Legal topics are very complex, but in this article we will try to answer the question “Details
How to handle a shortage at the cash register The cashier’s culpability in case of shortcomings can be discussed, but for
Formalization A reprimand is usually formalized as follows: an internal investigation is carried out; they take an explanation from the guilty employee;
Is the employee's consent to travel always necessary? A business trip presupposes the absence of an employee from his place of residence.
Lines 010–060 Income and expenses. Profit On lines 010–050, indicate income and expenses based on
Natalia, hello! That's right - accounts 09 and 77 have their own analytics in 1C.
Form SZV-K: why is it needed Form SZV-K is intended to reflect the work experience of an individual
A query letter is a type of business letter. The request is sent to partners, contractors, government agencies... Sometimes without
Currently watching: 957 Accounting for finished products in production is carried out on account 43 “Finished products”.
Fine for non-payment of personal income tax by a tax agent As a general rule, if the tax agent does not withhold