Job Description of the Bank's Responsible Legal Officer

Who are bank employees, their functions

A bank employee is any employee of a bank, but the term itself is quite broad. If you start to specify what each of the employees does, it turns out that among the bank’s employees there are economists of various qualifications. Starting from ordinary cashiers and ending with the immediate management of the bank.

An economist who has a higher education works in a bank and works directly with people - a bank employee.

Bank employees
The functions of one specific employee depend on his position. Let's start with the basic functions that are common to all employees:

  • customer service and consultation
  • data analysis and planning of resource allocation and activities

If we delve into the activity in more detail, the main factor is classification - division into positions and departments (Table 1).

Bank division Description
Lending The main activity is related to the issuance of loans, as well as the acceptance of funds and analysis of the client’s financial condition
Investments Regular checking of projects that need money and can bring profit in the long run
Stock department The main work involves placing the bank's shares and securities on the stock exchange
Legal Checks the legality of activities carried out on accounts and deals with their further closure if violations are detected. In addition, opens client accounts and regulates all arbitration proceedings
Valuable papers The work of the department comes down to two points: issuing bills and selling securities on the stock exchange, either together with or instead of the stock department
Treasury The bank’s basic tool for all financial transactions aimed at profit
Credit and debit card department Issuance, acceptance and provision of all plastic cards sold by the bank
Marketing Advertising and customer acquisition

Thus, the work and functions of each banker are varied. As follows from this list, most of the time is spent on analysis and work with clients or partners of the bank.

I. General provisions

  1. A bank specialist is appointed to a position and dismissed from it by order
  2. A person with a higher professional education in the profile of work with a specialization in a specific area of ​​activity of a structural unit is appointed to the position of a bank specialist without presenting requirements for work experience.
  3. A bank specialist must know: 3.1. Regulatory and instructional documents related to the activities of the relevant structural unit.
  4. 3.2. Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.
  • During the absence of a bank specialist (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner.
  • List of positions in the bank

    Let's consider the main list of positions in the bank (Table 2).

    Job title Characteristic
    Financial analyst Its main task is to analyze all financial information related to the bank’s activities. The result should be rational deposits and increased economic efficiency of the bank.
    Financial Consultant Works primarily with clients to advise them and provide possible forecasts. As a consequence, the client must obtain investment plans and act on them, using the bank as an intermediary.
    Accountant Analysis and planning of expenses of organizations. In addition, the core activity includes the rational use of funds to reduce losses.
    Auditor Monitoring the operation of the banking system to assess its financial stability.
    Loan expert Provides and makes decisions on the issuance of loans in accordance with bank policies and terms.
    Operator A bank employee whose responsibilities include communicating and providing clients with all information about the services provided.

    The list did not indicate positions that were secondary (assistants, customer service, etc.).

    Video about starting a career in a bank:

    Types of job descriptions for the head of a bank branch

    In all possible cases, presented both on paper and in practice, the bank manager is a leader, and the highest one at that (in a particular branch, there are no people higher than this employee in position, and therefore it is the bank director who makes all decisions on his development, and it is he is responsible for possible harm caused by the actions of his department).

    As a consequence of the above, the job description for a bank manager can be of only one type, as for the head of a structural unit. An employee cannot act in this position under any circumstances.

    Let's consider the job description of a bank director as the head of a structural unit.

    • Firstly, the director of the bank, according to his job description, is obliged to act as an employer. Although he is a kind of “intermediary” between the “highest” authority of the organization and the stratum of employees of his department, he is the employer. In this regard, all decisions on employment and dismissals are made exclusively by him personally, without meetings with the main office or with the personnel department of the banking division entrusted to him. Due to the fact that the manager, according to the employment contract and the list of job responsibilities, becomes an employer, he needs to personally submit an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as the Labor Inspectorate of the Russian Federation, that he will become “on the balance sheet” as an employer. Upon termination of occupation of the specified position, he must also independently, within two weeks after the end of the employment contract, be deregistered with the above authorities and move from the category of employers to the category of ordinary able-bodied citizens.
    • In addition to those employees who are employed in the bank branch entrusted to the manager, his area of ​​responsibility also includes the material side. The responsibility for maintaining inventory records of all those material assets that are located on the territory of the credit institution falls on his shoulders. Also, he is obliged to monitor their integrity and safety. In the event of damage to the property of a credit institution, property liability falls on the shoulders of the director of the structural unit.

    Not the least responsibility is that, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, branches of a banking organization are its branches (that is, in addition to supporting activities for the main branch, they are also obliged to represent its interests). Therefore, in the event of a dispute arising in the territory entrusted to this employee (region or region), he must apply all available methods to resolve the conflict situation.

