Features for different occasions

All types of reports are prepared using a similar template. But depending on the type of vacation, different features appear.

If a military man studies at a university or college, the command must provide study leave. Federal Law No. 76-FZ of May 27, 1998 provides the opportunity to study and receive paid leave:

  • contract officers (full-time, part-time, part-time forms);
  • contract soldiers who do not have the status of “officer” with continuous service of 3 years (full-time, part-time, part-time).

Conscript employees do not have the right to such training.

Sample report for veteran's leave of a military man

Sample report on postponing a military officer's leave

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Report on veteran's leave of a military personnel 2021 sample about. Family leave report.

Report on leave for family and personal reasons. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides annual additional paid leave to employees employed in...

The notary's reputation for the question Veteran's leave, free of charge. I am a veteran. A sample report for veteran's leave and explanations for filling it out will help every military veteran.

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Sample report on cash payment. However, in practice, the probability of such a combination is close to zero, therefore, as an argument for a written refusal in the veteran’s report for leave.

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On the back of the report, the HR department employee writes that.

Coming out of vacation

The entry into service is due to 3 main events:

  • the end of the period of rest;
  • recall by order of command;
  • personal desire of the person liable for military service to begin service early.

The order of actions when the first 2 events occur is clear. However, what should you do if your stay on vacation by order still lasts, and circumstances arise in connection with which you urgently need to begin fulfilling your official duties in the unit?

In such cases, a report on leaving vacation is submitted. It is also sent to the immediate commander, after which the command issues an order to the military unit regarding recall from leave.

The wording of the petition may sound like this: “I ask you to petition the command to recall me from leave (indicate the type, its start and end date, order number). Ready to begin service from... g.”

The main difficulty of this situation is that the command is not obliged to satisfy the employee’s request for recall, since early withdrawal is associated with resolving issues of providing the military man with unused days of legal rest, as well as with the recalculation of monetary allowance. For these reasons, it is recommended to coordinate your actions with management in advance.

We invite you to discuss the topic of vacation registration and share your practical experience on this issue.

Rules for compilation and design

A leave report for a serviceman is drawn up in accordance with the rules provided for this type of document. The basic rules are:

  • the report is sent to the head of the unit to which a specific serviceman is assigned (indicating the position and rank of such leader);
  • the text of the report must contain an indication of the rank and position of the employee who is the author of the report;
  • inside the document it is necessary to reflect information about the reason for which leave should be granted, as well as on what dates leave is required . In some cases, an indication of how many days should be provided to the military personnel is also required (this information is indicated in the case of family leave or educational leave);
  • it is necessary to indicate the date of drawing up the report and put the signature of the serviceman himself , as well as a transcript of such signature;
  • Before submitting a report to the unit commander, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the immediate superior, which is affixed in the form of a special visa to the text of the document . Without such a visa, the report may not be accepted, since the commander has the right to assume that there was no approval for the leave;
  • if leave is granted due to some personal circumstances, then confirmation of such circumstances may be required , for example, in the form of enclosing copies of medical documents confirming the need for medical care for a close relative. Based on such documents, information is generated on the number of days that should be provided as leave.

Basic nuances of filling

Let's look into the details of how to write a report on veteran's leave. The application must be completed in writing on an A4 sheet as follows:

Required documents

The following documents are provided along with the report:

  • VBD certificate;
  • documents for a valid reason for departure.

Documents must be submitted directly to the chief or headquarters commander for signature. Also to the employer through the HR department.

While in military service, a veteran writes a report, and in civilian employment, a statement.

How to write a report correctly

Expert opinion

Kozlov Andrey Kirillovich

Lawyer with 10 years of experience. Specialization: criminal law. More than 3 years of experience in developing legal documentation.

As in civilian personnel records management, the order of rest for military personnel is fixed in a schedule (plan), which is mandatory, and is drawn up taking into account the need to ensure the combat readiness of the unit.

Procedure for submitting a vacation report

The serviceman fills out a petition according to the standard accepted in the unit.

The report usually includes the following information:

  • last name, first name, patronymic, position, military rank of the person in whose name the report is drawn up (immediate superior);
  • last name, first name, patronymic, military rank, position of the serviceman requesting leave;
  • type, duration, start and end dates of leave, period for which it is provided;
  • information about the location of the person reporting during vacation;
  • information about persons performing the duties of the deceased.

