What should a carpenter's job description contain: examples and sample documents

General provisions
1.1. A carpenter belongs to the category of workers.

1.2. A person who has a secondary vocational education without requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the specialty of at least 2 years is appointed to the position of a carpenter.

1.3. Appointment to a position and dismissal from it are made by order of the director of the college on the proposal of the deputy director for administrative and economic affairs.

1.4. During the absence of the office cleaner, his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director. This person acquires the corresponding rights and obligations and is responsible for the high-quality and timely performance of the duties assigned to him.

1.5. The carpenter reports directly to the deputy director for administrative and economic affairs.

1.6. The carpenter must know:

1.6.1. Carpentry technology;

1.6.2. Rules for economical use of materials;

1.6.3. Methods for efficient and high-quality carpentry work;

1.6.4. Modern methods of carpentry repair;

1.6.5. Rules for using protective equipment;

1.6.6. Internal labor regulations;

1.6.7. Fundamentals of labor legislation;

1.6.8. Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.7. The carpenter is a member of the administrative and economic department team.

II. Job responsibilities

2.1. The carpenter is obliged:

2.1.1. Monitor the serviceability of furniture, doors, locks, windows, baseboards;

2.1.2. Repair breakdowns in a timely manner, install glass in window frames, locks, latches and awnings;

2.1.3. Carry out carpentry work in the college carpentry workshop at the request of the administration;

2.1.4. Manufacture and repair household equipment for the needs of the college;

2.1.5. Carry out individual assignments of the deputy director for administrative and economic affairs and the commandant;

2.1.6. Ensure strict compliance with safety, fire and electrical safety requirements during work;

Rights 3.1. The carpenter has the right:

3.1.1. Receive timely information about changes in its operating mode;

3.1.2. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the college management concerning its activities;

3.1.3. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the duties performed by him;

3.1.4. Submit proposals to improve your work for consideration by your immediate supervisor;

3.1.5. Demand that the college management provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights;

3.1.6. To provide special clothing.

IV. Responsibility

4.1. The carpenter is responsible:

4.1.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.1.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out its activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.1.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Interaction 5.1. The carpenter interacts:

5.1.1. With the Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Affairs;

5.1.2. With the commandants of educational buildings.

VI. List of documents and records on the activities of a carpenter

6.1. This job description;

6.2. Employment contract;

6.3. Safety instructions.

The job description was developed in accordance with the recommendations of the “Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees”, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 000 of August 14, 2009.

I have read the instructions:


State budgetary educational institution

for orphans and children left without parental care

"Moshinsky orphanage"


Director ________ D.V. Barabkin

"__" October 2013

Job description No. 21


  1. 1.General provisions

1.1. A carpenter belongs to the category of workers.

1.2. A person is appointed to the position of a carpenter without presenting requirements for education and work experience.

1.3. The joiner reports directly to the Deputy Director for AHR.

1.4. Appointment to the position of carpenter and dismissal from it are made by order of the director.

1.5. A carpenter must know: the main species and defects of wood; rules for handling electrified tools, labor protection and fire safety rules, internal labor regulations of the institution.

1.6. During the carpenter’s absence, his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the institution. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

  1. 2.Job responsibilities.

2.1. Handcrafts and installs straight carpentry rods, straight handrails of simple profile;

2.2. Makes straight blanks of joinery using power tools or manually;

2.3. Cleans parts after machining;

2.4. Installs overhead window and door fixtures to suit the location; installation of a sealing cord in paired bindings;

2.5. Carries out assembly and repair of straight transoms, window sashes, blind frames;

2.6. Installs door and window blocks, window sill boards and mounting bars;

2.7. Installs simple mortise and partially mortise devices (door rollers with slats, turntable bells, door and window handles, transverse latches, etc.);

2.8. Performs work on the installation of dry rolled roofs with nailing and roofs made of piece materials;

2.9. Performs minor repairs as directed by management;

2.10. In emergency situations, is involved in other types of work of the institution;

2.11. Complies with labor protection and fire safety regulations;

2.12. Rationally uses the institution's fuel and energy resources.

3. Rights

The carpenter has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the institution’s management relating to its activities;

3.2. Submit proposals on issues of its activities for consideration by the director of the institution;

3.3. Receive from managers and specialists of the institution the information necessary to carry out their activities;

3.4. Require the management of the institution to provide assistance in the performance of official duties;

3.5. To a workplace that meets labor safety requirements, to receive reliable information from the employer about conditions and labor protection in the workplace;

4. Responsibility

The carpenter is responsible for:

4.1. For failure to fulfill or improper performance of their duties provided for in these instructions - in accordance with the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.2. For offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed on the basis of the qualification characteristics of the position of a carpenter (Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 No. 37 (as amended on April 29, 2008)).

