Find a checkpoint organization on the tax website

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Nowadays, all information about the actions of any economic agents is encoded and collected, and now there is so much of it that it is sometimes quite difficult to navigate it or, at least somehow, even figure out what such data means.

In our material today, we will look in detail at the basic rules for assigning a checkpoint encoding, we will analyze what these numbers mean so that you can at least somehow navigate this data, and then we will tell you how to find out the checkpoint by TIN.

Let us immediately note that in our country, different rules for accounting and conducting business activities apply to different economic agents. Therefore, controversial situations often arise regarding the accounting and procedure of actions of legal entities and individuals. Registration of organizations and individual entrepreneurs actually occurs in different ways, but, unfortunately, not everyone knows about it. In connection with this, confusion often arises when filling out official documents, such as contracts, payments, declarations, invoices.

Today we will consider in detail the issues related to checkpoints for individual entrepreneurs and organizations so that you do not have any questions with understanding and searching for such data. Namely, we will analyze in detail what a checkpoint is, its essence and why it is needed, where and how to find it.

What does the gearbox code mean?

KPP is a code for the reason for registering an economic entity for tax purposes with the state tax service. This code is assigned by Federal Tax Service specialists when registering a taxpayer.

The gearbox coding includes nine digits in which the following is coded:

  • The affiliation of a subject of financial and economic activity to a certain region of the Russian Federation, that is, the place where the initial registration was made as an economic subject of commercial (non-commercial) activity - the first two digits of the encoding.
  • The designation of the number of the tax authority that carried out the registration of this economic entity of commercial (non-commercial) activity is the second pair of encoding digits.
  • Two-digit coding of the reason for registering a taxpayer with the Federal Tax Service, which is carried out according to the Russian classifier. Detailed meanings of the codes can be found in the SPPUNO directory (previously it was posted on the Federal Tax Service website, but now you need to look for it yourself). The values ​​of this encoding are usually set from “01” to “50” for Russian economic entities, and for foreign organizations from “55” to “99”. This encoding may indicate the reason for the registration of the taxpayer-organization, both as an integral unit and as its structural unit, for example, a branch.
  • The three-digit encoding at the end of the code shows how many times this taxpayer was registered with this Federal Tax Service inspection for the same reason for registration.

Thus, the first four digits of the checkpoint code must match the TIN. And the last three digits indicate the number of re-registrations. Therefore, the gearbox coding is actually quite simple and easy to understand and remember.

Let's consider a simple example - checkpoint 780701001. This encoding means:

  • that this organization was registered in St. Petersburg;
  • in the territorial Federal Tax Service No. 7 for St. Petersburg;
  • registration with the tax service of the taxpayer was carried out by specialists of the Federal Tax Service at the place of its initial registration - code “01”; if the coding differs from “01”, this means that the registration of this taxpayer was carried out at the location of the main office, branch, real estate of the organization, or, for example, for resource-extracting organizations, at the location of their location (production);
  • encoding “001” indicates initial registration with this Federal Tax Service.

Please note that the coding of the checkpoint of taxpayer organizations may change, for example, when the location of the head office or division of the organization changes, as well as for other reasons. In connection with this, there is a need to double-check the checkpoints of your partners’ counterparty organizations; below we will tell you how you can do this.

Some organizations may have several checkpoints, which also creates the need to clarify and verify the details of partner companies.


The possibility of an ambiguous interpretation of regulations (only one example of conflicting provisions of some of them was given above) gives rise to questions. We will list frequently occurring ones and give answers to them.

Is it possible to find out the place of employment using the TIN?

Currently, it is possible to find out where a person works (city) only if he has the status of an individual entrepreneur. To do this, you need to go to the Federal Tax Service website using the link. Then you should check the box next to the “Individual entrepreneur/KFZ” option. After this, the TIN is entered in the appropriate line of the form. As a result of these actions you can find out:

  • series, number and date of the certificate;
  • types of activities according to OKVED;
  • tax office with which the individual entrepreneur is registered.