Additionally, you can reflect:

  • a request for travel documents for military personnel and members of their families and (or) financial assistance and other payments provided for in the contract;
  • information about the composition of the family, if its members are traveling with the serviceman;
  • documents confirming the need for time off.
  • The report is submitted to the immediate superior, who already applies for days of rest to the high command of the unit.
  • The deadline for submitting such a document is not specified (except in the case of providing days for length of service), but in practice it is advisable to submit it no less than 2 weeks before departure (and if a military man has access to state secrets, then even earlier - about a month) so that have time to complete all the necessary formalities and receive documents.
  • Based on the report, the unit commander issues an order.

Due to illness

This type of vacation can be provided to military personnel under a contract for a period of 30 to 60 days based on the decision of the military medical commission, if they need treatment (for example, a sanatorium-resort) or for mental and psychological rehabilitation, treatment of post-traumatic syndrome and other disorders arising in as a result of performing their professional duties.

By decision of the Military Military Commission, it can be extended for another 30 (for contract soldiers) or 60 (for conscripts) days. But the total time spent in hospital and on sick leave should not exceed 4 months. (except for situations determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in which other treatment periods are provided).

Upon expiration of the treatment period, the military personnel must undergo an examination to determine whether they are fit for service for health reasons. When drawing up an application for such time off, it is important not to forget to attach medical documents (VVK conclusion, sick leave, certificate of incapacity for work, etc.).

Sample report for military leave 2019

The report, which is written by military personnel for the purpose of granting leave, is in many ways similar to the application, but still has some characteristic differences. It is necessary to start drawing up a document by indicating the individual who will review it, as well as identifying the addressee.

In the very top line of the sheet (on the right) the addressee is written.

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The word commander is indicated in the dative case, and then the last name, first name and patronymic of the individual are entered. After this, the position of the addressee is written (from the next line also in the dative case). For example, I wrote such a position as company commander, since that is exactly what I am. And the last thing that remains to be indicated in the introductory part of the report is the last name, full name and patronymic of the individual who draws up this document in order to receive leave.

After the report indicates who is the addressee and who is the addressee, you need to retreat a little space and write the type of document in the center of the line. A word such as a report is indicated in capital letters, and if the document is drawn up on a computer, then also in bold.

What to write first in the body of the report

The military leave document must be submitted to the commander directly in front of them. In turn, this individual is obliged to convey the subordinate’s request to his commander. In this regard, this is the first point that is displayed in the document.

The reporting person must write that he requests that his boss (the individual to whom this document is addressed) petition the higher command for the allocation of vacation days for him. However, all the main details regarding the vacation itself must also be present in the document. In the introductory part, the position is re-registered, as well as the last name/first name/patronymic name of the individual for whom it is necessary to apply.

This is important to know: Application for leave followed by dismissal: sample 2021

Next, it is displayed for which year the person reporting requires leave (for example, for 2021), as well as for what period of time it will last. The duration of the rest must be written down in words. Entering numbers, for example, 25 or 35 days, is highly not recommended.

The report should also indicate from what date the serviceman wants to go on leave. The date is also indicated according to special rules. The day is entered in digital format and the year, respectively, as well, but the month must be written in words. In addition, you can write in the document that additional travel time is required in order to leave the military unit.

Entering requests into a military leave report

If an individual does not belong to the military category, then in order to go on leave it is enough for him to write the dates in the application, refer to a certain legislative act of the Russian Labor Code and submit it to the employer.

However, with the military, things are not so simple. Elementarily, they need to get management to issue transportation documents in order to leave the military unit somewhere. The military may also demand monetary compensation. In this regard, when drawing up a report, do not forget to include the following requests:

  • On the provision of transportation documents. As a rule, military units are located far outside the city. Employees live right on their territory, together with their families. In this regard, it is necessary to state in the report that in order for the military man, together with all his relatives, to be able to transfer to the place where he is going to rest, and also to come back to the unit, military transportation documents are required. It also specifies what type of transport the serviceman’s family will use and where they will travel. For example, I needed two transportation documents. One for an airplane (a document for departure from Moscow airport to St. Petersburg airport), and the second for intercity travel by rail;
  • On the provision of compensation payments. If management did not receive a sick leave report from this serviceman during the year for which the subordinate applied for leave, then, accordingly, compensation for his recovery was not accrued for him. In this regard, an individual may demand financial compensation, which will be spent on resort-type sanatorium treatment for both the military man himself and his close relatives. Be sure to indicate for what year you expect to receive this compensation payment. As for the size of this payment, it is established by the leadership of the military unit.