Deputy Director for AHR P.S. Manushkin

Wood is one of the ancient building materials. People used it to build houses, churches, make furniture, dishes, and household items. Although at first glance the work seems simple, the profession of a carpenter is complex. These employees have their own rights and responsibilities, stated in the job description. This is discussed in more detail in the article.

Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Performs moderately complex carpentry work, wood processing work manually, with mechanical and electrical tools, and on woodworking machines.

2.2. Manufactures, assembles and installs carpentry, furniture, and built-in furniture of medium complexity.

2.3. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.4. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

General information

A carpenter is a highly qualified employee, master and artisan who creates and turns wood products. In his work he uses lamination, veneering and veneering. In the 18th century, specialists only made furniture, although the profession arose much earlier.

Nowadays, carpentry shops produce complex furniture, doors, windows, stairs, cornices, plinths, and arches. In their work, specialists use a variety of techniques that allow them to create original gizmos. A carpenter's responsibilities include a variety of jobs. Typically it does:

  1. Wood processing.
  2. Creation and restoration of furniture.
  3. Installation and installation of window openings and doors.
  4. Mortise locks.
  5. Repair of wooden elements.
  6. Installation of furniture.
  7. Grinding and polishing.
  8. Manufacturing of small parts.
  9. Working with fasteners.

A carpenter's job description may include additional responsibilities. This is a general specialist who performs all the items himself: from preparation to finishing.

Differences in requirements for duties performed in enterprises and organizations

Special knowledge in construction :

  1. Methods for connecting and installing the most complex wooden floors.
  2. Basic methods of construction and design of different types of formwork.
  3. Possibility of producing templates for large engineering types of building structures.
  4. Technical instructions for operation, storage, use of tools, devices, measuring instruments.
  5. Sketches and drawings that are used in the work process.
  6. Necessary requirements to achieve maximum quality of work.
  7. Professional requirements for a given profession for a low-level worker.

Read also: How to make a simple knife

A carpenter in the housing and public utilities sector needs to know:

  1. Requirements for the quality of roofing materials.
  2. Methods for marking and roofing roofs of varying complexity.
  3. The front parts of the roofs are made of sheet steel.
  4. Basic physical and mechanical properties of wood.
  5. Tolerances and allowances for processing.
  6. Simple sketches and drawings.
  7. Design, purpose of tools, mechanisms, devices and equipment when using them.
  8. Assembly of all structural parts.

The responsibilities of a carpenter in a hospital include:

  1. Rough trimming, transverse and longitudinal sawing of lumber.
  2. Manufacturing and repair of construction equipment.
  3. Carpentry and general construction work.
  4. Processing wood manually and using power tools.
  5. Simple carpentry work.
  6. Making and using simple carpentry products.
  7. Production and packaging of mail, goods and luggage boxes, pallets, lathing.
  8. Execution of collective works.

A carpenter at school does:

  1. Maintaining buildings on the school grounds in good condition.
  2. Maintaining water supply, heat supply, central heating systems, drains, and other similar equipment in working order.
  3. Carrying out repair work.
  4. Not complicated repairs in classrooms.
  5. Seasonal preparation of maintained structures, buildings, equipment.
  6. Elimination of damage and malfunctions at the request of the school director.
  7. Carrying out routine repairs including soldering and plumbing work.


Due to the expansion of the scope of labor, specializations arose:

  1. Cabinetmakers - create and repair furniture.
  2. Carpenters at a construction site finish the interior of a house, install windows, doors, and furniture.
  3. Specialists at ship and aircraft factories.
  4. Woodworkers creating musical instruments.

The job description of a carpenter in each production is different, it all depends on the specialization of the enterprise. All employees applying for a job are familiarized with the responsibilities. All specializations are taught in colleges, technical schools, and also in production.


Training of workers in safe labor methods is carried out in all organizations and enterprises, regardless of the degree and nature of the production hazard. The organization of training for the enterprise is entrusted to a special commission created by order of the head of the enterprise.