Actually, the information from the last paragraph is the information you are looking for.

How can I find out the date of issue of the TIN

The easiest way is to study the contents of the tax number assignment certificate. If this document is lost, you can find out the date of issue of the TIN on the State Services portal or on the Federal Tax Service website. You will be asked to enter your tax number and additional information. You will see the date of issue of the TIN on the monitor, among other information that will appear after sending the request.

How to find out the registration address of an individual using the TIN

The registration address using the TIN of an individual is determined by sending a request to the tax service. However, information is provided only to persons who can confirm:

  • property rights to housing;
  • having the authority to act on behalf of the owner of the living space, which has the status of a disputed object.

How to find out by TIN what property you have

The question of how to find out the property that is listed on it using the TIN of an individual usually arises after a recent transaction for the acquisition of ownership of objects subject to taxation - real estate and/or vehicles. You can obtain this information in your personal account on the Federal Tax Service website.

Another option when you need to find out the owner of the property using the TIN number is to end the marriage. For example, the last wife of a deceased citizen hides property that belonged to the deceased from her children born in a previous marriage, with the goal of not dividing it. In the absence of a will, this is possible: such information is issued by the Federal Tax Service only at the request of the current owner of the taxable object, that is, the spouse of the deceased. Attempts to find out through the fiscal service about property belonging to another person are illegal.

Why does the tax service assign checkpoints?

In general, the checkpoint encoding is one of the main “passport” details of an existing economic entity. This number must be indicated in all contracts, payment documents, accounting and tax documents.

Let us recall the main list of official details that must be indicated by existing economic entities when they carry out any financial and economic activities:

  • TIN;
  • OGRN;
  • OKVED;
  • checkpoint;
  • OKTMO.

The Russian practice of conducting any financial and economic activities of entities implies the mandatory indication of all of the above codes, and their absence may negatively affect the implementation of financial and economic activities. For example, a subject of financial and economic activity may have limited rights when admitting or participating in government and other tenders, when concluding various other agreements with business partners.

These codes allow government agencies to monitor and control the activities of economic entities throughout the country, as well as maintain full operational records of them. In the information databases of the Federal Tax Service you can find data not only on currently operating organizations and entrepreneurs, but also on entities that ceased their activities for some reason several years ago.

Federal Tax Service website

Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Link: Information entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (OGRN, OKVED, etc.) Free

What do you need to enter?

It is enough to enter ONE of the fields: Name (simply Yandex, Gazprom, etc.) and/or OGRN/GRN/TIN and/or Address and/or Region and/or Registration Date.

What information will I receive?

  • Name of the legal entity;
  • Address (location) of the legal entity;
  • OGRN;
  • GRN;
  • TIN;
  • checkpoint;
  • Information about the state registration of the organization;
  • Date of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (registration of a legal entity);
  • Name of the registering authority that made the entry (Tax);
  • Address of the registration authority;
  • Information on amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Information on state registration of changes made to the constituent documents of legal entities;
  • Information about licenses, registration as policyholders in funds, information about registration.


Also, recently on the same tax website information appeared on the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (OGRNIP, OKVED, Pension Fund number, etc.) for individual entrepreneurs.

Search by: OGRNIP/TIN or full name and region of residence (patronymic name does not have to be entered)

The website has a database of organizations and individual entrepreneurs of the Russian Federation, but not all of them (according to our observations, Focus.Kontura has the largest database (for example, only there you can find out OKPO or liquidated organizations, individual entrepreneurs) and there is a lot of stuff that is not on the tax website) .

Find out if it is micro, small or medium

Allows you to find out about the number of employees (approximate).

On the website of the Federal Tax Service you can find out whether an individual entrepreneur or organization is a micro-enterprise (up to 15 people), small (15-100) or medium-sized (100-250 people)

Is the account blocked?

By going to the website and entering the TIN, you can make a “Request for current decisions on suspension” of transactions on the current account and instantly find out the answer, for example, “There are NO current decisions on suspension for the specified taxpayer.” You need to enter the “BIC of the bank executing the request” - just enter the BIC of any bank, for example, Sberbank “044525225”.

