Office work in the first months of the working year
Closing the list of cases involves:
- filling out the third column “Number of storage units”;
- creating a summary record.
In the column “Number of storage units” you must enter the number of cases generated per year. According to clause 3.5.3 of the Basic Rules for the Operation of Archives of Organizations, approved by the decision of the Board of Rosarkhiv dated 02/06/2002, the file should contain no more than 250 sheets, with a thickness of no more than 4 cm.
The column “Number of storage units” is filled in by hand in the original copy of the nomenclature of files (Example 3).
After determining the number of storage units, a final record is created for the nomenclature of cases.
To fill it out, you need to count the number of cases opened in the past year by storage period: separately permanent, temporary (over 10 years) and temporary (up to 10 years), inclusive.
Passing cases and cases with an EPC mark are also taken into account separately.
General concepts
The nomenclature of files essentially determines the entire modern concept of storing and systematizing the necessary documentation in existing office work. Accordingly, the entire document flow depends on its features and the quality of its execution .
Formalized and standardized requirements for standards and form of nomenclatures are regulated in federal documents :
- approved conclusions of the Board of Rosarkhiv dated February 6, 2002, paragraphs 3-4;
- Decree of the Federal Archive of December 23, 2009 N76.
The standard period for using documents in document support of activities is three years . When the deadline expires, the documents are either moved to the organization’s file cabinet, or stored for subsequent use in office work, or simply destroyed.
The nomenclature of cases is needed to regroup completed documentation into office work; it is used as a kind of reference catalog in business processes and as a reporting document (instead of an inventory) when receiving cases in temporary archives (where this period reaches ten years).
According to GOST No. R7.0.8-2013, the term “Case” is defined as a document (or group) related to a specific issue and type of activity.
Thus, the nomenclature is a list of real cases , i.e. a pointer when assigning serial numbers to documents, that is, when indexing during registration, since the document number contains a unique digital index.
Registration of a case is the process of converting documents related to the case directly into cases.
Legally, a case is a series of relevant documentation related to a specific problem in the activities of an organization, and placed under a separate cover under an individual name.
Finding and recording storage periods is carried out according to a special list of types and categories of documents (GOST-R51141-98) , which includes regulatory requirements on the storage periods of documents. Completed documentation, before entering storage and operation, undergoes special training, including:
- expert assessment of the academic and actual value of paper pulp;
- formation of cases;
- provision of permanent and long-term storage documentation;
- providing their safety;
- provision of files to the internal file cabinet, that is, to the archives of the organization.
The compilation of nomenclature, as a rule, is carried out by a secretariat employee responsible for working with the organization’s archival documentation.
The nomenclature is approved by the organization's archive manager , or by the entity responsible for the archives.
Signed by the management of the authorities or the entity responsible for office work, and after approval of the exp. the commission sends it for regulation with the consulting and verification commission of the archival organization, after which it is ratified by the company’s management.
3.4. list of cases
In this case, the headings of cases containing resolutions and orders of higher organizations are located before the headings of cases containing orders of the head of the organization. Next are the headings of cases containing planning and reporting documents. The titles of cases opened on geographical and correspondent grounds are entered into the nomenclature of cases in alphabetical order by geographical names or correspondents.
The title of the case must clearly and in a generalized form reflect the main content and composition of the documents of the case.
The use of non-specific wording (“miscellaneous materials”, “general correspondence”, etc.), as well as introductory words and complex syntactic phrases in the title of the case is not allowed. Case titles may be clarified during the process of forming and filing cases.
The composition of the elements of the case title, arranged in the accepted sequence, is determined by the nature of the case documents.
The standard nomenclature defines the system of affairs for organizations with the same type of work activity and document flow.
Standard nomenclatures of cases are compiled in departments based on a lengthy review of document flows of subordinate bodies. For example, the Ministry of Education sends a standard type of nomenclature to higher education institutions in the country.
A personal nomenclature is a catalog of cases that appear as a result of the official work activities of a particular organization or company.
Nomenclatures of the personal (individual) type are drawn up by the clerical bodies of the organization.
