financial assistance for the birth of a child from the employer
Sample application for financial assistance at the birth of a child
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Employment contract
Rights and responsibilities of minors. Labor law.
Article 265. Work in which the employment of persons under the age of eighteen is prohibited
Application of a 10% VAT rate on the sale of juices for baby food
VAT is one of the most significant taxes in the Russian Federation. It replenishes the federal budget
Certificate of return of goods to the supplier - form and procedure for registration
Types and grounds for returning goods Depending on the grounds for returning goods, it may mean:
How to write a request for a bonus for employees?
What is an employee bonus request? The very concept of “petition” presupposes an appeal to a superior
Instructions for filling out sick leave in 2020
In this article, qualified specialists will give complete answers to questions regarding filling out sick leave.
Invoice for returning goods: sample and design rules
In the process of conducting business, organizations and individual entrepreneurs are often faced with the need to return goods to the supplier.
Certificate-report of the cashier-operator in 2019
Certificate-report of cashier-operator: sample filling and form
What is this document for? The cashier's report is a document that contains the testimony
How to calculate payroll taxes in 2018
Rates and table of taxes and contributions from salaries in 2020
Payroll taxes in 2020: an example of calculating the tax burden of Clean Sheet LLC for
Rules for canceling an employment contract
The employer has the right to cancel the employment contract
In practice, situations arise when immediately on the first day of work a new employee
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