When changes are made to the checkpoint

As we already mentioned above, the checkpoint coding is carried out according to the territorial location of the organization and the Federal Tax Service, as well as the code of the reason for the taxpayer’s tax registration. Consequently, there may be several organizations with the same checkpoints, and these codes may change during the activities of economic agents-organizations.

If the location of the organization's offices or its assets changes, as well as changes in the scope of activity, changes in the grounds for registration and re-registration, the coding of the checkpoint can be changed - Federal Tax Service specialists assign a new checkpoint to the organization, the data in the federal accounting databases for this organization changes, and the official details of the organization also change .

If you need clear identification of any of your partners or counterparties, always use their TIN; it remains unchanged in any case. And to find accurate, current information, use only official sources. The records of all economic entities are now maintained by the Federal Tax Service, so it is best to contact us here - here the information is updated, first of all.

How to find the TIN of an individual entrepreneur by last name

To find out the TIN of an entrepreneur, you can use services on the Internet that provide such a service. They can be divided into two groups: websites of official departments and websites of organizations engaged in commercial activities (for example, banks) and demonstrating their loyalty by attracting customers in this way. However, visually these services are not much different. As a rule, on most sites the form for requesting information about the TIN is borrowed from the website of the Federal Tax Service.

The Federal Tax Service on the official website ( improves the quality of services provided on the Internet and develops useful electronic services. Using some of them you can find the INN of an individual entrepreneur by last name, first name, patronymic. In addition to the full name of the individual entrepreneur, you need to know the following information:

  • the region in which the individual entrepreneur is registered for tax purposes;
  • entrepreneur's passport details.

Such assistant services are “Find out TIN” and “Business risks: check yourself and your counterparty.”

Can an organization have several checkpoints?

Yes, indeed, in some cases, organizations may have several checkpoints. Some large organizations receive the status of “largest taxpayer” from the tax service and are assigned additional checkpoints. The first digits of such checkpoint encodings begin with “99”, followed by the number of the territorial Federal Tax Service, which registered this economic entity.

Thus, some large organizations have territorial checkpoints at their location and interregional checkpoints with a coding starting with “99”. The remaining digits of the code are assigned according to general rules.

Therefore, if you are dealing with a large organization with several branches, keep in mind that different divisions may have different details and they will most likely differ from the details of the parent organization or the details of its central office. In such cases, when indicating details in financial documents and contracts, you need to be especially careful and double-check the data you have, this will allow you to avoid controversial legal and financial issues in future activities.

Service "Business Risks" on the website of the Federal Tax Service

But it is still possible to find out the TIN of an individual entrepreneur by last name. The Russian Federal Tax Service service “Business risks: check yourself and your counterparty” will help with this. It provides information about duly registered organizations, entrepreneurs and heads of peasant (farm) households. In the “Search Criteria” you must select the “Individual Entrepreneur/Peasant Farm” tab and o. Next, the corresponding data is entered into each of the fields, and the request is confirmed with a digital code generated by the site. Based on the specified parameters, the database displays a list of entrepreneurs and allows you to view an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, which indicates the date of registration of the individual entrepreneur, its registration number, INN and the types of activities carried out.

Instructions for using the database of enforcement proceedings and other information resources

Registration of a user of the application programming interface (API) for access to publicly available information from the database of enforcement proceedings

In accordance with Article 6.1 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings,” the Federal Bailiff Service creates and maintains a data bank of enforcement proceedings in electronic form. In accordance with the Procedure for creating and maintaining a data bank in the enforcement proceedings of the Federal Bailiff Service in electronic form, the publicly accessible part of the data bank is published on the official website of the FSSP of Russia.

According to paragraph 3 of Article 6.1 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings,” the requirements contained in executive documents issued on the basis of a judicial act, the text of which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is not subject to publication, are not published in the publicly accessible part of the Data Bank. posting on the Internet.