The process is drawn up on the basis of a study of a large amount of documentation that inevitably arises during the work process of an organization, based on the industries recommended by the standard nomenclature located in the institution to which the organization belongs.
First, nomenclatures are created for departments, where the names of cases are recorded, the time of their storage is discovered and recorded, etc. Then a summary (consolidated) nomenclature of the case is drawn up. After its adoption, this act is sent to all divisions of the company and acquires the status of mandatory execution.
Managing cases, recording them or filling them out outside the nomenclature is not permitted.
When registering personal nomenclatures, the individual characteristics of specific companies or enterprises should always be taken into account. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish the nomenclature of the type of structural divisions from the consolidated nomenclature. The consolidated nomenclature displays the documentation of the entire organization as a whole , including all divisions.
The nomenclature should be formalized in any organization, regardless of which business entity the enterprise belongs to.
One of the most important conditions when creating a list of cases is that it works with any documents related to the enterprise.
Documents can enter the organization from the outside, or be generated internally - the system works with any type of business documentation and sorts them by importance.
We are drawing up a list of tasks for the next year
As already stated in the nomenclature, as a rule, on copies of documents, and “DZN” is affixed on sent documents sent from a higher body or organization and having a regulatory nature for this organization.
We approve the nomenclature of cases. All sections of the consolidated nomenclature of cases prepared by the working group are required to be submitted for preliminary consideration to the heads of departments of the organization and, after eliminating the comments, must be endorsed by them.
The draft nomenclature of cases, together with an accompanying note signed by the heads of the working group, is submitted to the organization's EC, which makes a decision on its approval.
After this, the draft nomenclature, together with the decision of the EC and the minutes of its meeting, is submitted for approval by the head of the organization. Albrecht B.V.
Document storage period in 2020 (table)
How to work with a list correctly There are two ways to work with a list. Method No. 1. If the organization is not the source of acquisition of the state archive and an expert commission works in it, then this column of the final record will be called “with the EC mark.” The O or "EC" receives cases that are of particular value to the organization. After their storage period, determined by the List of standard administrative archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods (approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558), these files will undergo additional examination.
The Commission will definitely review them and, possibly, increase the shelf life.
The number of such cases is entered in the corresponding lines of the column “with the EPC mark.” The calculation results are manually entered into the final record (Example 4).
How to develop a list of affairs for an organization
Therefore, determining the composition of documents, forming documentary complexes and determining their storage periods for these areas of activity when developing a nomenclature of cases should not cause any special questions or difficulties for compilers. We systematize the documents of “production” divisions. Significantly more problems and questions arise during similar work in “production” divisions that determine the main direction of the organization’s activities.
Practice shows that in many cases, from these structural divisions, the compilers receive either a list of functions that they perform, for example, “state of the stock market,” or absolutely faceless headings such as “incoming and outgoing correspondence,” “miscellaneous correspondence,” “monitoring documents.” "etc.
etc., which do not allow identifying the original composition of documents and determining the periods of their storage.
At the beginning of the year, the secretary has to actively act in several directions at once: conduct current work, sum up the results of the past year and plan the activities (of his own and of his colleagues) for several months in advance.
No matter what you miss... Let's start with the registration logs. Year after year, the same question is relevant: is it necessary to create new document logs or can the old ones be continued? Answer: necessary. Numbering in new journals will begin from No. 1, even if few documents were registered in last year's journal. Old magazines should definitely be “closed” (more on this later). New registration forms must be submitted on the first working day of the year. What are your plans? Once the necessary registration forms have been created and work continues at a normal pace after the long holidays, you will need to start planning your activities for the coming year.
Biological action
Like other vitamins, eicosapentaenoic acid is mainly supplied to the body through food. It can also be formed endogenously from other polyunsaturated precursors, but the amounts of the synthesized substance are very small and are not able to cover the body's needs. The biological effects of the nutrient are realized through active metabolites - eicosanoids, which are divided into several classes.