Control over the timeliness of training and its quality is carried out by the labor protection department. Registration of training for each new arrival at the enterprise is carried out in a special journal .

Workers who have undergone special training and instruction, as well as safety training and medical examination are allowed to work.

There are medical contraindications for becoming a carpenter:

  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • allergy;
  • musculoskeletal disorder;
  • hypertension, other cardiovascular diseases;
  • eye diseases.

Personal qualities

The employee spends almost the entire day on his feet. A carpenter's workplace is located in a workshop where some wooden things are made. Important qualities are excellent health and endurance. It should be taken into account that the work is considered hazardous. The specialist uses planes, a saw, and an ax in his work.

Devices require careful handling and strict adherence to safety regulations, so it is important for the employee to be responsible, attentive, and careful. Since this is a creative field, the master needs to have:

  1. An accurate eye.
  2. Spatial thinking.
  3. A sense of beauty.
  4. Ability to distinguish colors and shades.
  5. Accuracy.
  6. Creativity.
  7. Patience.
  8. Responsibility.
  9. Developed coordination of movements.

These qualities will allow you to complete the work correctly and in a timely manner. The job description of a carpenter states that he must have professional knowledge. For example, it is important for him to understand the differences between breeds, determine the quality of the blanks and choose the ones that are suitable for each case. This is especially necessary for those who work with furniture or musical instruments.

Craftsmen need knowledge of the chemical composition of glue and paints and varnishes. Besides everything else, a carpenter should be able to read drawings, and a highly skilled craftsman should be able to create them. The diversity of skills makes specialists even more in demand.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

Like any profession, being a carpenter has a number of positive and negative features.

A significant disadvantage is the high physical activity, which can lead to the development of health problems in the future. The monotony of tasks performed leads to the development of fatigue and loss of attention. In addition, constantly being on your feet increases the likelihood of developing such diagnoses as varicose veins and flat feet. Participation in construction requires you to be at heights, which entails the risk of falling, so it is very important to take safety seriously and always check your safety equipment. An additional risk factor is the tool used. Errors in their use are unacceptable and are fraught with consequences such as injury.


The positive features of the specialty include the following:

  1. Periodicity. If we are talking about work in an institution, then the workload during the working day is quite small and chaotic.
  2. Ability to regulate earnings. The specialty allows you to perform job duties at several construction sites without losing the quality of the activities performed.
  3. Demand. From the description of the profession, it becomes clear that the range of services that a carpenter can provide is quite wide, so craftsmen will not be left without work.
  4. Savings at home. The acquired skills make it possible to make many household items from scrap materials. And you can save a lot on buying furniture, since you can make it yourself, spending money only on materials.
  5. Possibility of small part-time jobs and creating your own workshops. If a person is truly created for this profession, he will be able to master many skills and make money from it.


The main advantage of the job is that it is in demand. These specialists are needed everywhere: at a construction site, a furniture factory, in the shipbuilding industry. Thanks to a specialist diploma, simple employment in the specialty is ensured. The average monthly income in the country is 40-50 thousand rubles.

The advantage of the profession is the possibility of additional income. If the master has his own tools, he will be able to take orders to his home or carpentry shop. To find clients, you should place advertisements in newspapers and on the Internet. Typically, craftsmen quickly get customers.

Getting a profession

According to the job description of a carpenter, the master must have a profession. To do this, you can become an apprentice in production and master the basics of your specialty. There is the possibility of enrolling in a specialized technical school or college that trains masters.

To obtain the profession of a high-class cabinetmaker, you need to combine 2 methods of mastering the profession. It turns out that you need to graduate from a vocational school, and then go to work with an experienced master for practical work.


The job description contains a section on rights, and they are also enshrined in law. The main ones include:

  1. Requirement from managers to assist in the performance of duties: providing a workplace, tools, necessary information.
  2. Contacting management with suggestions for improvement.
  3. Report on violations.

If an enterprise introduces other rights for an employee that are necessary for a given workplace, then they must be included in the job description.

The main components of writing instructions

Since there are no provisions in labor legislation regulating the content of a job description, employers can create a document based on their needs. Usually they adapt standard instructions, supplementing them with the provisions of suitable professional standards, while being guided by the rules of business document flow.

The most common type of instructions contains four parts:

  • General section.
  • Functional responsibilities of a specialist.
  • Parameters of his responsibility.
  • His work rights.