    Who is a banker

    Banker is a bank employee. This name is the most general and does not cover specialized areas of activity (bank departments). The basis of the activity is servicing and consulting bank clients. If he is transferred to any department, then not only the name of the position changes, but also the area of ​​its activity.

    Relevance and prospects for the development of the position

    Any bank is a financial and credit institution, and lending services are one of the most popular.

    It makes it possible to acquire any material assets even if the required amount is not available. Of course, the population needs loans. For banks, in turn, the implementation of such a service provides an opportunity to increase capital, reduce the level of overdue debt and subsequent optimal activity in general.

    There is currently a demand for loan officers

    quite high. Lending experts carry out their activities not only on the territory of the bank, but also at points of sale and mortgage centers. That is why the position is quite relevant. The banks themselves are interested in workers in this area. The further bright future of the banking institution largely depends on the level of professionalism and productivity of the loan specialist.

    In the future, the career growth of a credit specialist who has started working outside the bank may begin with a transfer to the head office, in particular, to the lending department. Where the main tasks are to identify the solvency of candidates, work with documentation, accrual, write off interest from citizens’ accounts and other operations. With hard work, it is possible to be promoted to senior specialist of a department, deputy head of a department, then head of a department and director of a branch of a banking institution.

    What does a loan officer do?

    The loan officer’s task is to inform the potential borrower about all services and issue him a loan if all the bank’s conditions are met.

    So, his activities are presented in more detail:

    Then, when all documents are approved, the specialist must send them to the security service for verification. He must also prepare a conclusion on the issuance of the loan and monitor all incoming payments on it. If they are absent, take measures to repay the loan by the borrower.

    Rights and responsibilities

    To the list of rights

    provided to the loan officer include:

    • provision of social guarantees provided for by law;
    • familiarity with the decisions of the organization’s management regarding the activities of the credit specialist;
    • the possibility of demanding all possible assistance from management in fulfilling their immediate responsibilities;
    • informing the manager regarding projects about improving the methods of work performed by the employee;
    • the possibility of demanding improved working conditions;
    • improving professional skills and qualifications.


    , assigned to the loan specialist, includes the following points:

    • for failure to fulfill or improper performance of duties established by;
    • for causing material harm to the employer;
    • for violation ;
    • for offenses occurring during the employee’s working life.

    Management positions in the bank

    Those specialists who set the vector of development for a particular department are assigned to leadership positions. Thus, the leadership is considered to be:

    • bank manager

    • deputy managers
    • heads of departments
    • deputy heads of departments

    After this come work positions, in which in most cases there is no hierarchy due to the difference in the nature of the activity. However, the most isolated from everyone is the head of security.

    How to become a leader?

    The next step after the consultant is a specialist in servicing individuals. This position involves working in the operations department with individuals. In particular, accepting and issuing cash, conducting transactions, solving problems with cards and other bank services. One step higher is a leading specialist in servicing individuals or a shift administrator/senior cashier. He performs the same functionality as a simple specialist, but he can also conduct currency transactions, pay compensation and issue powers of attorney.

    This is important to know: Product line manager: responsibilities

    Next, there is a deputy manager, whose work is more related to official operations. And finally, the head of the additional office.

    Pros and cons of working in a bank

    So, now regarding the strengths and weaknesses of banking activities (Table 3).

    Working in a bank
    Advantages Flaws
    Development prospects are the main advantage based on other jobs where there is no career growth Financial responsibility - employees do not have direct interaction with money, but the responsibility that they bear for signing securities is high
    Special offers - bankers in a number of banks are entitled to receive special promotions made especially for employees Volume of work - work in a bank requires an employee to process a large amount of information and undergo frequent processing
    Comfortable conditions and a reasonable salary - work in a bank is official in most cases, which means the absence of a gray salary and comfortable working conditions in the office Instructions - every action of a bank employee is accompanied by instructions and a specific monthly plan that must be implemented through the provision of banking services

    However, you should not be afraid of the disadvantages of work, nor should you overly admire its advantages. There must be a balance everywhere, which ultimately leads to work for love, and not for money.

    Video about the work of a banker:

    What does the career ladder look like at Sberbank?

    Therefore, starting a career as a consultant on banking products is not only a chance to work in a reputable company, but also a good lesson and a test of “strength.”

    Not everyone is ready to work on their feet all day while helping, offering and selling banking services. One has only to think that a promotion is just around the corner and an immediate incentive to work appears.

    There are two career paths for a consultant, one being an office manager and the other being a regional manager. We will tell you about the first way.

    Where to start a career

    A career in a bank always starts at the lowest level - customer support. In this case, this position is only the initial stage. However, if the candidate has a higher economic education, then there is also a possibility of starting with an assistant manager.

    The main aspect and the only requirement that the employer makes for the employee is effective work. This will allow you to climb the career ladder and acquire useful skills.