To work with the bank, you need to select a subsection – search by individuals or search by legal entities. The section “Territorial Bodies” indicates the region of official registration of an individual, the place of stay or location of his property, the place of registration of a legal entity with the Federal Tax Service, the location of his property or the address of his representative office or branch (for example, Altai Territory).

In accordance with Article 33 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings,” enforcement proceedings may be transferred to another division of bailiffs. By decision of the Director of the Federal Bailiff Service - the chief bailiff of the Russian Federation, enforcement proceedings may be transferred to the Department for the Execution of Particularly Important Enforcement Proceedings. In this case: in the section “Territorial Bodies” it is indicated – Department for the Execution of Particularly Important Enforcement Proceedings.

The date of birth for an individual is not required to be filled out. If the data matches, for more accurate identification you can fill in the field in the format DD.MM.YYYY.

If you have information about the number of the enforcement proceedings, you can obtain information from the database of enforcement proceedings through the section “Search by number of the enforcement proceedings”.

If you have information about the number of the writ of execution, you can obtain information from the database of enforcement proceedings through the section “Search by number of the writ of execution”.

The FSSP of Russia does not store or transfer to third parties personal data entered by users in the search form.

The service “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings” is provided only on the official website of the FSSP of Russia at and sections of the territorial bodies of the FSSP of Russia located in third-level domains r** ip/.

Find out the TIN by the name of the founder

Number of requests1 (one) request. IMPORTANT: receipt of the company’s financial indicators is not guaranteed due to the company’s possible failure to submit information to the inspecting authorities
Initial data for the requestOGRN or surname of the founder or name of the legal entity
Information sourcesRosstat, Unified State Register of Legal Entities
A comment TIN is a unique taxpayer identification number, issued upon request by the tax office. For legal entities and individuals, the TIN is unchanged from the moment of receipt. Unlike a FL, for an individual entrepreneur, obtaining a number is a mandatory procedure. The identification number is a mandatory component of the information that the company must provide to the Unified State Register (EGRIPEGRUL).

An identification number is an effective information tool: knowing it, you can quickly determine not only whether a given person has tax debt, but also with a high probability of establishing the degree of affiliation (for example, for subsidiaries), participation in government orders, legal proceedings, etc. Naturally, determining the TIN is one of the main steps in the process of preliminary verification of counterparties.

Despite the fact that the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) refers to “open” information, it takes time to find it out, which is not always acceptable, for example, in the context of a quick transaction or a time-limited tender. In addition, official sources require a clear list of information when filling out an application. However, it is possible to find out the TIN by the name of the founder. To do this, it is worth using information solutions. All you have to do is enter your last name in the appropriate field of the form and click “OK”. Processing of the request takes place online and takes a minimum of time, so in just a couple of seconds you will have at your disposal a full extract from the unified register of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

Find out the TIN by OGRN

OGRN – 13-digit main state registration number. In fact, it is evidence that this legal entity was created and entered into the unified state register of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The extract from the register contains both the main and identification numbers, so you can also find out the TIN by OGRN using the online widget. As in the case of searching by the name of the founders, you get the result in just a few seconds.

It is also worth noting that, despite all the convenience and efficiency, the service of obtaining information on the TIN of the desired entity is financially affordable, even compared to the prices of the original source.

Typical situation Concluding an agreement with a counterparty related to an advance payment; conducting tender procedures; assessment of the borrower when issuing a loan; conducting investigations.

Checkpoint for individual entrepreneurs

When individual entrepreneurs begin their commercial activities in the status of individual entrepreneurs, they undergo general registration with government agencies, their data is recorded in all official accounting information databases.

When an entrepreneur submits an application for registration to the tax service, he is assigned a TIN, OGRNIP, OKTMO. OKVED activity codes are also selected.

According to the current legislation, namely the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, only legal entities receive checkpoint coding from the Federal Tax Service. And individual entrepreneurs are classified as individuals and should not have a checkpoint.