Some employer companies, especially those in large businesses, add additional sections:

  • Features of work activity.
  • Parameters of job connections.
  • Criteria for assessing employee achievements.
  • Qualification requirements.

Including additional sections makes sense if the company employs many employees in a variety of positions or if the instructions are being prepared for narrow specialists on whose success the entire company depends.


There are different skill levels for a carpenter. To determine what is required, you can use paragraphs 329-334 of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book (UTKS), which describes grades 2-7 of a carpenter, and professional standard 40.181, which defines three main skill levels.

General section

The introductory part of the instructions, which lists the general aspects of work activity. Here they write:

  • Procedure for temporary replacement of an employee.
  • Parameters of his hiring and firing.
  • Subordination order.
  • Requirements for skills, work experience and other parameters.
  • What standards should he follow in his work?
  • Other parameters not included in the following parts.

Of particular importance are the requirements for practical and theoretical knowledge, which must correspond to the tasks solved by the employee, and which are outlined in the next part.


To describe the parameters of the carpenter's profession, professional standard 40.181, approved by the Ministry of Labor on April 21, 2017, can be used. The application of professional standards is mandatory for use in budgetary organizations and is advisory in nature for private businesses. Their use is regulated by Art. 195.1-195.3 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


The key part of the instructions, which details the job responsibilities mentioned in the employment contract. If the main functions of an employee - for example, carpentry work for a carpenter - are the same in a variety of companies, then auxiliary functions vary depending on the size of the employer, the number of employees and other points.

Separately mentioned are the functions of complying with fire and technical safety standards and labor discipline, which are mandatory for a wide variety of professions.


Since the job description is not intended to determine the specific punishment of an employee, as well as the degree of his responsibility, this section is drawn up in a general manner. It usually includes 3-4 violations for which the employee can be held administratively or legally liable as a result of appropriate proceedings.


Production foremen bear responsibility, which can be of the following types:

  1. Disciplinary. Involves violation of routine, failure to fulfill duties and orders of superiors.
  2. Material. Usually occurs with damage to property, other employees or clients.
  3. Administrative and criminal. It follows the commission of offenses and crimes if they are detected at the enterprise.

Another option for describing responsibility is to indicate the situations in which the master will be responsible. This concerns violations of safety rules and quality of work. Which approach is better is up to the employer to decide.

Thus, carpenters are required in many businesses. Their main activity is working with wood. And what exactly they do depends on the specialization of production.

At the moment, many do not understand who a carpenter is and what the concept of carpentry includes. Almost all reputable companies, with their pages on the Internet, shoutingly offer carpentry work, without even understanding what carpentry work implies and includes. It gets to the point of ridiculousness, but they offer the following as carpentry work: (wooden), ; It turns out that connecting two planks and hanging them on the wall is also carpentry work.

It's amazing to offer carpentry services and have no idea about it! So, for those who are lost in the modern space and are still not savvy, who is a carpenter, what should he know and be able to do, as well as what his job responsibilities and instructions are, read on.

Who is a carpenter?


- a specially trained person to work with wood and wood-based materials, a master craftsman. The work of a carpenter, namely, includes the production of complex, I emphasize, complex work with wood: the production of complex models of furniture, complete or prefabricated (not industrial, but individual), stairs, doors, windows, wooden tables, balusters, wooden toys , arches without wood carvings. (wood carving is the prerogative of the carver) And unlike a carpenter, a carpenter performs unique micromodeling work on a wooden base. Also, a JOINTER, unlike a carpenter, delivers the product in a complete, complete form, that is, the carpenter hardens the wood, refines the welts, gives the product individuality and a finished look, and varnishes it.

Be vigilant and savvy, because one person cannot perform several types of work at the same time, as the old storyteller said when he got old :-)

I do one thing quickly and efficiently, and the second and third either quickly or efficiently.

Job description for joiner and carpenter.

I. General situation.

A carpenter is appointed and dismissed from his position in accordance with the established labor legislative procedure. Only by order of the director of the enterprise.

The carpenter reports to the foreman of the economic department.

If the carpenter is absent for any reason (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.), his duties must be performed by a person appointed by the Deputy Director for General Affairs. The person appointed as a replacement bears the same responsibility as the carpenter - for high-quality and timely execution.

The carpenter must know:

Timber and wood properties;

All kinds of ways to process them;

Basics of hand and electric tools;

II. Job responsibilities.

Trimming, sharpening and sanding of wooden materials.