    Now that the hierarchy of bank employees is known, as well as all related information related to their activities, career development will become conscious.


    Write your question in the form below

    Requirements for a candidate for the position

    When searching for an employee for the position in question, HR employees pay attention to several factors:

    • sociability and restraint;
    • ability to quickly analyze information;
    • desire to learn and develop;
    • ability to negotiate;
    • ability to remember a large amount of information;
    • desire to be part of a company with its own corporate culture;
    • availability of relevant experience.

    A specialized economic education is welcome, but is not decisive. The necessary basis for work is given during preliminary training at the bank.

    Main functional responsibilities of departments

    Organizational and management structure of the Kanash branch No. 7507 of Sberbank of Russia Read more: Studying the features of the organization’s activities in the implementation of the main functional tasks

    1.3 Main functional responsibilities of departments

    Branch Manager

    The manager manages the activities of the branch on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the Bank:

     issues orders and other documents on issues within the competence of the Branch

     represents the Bank in all organizations, issues powers of attorney in the order of delegation, establishes the procedure for signing agreements and other banking transactions

     appoints and dismisses employees of the Branch, encourages them, and imposes disciplinary sanctions.

    approves job descriptions of the Branch employees.

    Department of Economic Security and Regime

    The department is obliged:

     Protect the buildings and premises of the branch from unauthorized access by unauthorized persons and attacks on the bank’s material and monetary assets.

     Carry out actions aimed at maintaining banking and commercial secrets by employees.

     Carry out transportation of funds (collection) through the operating cash desks of the branch.

     Carry out work on organizing, training and conducting civil defense activities.

     Provide access and intra-facility control.

     Check the solvency of clients applying for a loan.

     Provide assistance to departments in collecting overdue debts.

    Legal department

    The department is obliged to ensure legal and judicial control over the activities of the branch, legal protection of the interests of the bank in relations with clients, other banks and government bodies, for which it carries out:

     legal examination of orders, instructions of branch managers;

     preparation and legal examination of documents issued from the branch to higher authorities;

     preparation of draft agreements, protocols of disagreements, approvals, etc.;

     opening settlement, current and other accounts based on bank account agreements, including at the request of additional offices;

     informing tax authorities about the opening and closing of accounts;

     maintaining a book of registration of opening personal accounts for analytical accounting;

     checking the validity of the indisputable and unaccepted debiting of funds from the accounts of bank clients;

    advising clients on the provision of banking services.

    Banking and Logistics Service

    The service is obliged:

     engage in logistics and economic maintenance of departments, technical maintenance of the building with the conclusion of contracts for technical support. maintenance and ongoing repairs of the building, maintenance of electric lighting, heating facilities, heating units of the bank, garage and warehouse, maintenance and repair of the sewerage and water supply systems, daily cleaning of building premises and cleaning of the area adjacent to the bank building;

     exercise control over the rational use of materials and funds intended for their acquisition, saving electricity and heat;

     transport people and goods by motor transport.

    Data processing and transmission and automation department

    The main tasks of the department are: automation of user workstations, maintenance of software generally accepted for bank departments, and solving communication problems.

    The department is obliged:

     Carry out a set of measures to automate the work of the branch’s divisions in accordance with the approved plan.

     Introduce new technologies and software products.

     Organize new workplaces, configure equipment and software for users in accordance with the staffing schedule of the branch.

     Eliminate possible malfunctions in the operation of equipment assigned to the department.

     Make changes to the software in accordance with current regulations and well-designed technical specifications.

     Responsible for the safety of the bank’s business day databases, savings branch, postal document management system and other electronic databases.

     Ensuring the operation of computers and office equipment.

     Maintenance of software used in the bank, training and consulting bank personnel on working with programs and computer equipment.

     Monitoring compliance by bank staff with safety rules when working with office equipment.

     Planning and implementation of the acquisition of office equipment and computer equipment for the bank.

    HR Department

     Heading the work of staffing the bank with personnel of the required professions, specialties and qualifications in accordance with the goals, strategy of the bank, changing external and internal conditions of its activities, the formation and maintenance of a data bank on the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel, their development and movement.

     Organizing the development of forecasts, determining the current and future needs for personnel and sources of its satisfaction based on studying the labor market, establishing direct connections with educational institutions and employment services, contacts with enterprises of a similar profile, informing employees within the bank about available vacancies, using the media for posting advertisements for hiring workers.

     Participation in the development of personnel policy and personnel strategy of the bank.

     Carrying out work on the selection, selection and placement of personnel based on an assessment of their qualifications, personal and business qualities, monitoring the correct use of employees in the bank’s divisions.

     Ensuring the reception, placement and placement of young specialists in accordance with the profession and specialty obtained at the educational institution, together with the heads of departments. Organization of their internship and work on adaptation to production activities.