Organizations - legal entities (LLC, JSC, etc.), as a rule, are not sufficiently aware of the rules of operation of individual entrepreneurs and impose requirements on entrepreneurs similar to those that apply to legal entities. And entrepreneurs constantly encounter, when filling out a variety of documents, the fact that they contain mandatory fields for filling out the checkpoint and they are required to fill them out. In such cases, in these columns, entrepreneurs must enter dashes or zeros, or leave the columns blank.

But often this is not enough and entrepreneurs find themselves forced to verbally explain to their counterparty partners that, in principle, they do not have an official checkpoint. Sometimes, unfortunately, when conducting competitive procedures or official tenders, due to the lack of checkpoint coding, entrepreneurs find themselves in difficult situations or even lost in their rights.

In this regard, we can only hope for another change in our legislation, which will somehow resolve these contradictory and conflict situations by introducing new rules that will facilitate the activities of small businesses.

The fact that an entrepreneur indicates checkpoint coding in any documents has no legal force, and when filling out documents for any government agencies (FSS, Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, etc.) they are simply illegal.

Why information about a person’s registration may be useful.

Finding out someone's registration may be necessary in a variety of everyday situations. Let's consider the main ones:

  • Search for a missing debtor, for example, based on alimony, loan agreements;
  • Search for heirs;
  • Search for individuals who left the scene of an accident, etc.

There are situations when information about a person’s registration is urgently needed. To receive them, you can contact the nearest police department (call the hotline) and explain your problem. In some cases, a police squad will go to the scene and carry out all the necessary actions, or your request will be recorded for further work.

In this case, both citizens and officials may need information. In the latter case, an official request is made, which is signed by the head of the authority or other authorized employee. As a rule, the request is considered within 30 days from the date of its registration. However, some departments, due to the urgency of obtaining information about the registration address, may set shorter deadlines. For example, the prosecutor's office, the court. The second option for obtaining a registration address using an individual’s personal identification number or passport data is interdepartmental interaction, which can be expressed in providing access to a common database.

If a citizen applies, he must have compelling reasons for obtaining the data, since information about registration refers to personal data protected by law. Moreover, violators are charged with both administrative and criminal punishment, as well as disciplinary and civil liability. That is why information about the place of residence of individuals is stored in special databases and is not available to the public. If the bath databases are hacked, the violator will face criminal punishment.

Where can I find out the checkpoint?

In fact, finding out the checkpoint by TIN is not difficult; there are several simple options:

  • Find out the checkpoint from the registration documents of the organization;
  • Find out the checkpoint from any official financial documents of the organization (invoices, payments, etc.);
  • Find out the checkpoint from any legally significant documents, for example, contracts;
  • Find out the checkpoint from any government information databases, for example, the tax service database.

If you want to find out the exact official data of the organization at the moment, and as we noted, the checkpoint number may in some cases change over time and the data in the documents may simply become outdated, make a request through the state information base. The easiest way is to make a request to the Federal Tax Service.

A request to the Federal Tax Service regarding the checkpoint can be made in person (you will need to provide your passport data), in writing, or, easiest of all, online, on the tax office website. Information about checkpoints of organizations is open data and you won’t have any particular difficulties searching for it. In addition, you can find out the checkpoint through the Kontur database, and there are also other available sources, both free and paid.

In order to find out information about the checkpoint through the tax service, you can make a request for the TIN or request an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. In some cases, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities may be preferable, since it also contains other important details and information about the organization. And if you need detailed information about the entrepreneur, then you need to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs.

Note that the Federal Tax Service database stores data on existing and liquidated organizations. Therefore, if you have doubts about the integrity of any of your counterparties, then it is better to contact the Federal Tax Service information database and immediately request an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Where can I check my IP?

IP verification is carried out mainly for two purposes: in order to minimize tax or credit and financial risks. In the first case, information about the reliability of a business partner makes it possible to reduce the likelihood of claims in terms of the validity of VAT deductions, as well as expenses that reduce the tax base due to income taxes. The second deals with the legality of a businessman’s work.