Simple carpentry work.

Production and installation-assembly of simple joinery products.

Manufacturing of luggage and goods boxes, pallets, lathing.

Performing work that requires several people.

In construction:

Manufacturing and repair of simple construction equipment.

Complex general construction and formwork work.

III. Rights.

A carpenter as an employee has the right:

Make suggestions for improving his workplace and equipment.

Demand that problem areas in the workplace be eliminated.

Full social package.

A carpenter is entitled to personal injury insurance.

IV. The responsibility of the carpenter.

The carpenter is only responsible for:

Improper performance of one’s official duties from paragraph 2;

Causing material damage - which is determined by current labor and civil legislation.

Violation of the obligation to preserve proprietary information, if such a document was signed.

Violation of the internal regulations of the enterprise.

Download the job description for a carpenter.

Main responsibilities

For any specialty, there are clearly established procedures for professional activity and boundaries of responsibility, which make it possible to regulate disputes and identify the degree of involvement of each participant in the process. Therefore, there is a job description for a carpenter, which also indicates important aspects of his work activity. Its variations can be found in each individual enterprise, since management independently decides the need for certain requirements for the employee. However, the basic principles should not contradict the current legislation of the country and reflect the real state of affairs.

A carpenter's job responsibilities usually include lists of the skills he must possess. At the same time, exceeding the norms of knowledge and skills is encouraged, but not required.

If the employee has reached a level that clearly exceeds the rank he possesses, management may offer the carpenter an increase in both position and salary. However, in practice, it often happens that the carpenter himself requests a review of his qualifications.

So, the main functions of a carpenter include the following types of work:

  • formwork, required in the construction of buildings at the stage of erection of load-bearing structures;
  • carpentry, which do not require careful processing of wood, but their implementation requires high engineering precision;
  • overlapping roofs, and with increasing discharge, the complexity of possible structures also increases;
  • civil works.

The latter type includes a wide range of tasks, the implementation and list of which depends on the carpenter’s qualifications and individual job description.


A carpenter in construction performs, for example, in addition to the already mentioned formwork, the following work:

  • procurement of materials, installation, replacement and dismantling of wooden load-bearing roof structures;
  • fastening wooden structures with metal ones;
  • cutting of internal walls of the building and partitions;
  • construction of temporary buildings and premises for technical needs and their dismantling after completion of construction.
  • arrangement of ceilings, flooring and covering;
  • installation of wooden products and structures;
  • installation of door and window frames.

The list clearly shows what exactly a carpenter does at a construction site. It becomes clear that his work is in demand at all stages, from the beginning to the end of construction.

A carpenter in the housing and communal services sector is also in high demand. The functions it performs mainly include roofing work. This includes developing a plan for restoring damaged coatings, drawing up a sketch of the proposed repair, as well as manufacturing and installation of all parts of the structure. For such labor-intensive processes, a carpenter must have a wide range of knowledge and skills.

Therefore, a carpenter-roofer in housing and communal services is a sought-after specialist who is responsible for the quality of the work performed.


Like any infrastructure facility, the buildings of medical institutions also require constant costs for maintenance and restoration of lost integrity. The job responsibilities of a carpenter in a hospital are also collective in nature. For example, minor repairs of wooden parts and structures, production of pallets and boxes for transporting medical devices and their dismantling if the organization receives a parcel. In addition, the job description of a carpenter in a hospital involves minor repairs of damaged equipment.

Other non-core institutions

At an enterprise, a carpenter's job description, as a rule, also includes a list of additional duties that must be performed with a high degree of accuracy. For example, in educational institutions, due to the low profile workload, the functional responsibilities of a carpenter include the maintenance and ongoing repair of heating and water supply systems, as well as cleaning drainage structures. In addition, a carpenter is required to have carpentry skills in making minor repairs and fabricating broken or damaged wood pieces.

It becomes clear that the acquired profession of a carpenter and his job responsibilities do not always strictly correspond to the employer’s requests. Such requirements are nevertheless justified due to the low workload and periodic nature of the activity.

What should a 4-5-6 grade carpenter be able to do according to the instructions?

