How to combine two rooms into an apartment and obtain a certificate of ownership of the apartment?


To receive such a document, the broker needs to be activated. However, FXamo doesn’t think so and has made 3 attempts to seem like a managed company.

For the first time, a broker is lying if he says his work is “accepted” by the FCA. The second deception is that he has permission from the FSA regulator. No one is presenting us with a license. Broker Tribunal looked for evidence of its provision on the main FSA web resource. It was all pointless. The FSA did not provide the FXamo document.

3rd lie: FXamo representative made a false document that it has been managed by VFSC since November 2021. The Vanuatu Economic Services Commission has not issued a license to Fxamo. The scammers, using Photoshop, entered personal information into a printout that they picked up on the Internet.

Even if this permission was real, it would definitely not have meaning in the Russian Federation. From 2021, only those intermediary rights issued by the Central Bank of Russia play a role.

Methods for combining shares in an apartment

How to become a sole owner? First of all, get shares as part of transactions with co-owners. Let’s look at what these deals are and how they differ – using specific examples.


It is in demand among close relatives and spouses. If one family member wants to donate his share to another, the parties go to a notary and enter into a donation agreement (Article 572 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The donated share becomes the property of the donee. If, as a result of the transaction, a person becomes the owner of all shares in the apartment, he has the right to combine parts of the housing into one whole.


The Vlasov couple and their son owned a 2-room apartment. The sizes of the shares were equal - ⅓ of the share for each owner. The son got married and was in dire need of living space. The couple agreed that they would register their shares in his favor, and they themselves would leave for the village. My father was on a business trip abroad. The mother decided not to put the matter off indefinitely. Together with the recipient, she visited the notary. The specialist offered a sample deed of gift in favor of his son. Then changes were made to Rosreestr - thus, Vlasov Jr. became the owner of his ⅓, as well as ⅓ of the mother’s part of the housing. Soon the father returned and also gave a share to his son. The owner already had 3 extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate - for his share, as well as for the fractions of both parents. To combine them into one, the son can contact the MFC or Rosreestr. Based on the application and three documents of title, he will be given an extract from the Unified State Register of Ownership of the entire apartment.


Another option is to become an owner as a result of their purchase. Co-owners have priority in buying out the shares of the remaining owners of the apartment (Article 250 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Often this allows you to concentrate shares in one hand. If only there was desire and finances.


Four heirs became shared owners of a 3-room apartment. One of them immediately decided to get rid of the share, offering a buyout at the cadastral price. Another owner expressed a desire to conclude a deal. The parties shook hands and the share was sold. There are already 3 co-owners left. After 2 months, one of them was preparing to move to the North - he also invited the others to buy out his share in the apartment. And again the same buyer turned out to be willing. Finally, the “last share” also went to the same heir - as part of the purchase and sale for a mortgage loan. Thus, the buyer became the sole owner of the apartment. Along with his extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, he has accumulated three more similar documents. He contacted the MFC, wrote an application and became the sole owner of a 3-room apartment. The common share form of ownership ceased to exist.


Owners can leave a share in the apartment to their heirs. Inheritance by law , less often by will . The legal successor of the deceased becomes the new owner of the share in the living space. From here, if he owns 100% of the apartment, but in shares, he can start joining them.


A family of 3 lived in a privatized apartment. All family members had shares: the mother owned ¾ of the share, and the brother and sister each owned ⅛ of the share in the living space. The sister got married, so she gave her share to her younger brother. Mother and son became co-owners of the apartment. Soon misfortune befell the family - the mother died. The heirs were her son and daughter. Since my sister had a separate living space, she renounced her claims to an apartment. Thus, her brother inherited ¾ of his mother's share and became the sole owner. In order not to be confused about the shares, the brother combined the shares of his mother and sister. The registrars issued a single document on ownership - an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

What does the FXamo resource look like?

By going to the resource, you can immediately find a bright picture with a recommendation to gain “real income from trading”. Something similar is observed on the web resources of most scammers.

You should go to the “Contacts” option to see what communication options the scammer recommends. The office states the following about itself: there are 3 branches - in London, Hong Kong, Sao Paulo. Each office has a telephone number and e-mail. Initially, everything looks official.

