless of his length of insurance coverage with the Social Insurance Fund.
All these benefits are provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and apply only to those who work under an employment contract. If a donor provides services or performs work under civil contracts, he, unfortunately, is not entitled to these benefits.
What do you need to become an Honorary Donor?
- about 60 completed mixed donations.
- about 40 transfusions performed, of which at least 25 times were blood transfusions;
- about donating blood or its components (except plasma) 40 or more times or plasma at least 60 times;
Ekaterinburg payment in 2021 to honorary donors
An honored donor has a number of privileges in the Sverdlovsk region:
This cash payment is paid once, until April 1 annually. Eligibility for financial support must be confirmed annually. Therefore, the donor will receive payments if he collects and provides all the necessary documents, namely an application, passport, and award certificate. To schedule a payment, you must contact the territorial department of social protection.
The order to replace hot meals with compensation was signed by the Russian Ministry of Health. Hot meals are a necessary measure to restore the healthy tone of the human body that has donated blood. Mobile stations that are unable to provide people with such support are a separate issue. In them, due to the lack of opportunity to organize meals, payments for blood donation are made without an application.
Benefits for honorary donors
It is worth noting that in Russia there is such a thing as hidden paid donation. This is a situation where the patient’s relatives independently search for a donor and pay for the donation. And the amounts here are already significantly higher than those that are so actively discussed at the state level.
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If a citizen has successfully completed the required number of donations, then he becomes a full-fledged “Honorary Donor of Russia.” The title gives not only personal pride, but also lifelong privileges. There is a list of basic federal benefits that are available to any region of the country.
How often can you donate blood?
For men, the number of donations is limited to five per year, for women - four. Plasma can be donated 20 times a year, platelets - 10 times, red blood cells - 2 times.
In addition, you need to observe the following pauses:
- from 60 days between two blood donations;
- from 30 days between plasma and blood donations;
- from 14 days before donating plasma, platelets or blood after donating plasma or platelets;
- 60–180 days depending on the cells taken between red blood cell donations.
Schedule of intervals between donations of whole blood and components
It hurts?
No. The oocyte retrieval procedure takes place under light anesthesia. At this moment you will be asleep. After waking up, there may be nagging pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation.
Will I be able to have children later?
Yes, sure! The procedure does not affect your ability to conceive your child.
What restrictions will there be during the program?
Restrictions apply to the period after puncture (two weeks). You will need to abstain from sexual activity, sports, hot procedures (saunas, steam baths)
What complications can there be, and what to do if they occur?
A complication of the procedure may be ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. This is a completely reversible condition that goes away by the beginning of a new menstruation. In this case, there may be a feeling of bloating, as with intense gas formation in the intestines. If such a condition occurs, you will need to call your fertility specialist at the Family Medicine Center Clinic, and they will provide you with free help.
What happens to the donor at the blood transfusion station
The scheme of a visit to a blood donation point in all regions is usually the same and consists of the following steps:
- Handling your passport to the registry and filling out the donor form.
- Express finger blood test and examination by a doctor. The doctor measures the donor's blood pressure and pulse, weighs him, examines the skin and mucous membranes, studies the questionnaire and test results. Based on all this, he decides whether to allow the donor to participate in the procedure.
- If everything is in order, the donor goes to the buffet, where he is offered a light snack - usually sweet tea with cookies.
- After the buffet, the visitor finally finds himself in a special donor chair, where his blood is taken. The procedure takes from 20 minutes to an hour and a half, 450 ml of whole blood is taken at a time, plus or minus 10 ml. If blood components are donated, the dose ranges from 270 to 600 ml. In addition, 20 ml is taken from each donor during rapid analysis.
- Upon completion of the procedure, the donor receives a certificate in the prescribed form and compensation for food.
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How much money do they give for donating blood in the rest of Russia?
From the latest news it became known that an increase of 4% is expected. Thus, its size will be 13,562 thousand rubles 78 kopecks; honorary donors of Russia will be able to receive this amount. To receive this payment, you must complete the following actions:
How much do they pay for donating plasma in 2021?
Somewhere you can only go and donate blood for a week, and before the next blood donation you will have to undergo a medical examination again. And in some centers you can get tested once a year - and safely donate blood during this time. Although, of course, tests a week or two before donating blood eliminate the risk of contracting infectious diseases between blood donations.
May 04, 2021 semeiadvo 235
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