     Participation in the development of systems for comprehensive assessment of employees and the results of their activities, career and professional promotion of personnel, preparation of proposals for improving certification.

     Organization of timely registration of admission, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation, regulations, instructions and orders of the bank manager, accounting of personnel, issuing certificates of current and past labor activities of employees, storing and filling out work books and maintaining established personnel documentation, as well as preparing materials for presenting personnel for incentives and awards.

     Ensuring the preparation of documents on pension insurance, as well as documents necessary for assigning pensions to employees of the enterprise and their families, as well as submitting them to the social security authority.

     Carrying out work to update the scientific and methodological support of personnel work, its material, technical and information base, the introduction of modern methods of personnel management using automated subsystems “ACS-personnel” of automated workplaces for personnel service workers, the creation of a data bank about the enterprise personnel, its timely replenishment and prompt presentation of necessary information to users.

     Ensuring social guarantees for workers in the field of employment, compliance with the procedure for employment and retraining of released workers, providing them with established benefits and compensation.

     Conducting a systematic analysis of personnel work at the enterprise, developing proposals for its improvement.

     Organizing time records, drawing up and implementing vacation schedules, monitoring the state of labor discipline in the departments of the enterprise and employees’ compliance with internal labor regulations, analyzing the causes of turnover, developing measures to strengthen labor discipline, reducing staff turnover, loss of working time, monitoring their implementation.

     Ensuring the preparation of established reporting on personnel records and work with personnel.

    Collection service

     collection of cash proceeds and other valuables in organizations that are clients of the Bank;

     delivery of cash from the Bank to organizations;

     ensuring the safety of transported valuables;

     checking the correctness of the accompanying documents;

     Travel to organizations to carry out collection in accordance with routes and schedules of arrivals;

     Before leaving to collect cash proceeds and valuables, accepting the issuance and acceptance of appearance cards, seals, keys and powers of attorney against receipt in the journal;

    In the process of delivering cash or other valuables to the organization;

    Credit department

     Carrying out work on lending to bank clients. Receiving income from credit operations.

     Familiarization of clients with the procedure for granting a loan.

     Reviewing loan applications from bank clients, analyzing submitted documents, obtaining opinions from other bank services on issues within their competence, drawing up opinions on the feasibility of issuing a loan.

     Carrying out work on obtaining a loan.

     Carrying out work to control issued loans - on-site inspection of the pledged property, the conditions of its storage, verification of the intended use of the loan, analysis of the financial and economic situation of the borrower throughout the entire loan period, operational control of the borrower’s financial flows.

     Monitoring compliance with the terms of concluded credit and other related agreements, timeliness and completeness of repayment of loans and interest.

     Preparation of information for drawing up reports, timely provision of reports on issued loans.

     Consulting bank clients on lending issues.

    Department of Cash Circulation and Cash Operations

     Organization of cash circulation of the branch;

     Establishing limits on cash balances and spending norms from proceeds and monitoring their compliance;

     Monitoring the timeliness of delivery of cash proceeds by enterprises, the state of collection of trade proceeds;

     Providing settlement and cash services to clients;

     Reinforcement with cash in the RCC, reinforcement with cash, food checks, tokens, branch operating cash desks. Removal of surplus operating cash to the RCC.

     Ensuring the safety of funds and valuables. Timely posting of money and other valuables received at the bank's cash desk. Accounting for banknotes, coins and other valuables, accounting for cash foreign currency and payment documents in foreign currency, securities in the foreign currency accounting book, securities in the foreign currency accounting book and other valuables in the accounting books.

     Generating and sending reports on cash transactions to the National Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan;

     Attraction and placement of funds from legal entities, deposits of individuals in accordance with instructions and approved regulations for accepting deposits;

     Reception, processing, formation of transfer of utility bills, payments of taxes and fees to budgets of all levels within the time limits established by law.

     Drawing up and submitting reports and operational data to the head bank on issues of money circulation, deposit transactions, and cash transactions.

     Development and placement of advertising in the media. Collection of information about services similar to those provided by the bank, provided by competing banks.

     Providing consulting services to clients and employees of the branch on bank services, on all issues related to the cash circulation of the branch;

     Presentation of information upon written requests from clients, state tax authorities, courts, prosecutors, notaries, investigative and inquiry bodies, bailiff services in the manner prescribed by law.

    Organizational and management structure of the Kanash branch No. 7507 of Sberbank of Russia Read more: Studying the features of the organization’s activities in the implementation of the main functional tasks

    Information about the work “Analysis of the activities of the Chuvash branch of Sberbank of Russia”

    Section: Banking Number of characters with spaces: 69291 Number of tables: 2 Number of images: 2

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