However, these branch addresses are considered a lie by Fxamo, which the scammer uses to preserve the legend that it has international status. So, the usual verification, for example, of UK addresses indicates: the FXamo broker does not have any branch in England.

FXamo scammers

Another trick used by the scammer is to claim that they have several permits at once. Thus, FXamo claims that it is managed by the FSA, but does not provide the required documentation. In addition, the work of the office is “approved” by the British Regulation of Official Conduct in the Field of Economics (FCA), but there is no mention of Fxamo on the portal of the office itself.

For greater reliability, the Fxamo representative intended to deceive about the presence of a VFSC (Vanuatu Economic Services Commission) permit. This regulator is not considered reliable, but the broker does not even have its permission, which is also simply verified.

The Fxamo scam “compensates” for falsification of permits and addresses with colorful descriptions of its advantages. This technique is used by many scammers, and this project is no exception.

The advantages given by the office are considered ordinary “water”. Thus, the size of the spreads has not been established, and even if a leverage of 1:500 is actually provided, in the case of scammers this threatens even faster deprivation of funds at the slightest fluctuation in quotes, regulated by the intermediary himself.

Information about 12 years on the market and management of British law is a complete lie. In fact, the intermediary has no connection with the English authorities, which has been confirmed, and the usual domain age verification shows the following.

It should be pointed out: almost 4 years on the market is quite a long time for scammers, but they still don’t talk about 12 years. In addition, judging by the dates of the responses, the intermediary did not work at first, although the name was registered - almost all of the responses on the Internet were “fresh”.

Fxamo – scam or not?

It's better to start with resource analysis. The authors write that the organization was opened in 2008 and is considered one of the main brokers. However, if you try to find responses about Fxamo on the Internet, it turns out that they are missing. There is a very simple explanation for this situation: the resource started working only a few months ago and has low traffic. Namely, the scammers lied about their age and reputation.

It is also possible to analyze the permission of a given office. The type of intermediary is managed by the offshore country of Vanuatu, but the management itself is not listed on the web resource, which is quite easy to check. It turns out that the resolution was done in Photoshop and it is meaningless.

Well, the last fact in favor of Fxamo being a scam is the well-known web portal template. This pattern is used by a rather prolific group of scammers who are looking for new Fxamo representatives every month to defraud honest citizens.

What is the essence of deception?

Under the guise of a CFD intermediary, Fxamo employees offer clients to open deposits for profit in economic markets. But in reality, there is no profit; all funds transferred to this office remain with the scammers forever.

Typically, people register with Fxamo through ads on Facebook and other social networks. Scammers are distributing advertisements about fabulous trading robots Telegram 10, Obshcheye Delo and similar ones. Then, to authorize the robots, you will need to transfer $200-500 to a deposit, which is lost quite quickly.

Another Fxamo deception scheme is trading with so-called managers. On a rigged platform, the user is shown an imitation of trading, and subsequently the user of the type wins a large amount. However, it will not be possible to withdraw this winnings without first paying “tax”, “connecting insurance”, and other fees invented by scammers. Paying for all this, of course, is pointless, since the scam functions only to accept finance, and the income on the account is simply outlined in the program.

In addition, Fxamo managers do not neglect to deceive citizens into obtaining loans and are themselves determined to finance users. The only difference here is that loans from intermediaries have no validity and are considered exactly the same fake as income on the site. But despite this, swindlers use threats of legal proceedings and debt collectors to force victims to pay a fictitious debt.

The decision to combine rooms in a communal apartment


about combining rooms into an apartment

Kurgan July 25, 2021

I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, Elena Petrovna Ivanova, born March 11, 1907, place of birth: Kurgan region, city. Kurgan, passport: series 00 00 No. 000000, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Kurgan region on December 19, 2013, division code 450-002, SNILS 078-000-000 31, registered at the address: Kurgan region, Kurgan city, 3 microdistrict, building 5, sq. . 0

being the owner of a room with a total area of ​​13.3 square meters. m., cadastral number: 45:25:020407:7449, floor 2, located at the address: Kurgan region, Kurgan city, 3 microdistrict, building 5 sq. 0, existing restrictions (encumbrances) of the right: Not registered, owned on the basis of:

