A correct job description for a system administrator is the key to a healthy organizational structure

[organizational and legal form, name of organization, enterprise] I approve

[position, signature, full name of the manager or other official authorized to approve the job description]

[day month Year]


Job description of a system administrator [name of organization, enterprise, institution]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

General provisions

1.1. The system administrator belongs to the category of specialists and is directly subordinate to [name of the manager's position].

1.2. A person with specialized professional education is hired for the position of system administrator.

1.3. The system administrator is appointed and dismissed from the position by order of [name of the manager's position].

1.4. The system administrator must know:

— basics of local networks and principles of their construction;

— hardware and software of local networks;

— technical characteristics, purpose, operating modes, design features, rules for technical operation of local network equipment, office equipment, servers and personal computers;

— basics of administering local networks running various operating systems;

— basic database formats and principles of working with them;

— software for working with databases;

— basic operating systems, methods of their installation and configuration;

— basics of maintenance and repair of a personal computer;

— English (technical);

— system programming languages;

— systems programming methods;

— basics of information security;

— ways to protect information from unauthorized access, intentional distortion and damage;

— rules for using a personal computer and office equipment;

— basics of labor legislation;

— basics of psychology and conflictology;

— internal labor regulations;

— rules on labor protection, safety and fire protection.

1.5. Professionally important qualities: [list qualities].

The position of a system administrator - is it necessary to draw up a job description for it?

The position of system administrator is not mentioned in the list of mass positions, which is enshrined in the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 37 of August 21, 1998. However, for representatives of this profession, a professional standard has already been adopted, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor dated October 5, 2015 No. 684n. The official title of the position is “System administrator of information and communication systems.”

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Since professional standards are advisory in nature for most organizations, the answer to the question of whether a system administrator will be present on the staffing table depends only on the company’s personnel policy. Moreover, in different companies, persons performing the same job responsibilities as a system administrator may be called differently (for example, programmer, database administrator, engineer, technologist, or simply a specialist).

Since there are no categorical requirements for the presence of job descriptions in labor legislation, the employer decides whether or not to write a job description for a system administrator, as for any other staff unit. Moreover, in the letter of Rostrud dated 08/09/2007 No. 3042-6-0, this is emphasized, although it is also recommended there that such instructions should still be drawn up.

The reason is simple: having a job description will make it easier to differentiate the responsibilities of a system administrator from other positions related to working in the computer field. Without it, for example, it can be very problematic to separate the areas of activity of a system administrator, programmer and database administrator, if they are present in the company’s staffing table.

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Job responsibilities

The system administrator is assigned the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Ensuring uninterrupted operation of local networks [organizations, enterprises, institutions], servers, network devices.

2.2. Installation and configuration of system software.

2.3. Configuring software on servers and workstations.

2.4. Registration of local network and mail server users, assignment of identifiers and passwords.

2.5. Creation and maintenance of user accounts.

2.6. Setting access rights and controlling the use of network resources.

2.7. Ensuring timely copying and archiving of data.

2.8. Preparation and storage of backup copies of data, their periodic verification and destruction.

2.9. Technical and software support for users, consulting users on issues of working in the local network and programs.

2.10. Identifying user and software errors and eliminating them.

2.11. Carrying out activities to guarantee anti-virus protection of the local network, servers and workstations.

2.12. Introduction of means of ensuring technological security of information resources that meet modern requirements.

2.13. Organization of support of contracts with third-party organizations providing services for communication, software and hardware equipment [organizations, enterprises, institutions].

2.14. Elimination of emergency situations associated with damage to software and databases.

2.15. Organization of repair of computer equipment with the involvement of specialized organizations.

2.16. Monitoring the installation of local network equipment by specialists from third-party organizations.

2.17. Carrying out the necessary procedures to protect information from unauthorized access, intentional distortion and damage.

2.18. Carrying out systematic analysis of the hardware and software market.

2.19. Preparation of proposals for modernization, acquisition of network equipment, updating software to the level of development of modern information technologies, including the acquisition of licensed software products.

2.20. Drawing up reports on the work done.

2.21. Compliance with labor regulations adopted in [organization, enterprise, institution].

System administrator job description

I. General provisions

1. The system administrator belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person with professional education, experience working with personal computers, as well as practice in creating and maintaining networks is appointed to the position of system administrator.

3. The system administrator must know:

3.1. Resolutions, instructions, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher and other bodies concerning programming methods and the use of computer technology in information processing.

3.2. Technical and operational characteristics, design features, purpose and operating modes of equipment, rules for its technical operation.

3.3. Network hardware and software.

3.4. Principles of simple hardware repair.

3.5. Normalized programming languages.

3.6. Current standards, number systems, ciphers and codes.

3.7. Programming methods.

3.8. Systems for organizing comprehensive information security, methods for preventing unauthorized access to information.

3.9. The procedure for preparing technical documentation.

3.10. Internal labor regulations.

3.11. Fundamentals of labor legislation.

3.12. Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4. Appointment to the position of system administrator and dismissal from the position are made by order of the director of the institute upon the recommendation of the deputy. general affairs director

5. The system administrator reports directly to the deputy. Director of General Affairs.

6. During the absence of the system administrator (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

System Administrator:

1. Installs network software on servers and workstations.

2. Configures the system on the server.

3. Provides software integration on file servers, database management system servers and workstations.

4. Maintains the operating condition of server software and workstations.

5. Registers users, assigns IDs and passwords.

6. Trains users to work online and maintain archives; answers user questions related to working online; draws up instructions for working with network software and brings them to the attention of users.

7. Controls the use of network resources.

8. Organizes access to local and global networks.

9. Sets restrictions for users on:

Using a workstation or server;

H time;

H degree of resource use.

10. Ensures timely copying and backup of data.

11. Contacts technical personnel when identifying faults in network equipment.

12.Participates in restoring system functionality in case of failures and failure of network equipment.

13. Identifies user and network software errors and restores system functionality.

14. Monitors the network, develops proposals for the development of network infrastructure.

15. Provides:

H network security (protection against unauthorized access to information, viewing or changing system files and data);

Security of internetwork interaction.

16. Prepares proposals for the modernization and acquisition of network equipment.

17. Monitors the installation of equipment by specialists from third-party organizations.

18. Informs his immediate supervisor about cases of network abuse and the measures taken.

19. Maintains a log of system information and other technical documentation.

III. Rights

The system administrator has the right:

1. Set and change rules for using the network.

2. Request necessary documents and information from managers and specialists of the institute’s departments.

3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description for consideration by the management of the institute.

5. Demand that the management of the institute provide the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. Responsibility

1. The system administrator is responsible for:

1.1. Disruption of network functioning due to incorrect routing management and incorrect administration of basic network services.

1.2. Failure to notify management of routing changes in a timely manner.

1.3. Late registration of allocated IP addresses.

1.4. Failure to promptly notify management of cases of network abuse.

2. The system administrator is held accountable:

2.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.3. For causing material damage to the Institute within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Deputy director ___________

I have read the instructions______________

Employee rights

The system administrator has the right:

3.1. Request and receive necessary information and documents related to its activities.

3.2. Make proposals to the immediate supervisor to improve work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

3.3. Take part in meetings that discuss issues related to his work.

3.4. For professional training, retraining and advanced training in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

3.5. Require management to provide assistance in the performance of their professional duties and rights.

3.6. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.7. Other rights provided for by labor legislation.

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