Sample list of documents for the Social Insurance Fund and features of the content of the document
When an inventory is needed in the Social Insurance Fund Providing an inventory to the Social Insurance Fund is necessary if
INV-26: record sheet of results identified by inventory
Inventory card for accounting of fixed assets (form code 0504031) Inventory card for accounting for fixed assets (f.
minimum wage
The minimum wage is now equal to the subsistence level - 11 thousand 163 rubles
What level of wages can Crimeans expect next year? According to the Ministry of Economic Development
Maintaining documentation electronically
How to fill out a travel log (features)?
Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities whose activities, in one way or another, involve the need to use
Rules for drawing up an act on dismantling fixed assets - free sample for downloading
This form can be printed from the MS Word editor (in page layout mode), where the settings
An example of an order or regulation on the timing and procedure for paying wages
Order on early payment of wages in December 2020: samples
The legislation clearly states that each employee must receive a salary at least twice
Daytime fence sheet. Unified form N OP-6 (filling sample)
Why is the sheet needed, its meaning? The document is used in cases where a catering establishment
What fines are introduced for enterprises and organizations violating the high alert regime?
Home / Labor Law / Responsibility / Material Back Published: 01/12/2018 Reading time:
Maintaining a receipt and expenditure book for accounting of work record forms
Receipt and expense book for accounting of work book forms and inserts in it
Why keep records of work books? According to Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation among the documents provided
Order on the appointment of persons responsible for maintaining time sheets (Sample of completion)
Who is appointed responsible? If there are a lot of employees in the organization, then keeping time sheets becomes sufficient
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