— Agreement for the purchase and sale of a room dated November 11, 2016, registered by the Office of the Federal Registration Service for the Kurgan Region on November 17, 2016 under No. 45-45/014-45/201/054/2016-204/2.

being the owner of a room with a total area of ​​15.7 square meters. m., cadastral number: 45:45:020507:1975, floor 2, located at the address: Kurgan region, Kurgan city, 6 microdistrict, building 5 sq. 0, existing restrictions (encumbrances) of the right: Not registered, owned on the basis of:

— Agreement for the purchase and sale of a room dated November 11, 2016, registered by the Office of the Federal Registration Service for the Kurgan Region on November 17, 2016 under No. 45-45/016-45/153/052/2016-199/4.


  1. Combine the indicated rooms into one apartment.
  2. As a result of combining the rooms, Elena Petrovna Ivanova acquires ownership of the apartment located at the address: Kurgan region, Kurgan city, 3 microdistrict, building 20A, apt. 6, located on the second floor, consisting of two living rooms, the total area of ​​the apartment is 53.7 sq.m., the living area of ​​the apartment is 29 sq.m. (hereinafter referred to as the “Apartment”).
  3. Elena Petrovna Ivanova, as the owner of an Apartment in an apartment building, along with the premises occupied by her, also owns a share in the ownership of the common property of the house - common premises of the house, load-bearing structures of the house, mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other equipment outside or inside an Apartment, serving more than one apartment (Articles 289, 290 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
  4. This Decision comes into force from the moment of its state registration by the Office of the Federal Registration Service for the Kurgan Region and is valid for an unlimited period. Ownership of the Apartment specified in paragraph 2 of this agreement arises from the moment of state registration of the right by the Office of the Federal Registration Service for the Kurgan Region.


How Fxamo Scams: Scam Scheme Review

The essence of the deception is that representatives of the pseudo-intermediary ingratiate themselves with naive users and promise them big money from Fxamo. The charlatans' goal is to convince traders to open one of their trading accounts. Taking into account that trading uses its own platform, scammers can easily draw results to create the illusion of successful activity. Difficulties begin when a person tries to withdraw money. Then his profile is simply blocked.

In the responses, the company’s users describe that they were not allowed to withdraw their earnings under various pretexts. This is how the scammers manage to extract some more money. If the client does not have money to replenish his account, he is recommended to take out a loan. As a result, he ends up in a debt hole from which it is difficult to climb out. Judging by the responses, FXamo representatives will be able to threaten with bailiffs and legal proceedings, driving citizens to depression.

Origins of the situation

In legal terms, ownership of several parts implies shared ownership. Since there is only one owner, continuing the logical chain of reasoning, it turns out that the citizen acts as the owner of the component parts in relation to himself, which contradicts the norms of the Civil Code.

The following events may be the origins of such a situation:

  1. Entry into inheritance. A typical example is joint ownership by spouses, upon the death of one of whom the survivor enters into inheritance on the basis of law or a will. The original design of the apartment for two owners becomes the property of one, but consisting of two halves that require unification into a whole.
  2. Share repurchase. The legislation does not prohibit shared ownership of an object by persons not united by family ties. As a result of an agreement reached or on the basis of a court decision, one of the owners buys out the part belonging to the other. Consolidation of shares in an apartment by purchase requires bringing the documents into compliance, since with the initial presence of four owners with the subsequent transfer of ownership rights to one owner, according to the requirements of various authorities, one will be forced to submit four separate extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.
  3. Receipt by deed of gift. If a gift agreement is concluded between co-owners, for example, each of whom has an allocated share in the form of a room in a two-room apartment, then the owner’s decision to combine the rooms into an apartment is necessary, since formally the donee becomes the sole owner, having received the second part from the donor.
  4. The action of a combination of factors. Any combination that involves at least two transfers of ownership is suitable as an example. A living family of three (mother and two children), after the death of the mother, divides her third into two, and then one of the children gives the owned part to the second child, which implies two transfers of ownership to the sole owner, who received a separate object in absolute possession without co-owners.

Consolidation of shares in an apartment by one owner implies obtaining a single extract from Rosreestr, where the owner owns not parts of the apartment, but the entire property, where all the components available in the aggregate are documented into a single indivisible whole.