  • Selection and sorting of lumber.
  • Cooking wood glue.
  • Wood processing with electrified tools and manually.
  • Manufacturing and installation of joinery products.
  • Manufacturing and installation of straight joiner rods, straight handrails of a simple profile.
  • Manufacturing straight-line carpentry blanks using power tools or manually.
  • Cleaning parts after machining.
  • Installation of overhead window and door fixtures with local fit.
  • Installation of sealing cord in paired bindings.
  • Cutting out branches and tars.
  • Production of parts and assembly of door leaves and window frames of all types of rectilinear shapes.

Assembly and repair of straight transoms, window sashes, blind frames for civil and industrial buildings.

Fitting blind frames and transoms.

Installation of paneled partitions.

Installation and fitting of simple mortise and partially mortise devices (door rollers with slats, turntable bells, door and window handles, transverse latches, etc.).

  • Assembly and installation of protective decorative radiator grilles.
  • Assembly and installation of built-in furniture in residential buildings.
  • Wall cladding with particle boards.
  • Manufacturing and installation of handrail roundings.
  • Manufacturing, assembly and installation of semi-circular bindings and boxes.

Marking from sketches and making templates for plastering and molds for stucco work.

Installation and fitting into place of complex mortise and partially mortise devices (through bolts, transom devices, locks with a rotary handle and automatic, etc.).

Carpentry and formwork work.

Manual processing of timber: cross-cutting, debarking, trimming.

Lubrication of rolls and formwork.

  • Brush coating of wooden structures and parts with antiseptic and fire retardant compounds.
  • Tarring, upholstery of wooden structural elements with felt and roofing felt.
  • Dismantling the formwork of foundations, walls and partitions.
  • Dismantling of fences, bridges and decking.
  • Dismantling rebounds and roll-ups.
  • Dismantling fence walls.
  • Sorting of piece roofing materials.

Manufacturing of panels for partitions under plaster.

Lathing device.

Longitudinal sawing of materials.

Installation of the lower plank flooring in two-layer floors (subfloors).

Installation of skirting boards and fillets.

Filling joints with sealing compound.

Application of antiseptic and fire retardant compounds to wooden structures and parts using paint guns and sprayers.

Production and repair of construction carpentry equipment;

Hewing logs into edges and round, trimming the edges of boards and plates.

Trimming the ends of the logs.

Clean cutting of timber, removal of grooves, ridges and quarters.

Processing of timber with electrified tools.

Laying planks and planks.

Covering the walls of rows and ice cutters with boards.

Sawing off pile heads and tops of sheet piling rows.

  • Lining of overhangs and junctions.
  • Dismantling the scaffolding.
  • Production and repair of rectilinear formwork panels (rectangular and oblique) and rectilinear formwork elements of all types.
  • Preparation of simple scaffolding elements supporting formwork, without extension.
  • Dismantling of formwork for floors, beams, columns, ice cutters, beam span and superstructure of bridges.
  • CNC work.

The article “Who is a carpenter” was prepared by the administration of the portal *.
According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the job description of a carpenter is not a mandatory document, however, experts strongly recommend not to neglect it, because this document defines the rights, powers and responsibilities of the employee.

If the instructions are clear, detailed and structured, then the carpenter will do his job efficiently and effectively.

In the first section of the job description, it is customary to indicate the qualification requirements, skills and abilities necessary for the job, general conditions for this position, as well as a list of documents that the employee must follow.

When compiling the “General Provisions” section, it is necessary to indicate which category the worker belongs to: joiner-assembler, joiner-carpenter, joiner-machine operator, etc.

An employee is appointed and removed from a position by the general director of the organization. Hiring, transfer and dismissal are confirmed by the relevant order.

If an employee is absent from the workplace (due to illness, family circumstances or other reasons), his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another authorized person appointed by the director of the enterprise.

The standard qualification requirements for this position are as follows: a 9-year or 11-year education certificate, additional vocational education and experience as a carpenter.

In addition, to work successfully, a carpenter needs to know:

  • properties of different types of wood;
  • types of joinery;
  • composition and rules for using glue, mastic, putty and other mixtures necessary for work;
  • carpentry technology: repair, assembly, installation of furniture;
  • rules for using the necessary tools, the procedure for eliminating their malfunction;
  • rules for using carpentry equipment and instructions for its operation;
  • fire safety rules;

The worker must also be able to:

  • handle manual and automatic instruments;
  • properly put on and take off protective clothing, monitor its cleanliness and storage conditions;
  • provide first aid;
  • use fire extinguishing agents correctly;
  • read carpentry drawings.

If necessary, additional skills corresponding to the employee’s qualification category should be indicated.

