How to issue a work book
How to issue a notification about the need to pick up a work book after dismissal + sample for downloading
The procedure for issuing a work book upon dismissal The work book refers to official documents of strict accountability.
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The essence and role of the job description Job descriptions of employees are not included in the package of mandatory local
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Regulatory regulation in relation to the report card Federal Law dated December 6, 2011 N 402-FZ defines the requirements for
employee aho
— Job description of the head of the administrative and economic department
Job description of the head of the economic department [organizational and legal form, name of organization, enterprise] [position, signature, full name.
How to confirm work experience without a work book?
To assign a pension upon reaching a certain age or length of service, a citizen must
Registration procedure
A certificate that will simplify the write-off of uncollectible accounts receivable
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Organizations have the right to independently choose their remuneration systems. Being a reward for work, wages are
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It is difficult to imagine today an enterprise that from time to time, and sometimes regularly, in connection
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Mandatory details 9 of Law N 402-FZ and paragraphs. "e" clause 2 art. 9 of the Law
Order on the appointment of an authorized person responsible for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books
Where should employee work books be kept and who is responsible for them?
Home / Labor Law / Work record book Back Published: 05/22/2020 Reading time: 9
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