Trading conditions, account types, Fxamo personal account

The list of trading tools provided is quite large. However, it is necessary to take into account the lack of liquidity providers; all proposed contracts are CFDs (transactions for difference). Intermediary trading tools:

  1. Currency pairs;
  2. raw materials;
  3. cryptocurrencies;
  4. stock;
  5. jewelry.

To start operating, you must register and open one of the proposed types of deposits. There are only 3 of them among intermediaries.

The minimum deposit amount is $500. Every skilled trader will agree that this is excessive - many other brokers recommend starting with minimum deposits, which is preferable for beginners. Moreover, the broker does not offer to launch a demo account, which also does not add decisiveness.

On the other hand, beginners are recommended to undergo training - either individually or in a group. Naturally, this will require you to leave personal information, which will prevent subsequent annoying calls asking you to open an account.

It's interesting to take a look at FXamo's personal account. At first, there is nothing dubious, but observant experienced clients will immediately notice the method of replenishment - cryptocurrency.

New clients should remember: not a single decent Fxamo representative ever accepts funds on bank cards or cryptocurrency wallets, since brokerage houses do not have the right to do this (only using a current account is allowed). Because of this, the screenshot of the personal account is another confirmation of the charlatan activities of the broker.

Methods for depositing/withdrawing money on

To replenish your account, the pseudo-broker Fxamo recommends using only cryptocurrency (bitcoin). And this is natural, since such transfers are not easy to control. The user is given virtually no opportunity to confirm that he made transfers of company finances.

What is considered a conclusion is that it is practically impossible. In the responses, traders say that the company is preventing this in various ways. For example, it does not want to accept documentation for account verification, which is why clients will not be able to withdraw their own finances.


It should immediately be emphasized that the entire myth of the office is one deception. This is a simple resource like an intermediary office. There is no documentation or permits confirming legal activities. Gullible citizens are deceived by stories that the office is governed by English law, etc. In reality everything is anonymous.

A trading platform is just a program that simulates trading. In reality, scammers do not have direct access to real exchanges, Forex, etc.

A real scam pattern. Charlatans persuade you to deposit as much money as possible, then they drain your deposit to 0 or simply block your profile. The user will not be able to return his own money because, first of all, scammers never compensate for finances, and also, you transfer funds to third-party details, in addition, you agree to the terms of the intermediary:

High Risk Warning: CFDs carry a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. A high degree of leverage can work both for and against you. Before you decide to trade trades for difference (CFDs), you need to assess in detail the purpose of your work, your experience and risk appetite. There is a high probability of partial or complete loss of your invested funds, because of this you should not deposit capital that you cannot afford to lose.

They directly tell you that no one will compensate for anything. You are contributing funds that you may lose.

Combining a loggia or balcony with an apartment

According to the law, warm and cold rooms cannot be combined, because neighbors (below) who have not insulated their loggia may start dripping from the ceiling. You can combine these rooms by removing the window sill block; instead, you need to install French windows in the floor. Some owners, after agreeing on the redevelopment, dismantle the glass partition.


In most cases, the threshold is not a load-bearing structure and can be removed completely.


If you have a panel house, then the threshold holds the balcony slab, so it cannot be completely dismantled.


User rights

The authorization form on the FXamo web portal is identical to the authorization form for other intermediaries. The presented office is a new organization of the charlatan group: Timatrade, ImcFx, KeyOnCapital, ForexIm, FxBase, Rickglobal, Cryptoks. They duplicate the same resource. They also completely copy the text of regulatory documentation regulating relations with users.

At its discretion, the office can ask to transfer additional money, and the trader must do this within the specified time frame. Otherwise, the organization has the right to close his trading manipulations.

The FXamo representative will be able to receive the trader’s personal data and creditworthiness information from third parties. In addition, the Company has the right, without prior notice, to present them to its employees, service providers, and other offices that are part of the Organization’s group.

When is merger possible?

Citizens who own property have the right to contact the management company, BTI and Rosreestr with this requirement. They mainly apply in the following situations:

  1. When purchasing part of the premises.
  2. When receiving a share in an apartment building as an inheritance.
  3. When privatizing a house or isolated room.

Citizens can make such a demand in any case. The main thing is that all owners agree to carry out this procedure.

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