In his professional activities, a worker must be guided by:

  • legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • current job description;
  • labor protection instructions;
  • the charter of the enterprise;
  • internal company rules;
  • orders and instructions from management.

Job responsibilities: what a carpenter is entitled to and his responsibilities

The second section of the instructions includes a list of the employee’s job responsibilities. Here you need to indicate the daily, weekly and monthly tasks that must be performed in this position.

In most cases, the carpenter is required to:

  • carry out repair and carpentry work, taking into account the requirements of the project and drawing documentation;
  • monitor the condition of entrusted inventory and equipment;
  • carry out orders and instructions from your immediate superior;
  • monitor sanitary conditions in the workshop;
  • comply with the requirements specified in the employment contract, labor protection instructions, this document and safety precautions;
  • if necessary, replace locks on products;
  • use materials rationally;
  • improve your qualifications if possible;
  • arrange all equipment in its place after finishing work;
  • maintain order in the workplace;
  • maintain the necessary documentation;
  • undergo regular medical examinations.

The third section of the instructions consists of a list of rights necessary for a carpenter to perform his work efficiently. Typically, a worker can:

  • demand organization of the workplace, timely provision of materials, provision of necessary tools and equipment;
  • refuse to complete a task if the conditions provided do not comply with regulations;
  • demand compensation for work under difficult working conditions;
  • Offer to your immediate supervisor or general director ways to improve your own productivity and new methods of motivation.

The final fourth section of the carpenter’s job description is the types of responsibility for poor performance of duties. As a rule, an employee can be fired or fined for:


At the following address you will find the carpenter's instructions: https://yadi.sk/i/olENWL9z3UAwG4

preschool educational institution

In kindergartens, the following instructions are usually used: https://yadi.sk/i/OcIYm-re3UAwZv

Furniture production LLC

To find a document suitable for an employee of this type of organization, click here: https://yadi.sk/i/_te-L0F73UAwkV

Joiner-machine operator

We have posted instructions for woodworking machine operators at this address: https://yadi.sk/i/R7yTFiy-3UAwwg

For the production of decorations

The following instructions apply to workers specializing in decor production: https://yadi.sk/i/zSKI13UK3UAwyr

2 digits

Example of instructions for a second-class construction carpenter: https://yadi.sk/d/VkLimW6u3UAxKy

3 digits

Sample job description for a third-class employee: https://yadi.sk/i/g2_VOXao3UAxV9

Core skills and knowledge

When hiring a carpenter, certain requirements are put forward for his candidacy regarding the education received, professional knowledge, skills and experience in the specialty. In the job description, all evaluation criteria are clearly and clearly stated. As a rule, small concessions are allowed if the candidate is willing to learn and compromise with management. However, it is better to meet all the qualification requirements.

Depending on what rank the employee has, he must be able to:

  • harvest, sort and process all types of wood used - the higher the category, the more complex the level of work performed;
  • know the structure of the necessary tool and be able to prepare it, as well as care for it after use;
  • assemble and disassemble various structures of floors, formwork, temporary buildings and structures;
  • cover roofs of various designs and complexity;
  • process various surfaces - floors, baseboards, window and door frames, wall and ceiling cladding;
  • read drawings and technical sketches.

The specialty of a carpenter, in addition to having skills, requires a certain amount of knowledge. You can get it in specialized professional institutions of secondary specialized education - colleges and schools.

Typically, admission is held at the beginning of the academic year for several faculties among graduates of grades 9 and 11. The duration of study, the sample diploma and the conditions for obtaining education depend on the chosen institution.

After graduation, the student is assigned a rank confirming the level of training. Depending on its size, the carpenter must have the following knowledge:

  • types of timber and their processing, positive and negative distinctive features of different types of wood;
  • rules for transportation and movement of goods, necessary conditions to ensure their safety;
  • arrangement of instruments and methods of preparing them for use;
  • requirements for workplaces and their technical equipment;
  • marking methods for preparing lumber;
  • making templates for various parts;
  • methods of rationalization and improvement of working conditions;
  • technical conditions of all types of work performed, safety rules and regulatory documents that regulate it.


Holders of higher ranks must be prepared, among other things, to lead people. Therefore, when appointed to the position of foreman, a carpenter should familiarize himself with the job descriptions of the workers coming under his command. It is possible to reorganize labor if the new manager sees such an opportunity. However, most often the functions are to maintain an already established order.

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