Benefits of EPA for the body:
- For diseases of the nervous system. In 2000, randomized clinical trials demonstrated positive effects in neurodegenerative brain diseases. EPA can slow down the progression of Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease, and senile dementia.
- Emotional sphere. The vitamin normalizes mood and reduces the risk of depression.
- The cardiovascular system. PUFA improves the rheological properties of blood, reduces the amount of “bad cholesterol”, and reduces the likelihood of developing sudden coronary death by 19%.
- Systemic inflammatory diseases. By reducing the synthesis of pro-inflammatory substances (leukotrienes, prostaglandins), EPA promotes regression of symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus.
- For children. Acids are necessary for the construction of the myelin sheaths of nerve cells and participate in the processes of mental and physical development.
- For pregnant. Eicosapentaenoic acid weakens the manifestations of early toxicosis during pregnancy, prevents premature birth, and prevents developmental defects.
When consumed in the daily dose, the substance does not have a harmful effect on the body; side effects are possible only in case of an overdose.
Epk in the nomenclature of cases is a transcript
The office department can provide methodological assistance, advise colleagues from other departments and check the results of the work. In practice, the question often arises: why should it be the employees of the departments who install CX? Explain to your colleagues that even the most qualified office clerk or secretary will not list all of the department's business papers and determine their value to the company. Read about the topic in the electronic journal What types of lists will help set deadlines Help There are standard and departmental lists of documents. The first contain business papers created in all organizations.
The second are business papers that reflect the specific functions of industry enterprises.
We include electronic documents in the nomenclature of cases Analysis of the development of nomenclatures of cases in various organizations shows that in some cases the incompleteness of the documents and documentary complexes included in the nomenclature of cases is associated, first of all, with the non-inclusion of electronic documents created in all divisions of the organization.
Meanwhile, an immutable rule should be the inclusion in the nomenclature of all documentary information created in the organization or received by it, regardless of the type of media.
In the context of the ever-increasing volume of electronic document flow, nomenclature compilers must pay special attention and receive from the heads of structural divisions comprehensive information about the composition and types of documents created on electronic media in this division.
Nomenclature structure and filling procedure
The nomenclature of cases must meet a number of conditions:
Firstly: the nomenclature must work with absolutely all documentation passing through the organization or having any relation to it - both received within the organization and with all external documentation.
Secondly: the names of cases in the nomenclature should always be formulated in a brief and succinct form and fully comply with the information content of the documentation located in this case.
Thirdly: case headings in the nomenclature are drawn up in the presence of several important factors:
- indication of the type of document (decree, agreement, contract, protocol);
- information about the document, compiled and presented in a concise form;
- the period (time period) to which this documentation and cases related to it belong;
- number of articles according to the list (standard, departmental), and in its absence - according to the standard or approximate nomenclature of cases;
- in the case where the documents are copies, be sure to indicate this when compiling the title.
Fourth: the title of a case that includes correspondence should briefly indicate the main characters and the reason for the correspondence (what issue is being discussed).
In the course of conducting business, their titles in the nomenclature can be adjusted, supplemented and edited.
Sample of a standard nomenclature of cases intended for universities:
1. General questions. 2. Management. 2.1. Ministry decrees. 2.2. Decrees of the rector of the university. 2.3. Information about the activities of the university. 3. Educational activities of the university. 3.1. Educational design work of the university. 3.1.1. University educational projects for a year. 3.1.2. University educational projects for the semester. 3.2. Class schedule. 3.3. Questions for exams. 4. Accounting. 4.1. Accounting (financial) statements of the university for the year. 4.2. Business correspondence with the bank. 5. Economic and administrative activities. 5.1. Project for renovation of university classrooms. 5.2. Business correspondence with suppliers of building materials. 5.3. Business correspondence regarding the purchase of internal equipment for classrooms.
What is EPK in the nomenclature of cases?
A mark on moving cases is affixed if a case, including business papers on a certain issue, was started in one year, but will be completed, for example, in the next year.
The final ND record is compiled on the last sheet of ND at the end of the calendar year. It should contain the total number of cases that were generated in the organization, by storage period.