Important! You can check not only a third-party entrepreneur, but also competitors, as well as yourself.

At the tax office

You can request information from the Federal Tax Service about whether an individual entrepreneur has arrears in tax payments and receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. To do this, you must personally contact the tax service department and provide the required documentation, as well as a receipt for payment of duties. Passport details and TIN will be required.

The state duty is 200 rubles. The requested information is provided on paper.

On the website of the Federal Tax Service

It is much easier to determine the status of an individual entrepreneur and obtain certain data about its activities through the Federal Tax Service website. There are 13 services available here that are designed to verify the counterparty. They allow you to obtain information about:

  • Information contained in the state register of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  • Tax debts
  • The entrepreneur undergoes the official registration procedure
  • Termination of activities.

The Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs records information about all citizens who are registered as individual entrepreneurs. This data is retained even after liquidation. Every businessman is obliged to promptly report all changes so that the data in the register is corrected in a timely manner. Accordingly, you can get up-to-date information here.

Other online services

You can check your individual entrepreneur by TIN and other data using several specialized services:

  • On the web resource of the bailiff service, you can raise the question of the existence of enforcement proceedings against a businessman. On the FSSP website you need to indicate the region in which the individual entrepreneur or legal entity is registered. It is allowed to conduct an inspection in the region where the counterparty’s property is located. In addition, the full name of the entrepreneur is entered.
  • On the website of the Arbitration Court it is possible to obtain information about legal proceedings taking place with the participation of the counterparty. This requires TIN, OGRN and full name. Data is provided from the corresponding file cabinet.
  • The Unified Data Register, containing information on the activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, provides information on the existence of bankruptcy proceedings against the entrepreneur, on net assets and OKVED codes.
  • The Register of Unscrupulous Suppliers contains a list of unreliable entrepreneurs who were suppliers of products for municipal or state needs. For verification, the TIN is indicated.
  • The Migration Department issues information about the authenticity and validity of the individual entrepreneur’s passport details.

When receiving information in any of the listed databases, it is advisable to save the received data in the form of screenshots. Subsequently, this will help to confirm that before starting cooperation with the counterparty, it was checked.

Important! There are many third-party online services that allow you to find out all the necessary information about an individual entrepreneur without any extra effort. But for this information a certain fee is charged.

How to find out the checkpoint by TIN online

How to find out the checkpoint through the Federal Tax Service online:

  • Go to the tax service website;
  • Open the section “Information on registration of legal entities” there;
  • Fill out the electronic request form, indicating the TIN of the organization you are interested in or its exact name.

In response to your request, you will receive an electronic form with information about the checkpoint of the economic agent you requested. You can save this form to your computer or print it if you wish.

You can also make your request on the site through the “All Services” section; there you can make other useful requests.

Today you can easily recognize your checkpoint or the checkpoint of any taxpayer organization registered with the Federal Tax Service. Moreover, this applies to both our Russian organizations and foreign companies operating in our country. Now foreign companies also register with the Federal Tax Service and pay taxes on their activities to the state treasury.

How to check a counterparty by TIN

Verification of the counterparty is the prerogative of the taxpayer. This is enshrined in Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court No. 53 of 10/12/2006. The point in this case is that when choosing a business partner, you should be careful, otherwise there are risks of facing sanctions from the tax inspectorate.

Today, there are several ways to screen a potential partner. Let's look at the main ones:

  • Through the official website of the Federal Tax Service. An extract from the unified register in electronic form is issued without the knowledge of the person being checked. Using the service “Information on state registration of individual entrepreneurs, peasant farms and legal entities,” you can check the counterparty by name (full name) or TIN and find out: whether he is on the list of debtors to the budget or disqualified persons;
  • whether adjustments have been made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • cleanliness of the legal address;
  • is it registered/deregistered?
  • Using the card index of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. Information on the official website will allow you to find out:
      whether the potential partner is a participant in the lawsuit;
  • Is the counterparty often sued?
  • in whose favor court decisions are most often made.
  • If the audit reveals a large number of claims, it is not recommended to make a positive decision on cooperation.

