Certificate of completion of work under a subcontract (contract)
Federal legislation does not regulate civil transactions and the sequence of their execution. Therefore, in collaboration with
We use the services of intermediary companies: re-issuing invoices under agency agreements
How re-invoicing occurs The law does not provide clear guidelines regarding the sequence of re-invoicing. Not
Article 112-1. Features of the application of excise tax rates on filter cigarettes and the procedure for notification by payers of maximum retail prices for filter cigarettes and their compliance with price groups
What are excise taxes on cigarettes and why are they necessary? Tobacco products are included in
How to find out your SNILS number on the Internet in Nizhny Novgorod in 2020
Why is SNILS necessary? SNILS is necessary for correct recording of work experience in the system created by the Pension Fund of Russia.
invoice form from the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On amendments and invalidation of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation” dated August 19, 2017 No. 981
Does failure to complete line 5 of the invoice for advances prevent deduction?
Every year, thousands of Russian taxpayers fill out and submit VAT returns. Unfortunately, but not always
How to fill out a waybill for a non-public bus
A waybill is an accounting document for official transport. If the owner of the car is an organization,
Gift write-off act. Sample, form 2019
Cheat sheet for an accountant: how to arrange the presentation of gifts and calculation of payments for a professional holiday
Commission Before drawing up a write-off act, a special commission meets. They must consist of at least
Job responsibilities of a computer operator
Job responsibilities of a PC operator: place of work, rights and responsibilities
Added to bookmarks: 0 When applying for a job as a PC operator, a citizen should know what is included
checkbook sample
Rules for using a checkbook. How to fill out a checkbook
Who would have thought that the famous phrase from the American film “I don’t have cash,
Order on collective liability
Sample. Order to hold the employee financially liable
The procedure for applying financial liability Based on the established procedure for bringing an employee to financial liability, the employer
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