Also, the final entry must indicate the number of cases transferred from Fr.
All information from the final record must be transferred to the enterprise archive.
A sample nomenclature of affairs is presented below: Nomenclature of affairs of the organization (sample).xls How to fill out the article “Storage periods for documents” An obligatory part of the preparation of RD is the determination of the retention periods (SH) of business papers.
CX refers to the period during which paper must be stored due to its significance.
Signs of Deficiency
Lack of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is a common problem, which is associated with an insufficient percentage of consumption of sea fish and seafood by the Russian population. The main symptoms of hypovitaminosis in adults:
- dryness and flaking of the skin, dandruff;
- frequent colds;
- joint pain, stiffness of movement;
- decreased performance, deterioration of memory and concentration;
- emotional lability, depressive states;
- decreased sexual desire, reproductive dysfunction;
- interruptions in heart function.
In children, the nutrient has a greater effect on the nervous system, so when it is deficient, mental development slows down, difficulties in school, irritability, and tearfulness occur. One of the signs of vitamin deficiency is the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
To compensate for the lack of EPA, doctors recommend taking special nutritional supplements that contain a balanced amount of Omega fatty acids. Taking 1-2 capsules of the drug per day can eliminate unpleasant symptoms in a short time.
Electro-pneumatic auto-stop valve (EPK) cond. No. 150I
Electro-pneumatic auto-stop valve (EPK) cond. No. 150I consists of several main components: bracket 1, housing 2, middle part b, lock housing 15 and solenoid valve housing 16. These nodes contain:
in bracket 1 - time chamber K with a volume of 1 liter and taps for connecting to the supply line (with the main GR tank) through calibrated throttle holes B and C and to the brake line M;
in housing 2 - a stall valve (piston 3 with a rubber cuff and spring 4) for emergency discharge of the main line through channel At, plunger 22, whistle (not shown in the figure) and chamber D;
in the middle part 6 - diaphragm 5, valve 7, lever 8 and spring 9, pressed by screw 12;
in the body 16 of the electromagnetic valve there is a coil 18, an armature 17, a rod 19 with a spring 21 and a core 20;
in the lock body 15 there is an eccentric roller 25 and a mechanism 26 (lock) for actuating the eccentric. A plastic eccentric 24 is connected to the axis of the roller 25.
The cavity above the plunger 22 communicates with the atmosphere through a hole with a diameter of 4 mm.
On the cover 10 there is a limit switch 11 of the VPK2010 type, a switch 14 of the VPK4020 type, a contact panel of four two-pin clamps 29 attached to a bracket 27, and a wire 30. The wire numbers are stamped on cardboard washers 31. From under the casing 13 the wires are routed in a rubber hose out. In the future, it is planned to replace the contact panel with an ShR type plug connector.
To turn on the EPC, you need to insert the key into the lock body 15 and turn it to the right. In this case, the eccentric roller 25 through the buffer 28 will move down the rod 19 with the plunger 22 and press the valve to the seat of the sleeve 23.
Let's consider the action of the auto-stop valve during charging and braking.
Charger. Air from the GR supply line through valve 4 and calibrated hole B with a diameter of 1 mm, and then through the same hole B enters the time holding chamber K and chamber D under the diaphragm. Charging chamber K from 1.5 to 8.0 kgf/cm2 occurs in no more than 10 s.
As a result, diaphragm 8 will take the upper position, lever 9 will move the rod of limit switch 10 and close the upper pair of contacts. The electrical circuit of solenoid valve 1 will be ready for action.
Compressed air from the brake line M through valve 5 and a calibrated hole b with a diameter of 0.8 mm in the piston of the stall valve 12 passes under the valve 11 and presses it to the seat. Under the force of spring 7, valve 12 will lower and disconnect the atmospheric channel At from the brake line M. When the alert handle is applied, a current of 45-55 V is supplied to the valve coil 1. In this case, the armature is attracted to the electromagnet core and the rod 2 presses the plunger 3 to the seat. After this, you need to turn the key to the left position all the way and leave it in the lock.