    You can also check the counterparty:

    1. On the website of the EFRSFYUL registry, information is available on the bankruptcy procedure for a potential partner.
    2. Using the register of unscrupulous suppliers, participants in government procurement who have shown themselves to be negative in working with budgetary enterprises are included in it. The Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation regularly updates the database.

    If the counterparty is engaged in activities that require a license, you should check its availability. It is possible that an unscrupulous entrepreneur may provide a forged or expired document. You can check your license for free on the Internet resource of the authority that issued it.

    How to find an organization by tax identification number on the tax website

    • Is the subject listed in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (if the data is not found, contacts with scammers are possible);
    • Place and date of its registration (the longer it exists, the less likely it is to encounter a “fly-by-night company”);
    • Legal address (we check if it is registered);
    • Information about the authorized capital, founders and persons with the right to act without issuing a power of attorney (if the authorized capital is less than the amount of the proposed contract, this raises suspicions);
    • Data on changes made to the register and the dates of such changes;
    • OKVED codes (it is advisable to compare the specified types of activities for compliance with real commodity transactions).

    Interesting: Waiver of loan insurance after registration by Sberbank

    Potentially, any transaction with an unfamiliar counterparty can result in unforeseen problems for the enterprise: losses, violation of terms and conditions of delivery, improperly executed documents or unnecessary explanations with the fiscal service.

    How to obtain an Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs?

    To perform any legally significant action by an individual entrepreneur, you need to obtain a document such as an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. The electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs contains data about an individual entrepreneur who has completed the state registration procedure:

    • Registration date, tax authority that carried out the registration;
    • Types of economic activities;
    • Registration in extra-budgetary funds;
    • Individual entrepreneur status (current, activity terminated);
    • Other official public information

    An extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs can be ordered from the tax office at your place of residence or via the Internet on our website. There are two options for receiving a document in electronic or paper form. When ordering a statement on paper, you must be present at the tax authority at your place of residence. You can also order this document electronically on our website by entering your full name. entrepreneur, TIN or OGRNIP, then follow the instructions in the pop-up windows.

    Find out the IP address in accessible ways

    Is it possible and how to find out the address of an individual entrepreneur, having information on the TIN or OGRN? The law establishes that the data contained in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs is considered publicly available. However, information on the IP address is not contained in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

    The TIN is used to streamline the taxpayer system and is assigned to each individual. The TIN will help determine the territorial Federal Tax Service in which the individual entrepreneur has passed state registration and is registered according to the first four digits of the document.

    You can find out the TIN yourself through the Federal Tax Service website:

    does the individual have state registration as an individual entrepreneur;

    whether the entrepreneur has the right to carry out a certain type of activity;

    whether there is a liquidation process going on against him;

    It is impossible to find the address of an individual entrepreneur by TIN and last name of an individual - this information is not contained in the site database.

    How to find out your or someone else's TIN

    Using the “Business Risks” service, you can not only verify the reliability and solvency of the counterparty, but also find out the TIN of any individual entrepreneur by last name. You need to find the business entity you are interested in using the same scheme mentioned above, for this:

    • select “Individual entrepreneur” and search by full name;
    • indicate your last name, first name, patronymic and region;
    • enter the captcha;
    • click "Find".

    The system will give you a list of all individual entrepreneurs with that name. Their TIN, OGRNIP, and registration date will also be indicated. Just select the props you need.

    There are often situations when an entrepreneur needs to find out his own TIN. For example, if you need to fill out some paper, but you don’t have a registration certificate at hand, which contains all the basic details. You can find out the TIN of an individual entrepreneur that belongs to you in two ways:

    Both portals provide the service for free, but on the second you will have to go through a simple registration procedure. The details you will need are your full name, place and date of birth, number and series of your passport or other identity document, and date of issue.

    To find out the TIN of an individual entrepreneur, go to the website, fill out all the fields, enter the numbers from the picture and send a request.

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