Braking. When a track unshorted inductor passes, the winding of valve 1 (Fig. b) is de-energized. Under air pressure from the supply line to plunger 3, the armature with rod 2 rises upward.
Compressed air from the time holding chamber K and from the chamber D enters the whistle through a calibrated hole B and escapes into the atmosphere. At the same time, air will flow into the whistle from the supply line through hole B.
The cross-sections of holes B and C are selected so that the pressure under plunger 3 is maintained at about 2.0-2.5 kgf/cm2, and the whistle operates regardless of the decrease in pressure in chamber K.
If, after 6-7 seconds from the start of the whistle sound signal, the vigilance handle is pressed, the valve coil 1 will again receive power and the electro-pneumatic auto-stop valve will return to its original position.
The air pressure in the holding chamber decreases from 8.0 to 1.5 kgf/cm2 in 7-8 s.
If during this time the vigilance handle is not pressed, the air pressure in chambers K and D will drop to 1.5 kgf/cm2, under the force of a compressed spring, diaphragm 8 will bend down by 6.0-7.5 mm, and lever 9 will open the valve 11, exposing the chamber above the stall valve 12 to the atmosphere.
In previously released auto-stop valves, a bracket is made to hold the key in the lock, which is secured with one of the screws of the lock body.
Air pressure from the brake line will force the stall valve piston away from the seat, resulting in an emergency discharge of the brake line through the wide atmospheric channel At in the valve bracket.
The limit switch rod 10, following the lever 9, will go down and disconnect the electrical circuit of the EPC.
When the pressure in the brake line is about 1.5 kgf/cm2, the stall valve 12 will lower onto the seat under the action of the spring 7.
It is impossible to stop the train braking that has begun, caused by the activation of the hitchhiking, by pressing the alert handle (the electrical circuit of the EPC is disconnected by the contacts of limit switch 10).
To turn on the auto-stop and release the brakes on the train, you need to turn the valve key to the extreme right position.
The presence of switch 14 on the EPK allows you to register on the speedometer tape the engaged position of the hitchhiker, periodic pressing of the vigilance handle and the activation of the EPK (emergency braking).
⇐Pneumatic control switches PVU-2 and PVU-4 | Braking equipment for AC electric locomotives | Speedometer SL-2M⇒
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Personal file index
If the organization is small and does not have structural parts, its nomenclature is built according to a production or functional scheme.
In this case, the case index will be its serial number in the nomenclature: 01, 02, 03, etc. For most employers, an employee's personal document is not one of the mandatory personnel documents, with the exception of cases where its availability is prescribed by law (state, municipal employees, prosecutors, customs employees). In commercial organizations, conducting personal affairs is not prohibited.
The employer has the right to independently decide on the need for this package of documents for employees.
In the previous article, we already said that personnel officers of enterprises and organizations whose work is not related to public service are not required to maintain personal files of employees.
List of documents
An inventory in office work is understood as an accounting document that reflects a list of case documents with the document’s serial number, index, creation date, title and mandatory numbering recorded in it. If the inventory of personnel documents or other documentation is more than one sheet, then its numbering is carried out separately from the documents that are included in the file. This is due to the fact that it is not included in the personal file documents.
At the final stage, the list of documents for the archive is signed by the specialist who completed it and the date of its compilation is recorded.
The organization's stamp on the form is not required.
An inventory of the transfer of documents to the archive must be compiled in two copies, one of which remains with the organization, and the other is transferred to the archival institution.
How to index and store employee personal files?
- How is a personal file number assigned?
- Are personal files of working employees filed or stored in a folder?
- How is the registration index of a document assigned in the internal inventory?
Answer to 1 question: Are personal files of working employees filed or stored in a folder?
The personal file is stored in a separate folder for each employee. Don't miss: the main article of the month from a practical expert Do not keep copies of passports and diplomas in the HR department, otherwise you will be fined. Mandatory management of personal files is provided for state civil and municipal employees, as well as military personnel (Art.