How to correctly add family composition

As noted above, military personnel often go on vacation not on their own, but together with close family members. Information about these individuals must also be present in the document. In order to correctly enter information about relatives and not write anything unnecessary about them, I strongly recommend using a sample vacation report. According to the sample, you need to write a phrase such as family composition on a new line and add a colon.

This is important to know: Is it possible to take vacation for next year in advance?

Next, on a new line, it is indicated who a certain relative of the reporting military man is. For example, a wife. Then a colon is placed again and personal information about this individual follows. We are talking about last name, first name and patronymic, as well as year of birth. Thus, the report identifies all family members who will go on vacation with the serviceman.

The final part of the document should contain information about where the reporting person and his family will be during the vacation. Please note that you must provide an exact address. In addition, the serviceman will need to take care of who will perform his duties during his absence.

The position, surname and initials of the individual who has agreed to temporarily replace the military man going on leave is displayed. And the last thing to do is to give the report legal force. It is necessary to include the basic details in the document - the date of its execution and the signature of the individual who drew up the report and expects to be granted vacation days.

If it is necessary to draw up a report on the leave of a serviceman under a contract, then this document is drawn up according to exactly the same rules as indicated above. Also, do not forget about the special rules for taking vacations, which may be stated in the contract itself.

Features of granting leave to military personnel

When filling out an application, you should take into account all the nuances. Even if small errors are made in this document, the contract soldier will be denied the planned rest.

Legislative regulation

The right to legal leave of a military personnel is enshrined in regulatory documents. Federal Law No. 76 of May 27, 1998 should be studied especially carefully. This law explains in detail what constitutes military service under contract and in what mode this type of activity must be carried out.

Also, when studying the legislative norms regarding the rules of work under a contract, it is recommended to be guided by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1237 of September 16. 1999. This document describes the basic concepts of conscription of citizens for military service.

Instructions: how to write a leave report for a military man

Military personnel can only receive leave if it is included in the schedule. If the vacation is unplanned, they draw up a special document - a report.

This is a specially formulated request for rest, written by the military man himself. A sample report for a military leave in 2020 must contain the basis for its provision, its start and end dates, and the number of days.

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The provision algorithm is established by regulatory legal acts that give contract employees the right to annual rest:

  • Federal Law No. 76-FZ dated May 27, 1998, defining the status of military personnel;
  • Regulations governing military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 2019 No. 1237.

There are several reasons:

  • educational (vacation) - for those who are studying in military institutions or enrolling to study;
  • additional - for conscripts and contract soldiers;
  • for pregnancy and childbirth - for women;
  • for child care - for contract workers.

Rest using other grounds is possible if they are provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. It is impossible to replace the period of rest provided in days with cash.

Design nuances

Having found out how to write a vacation report, you need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of drawing up such a document, depending on the circumstances. Features of writing an application for additional time off:

If a serviceman, while working under a contract, studies at an educational institution or prepares for entrance exams, then he legally has the opportunity to go on paid leave. Writing a report on the granting of study leave is drawn up taking into account the following nuances:

  • The duration of the session is indicated.
  • Your location is displayed.
  • The reference call number is indicated.

The document should also reflect the norms of the law, namely Federal Law No. 76 of May 27, 1998, which clearly states the right of a serviceman working under a contract to take educational leave.

  1. Family circumstances.

A report on unplanned leave for family reasons of a military personnel is not too different from documents prepared for other reasons. Additional time off from performing official duties may be granted in the following cases:

  • Death or serious illness of a close relative.
  • Wedding.
  • Birth of a child.

In the system of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, there is a type of rest that is not provided for civilians - long-service leave (demobilization). It is provided to employees who have sufficient years of service (more than 20) immediately before dismissal, for a period of up to 30 days.

To receive it, you need to draw up a petition in which, in addition to the usual information, indicate the need for dismissal, referral to the Military Military Commission and provide the address of the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence. A personal file is sent there, on the basis of which the serviceman is registered with the military.

  1. How to Write a Leave Report for a Military Personnel
  2. Procedure for submitting a vacation report
  3. For child care
  4. Training
  5. How to Write a Leave Report for a Military Personnel
  6. Family leave
  7. Types of military leave
  8. Dembel leave
  9. How to Write a Leave Report for a Military Personnel
  10. Example
  11. Rules for providing rest to military personnel under contract
  12. Example

How to write and submit a vacation report?

In most cases, the format of leave is determined by the specific type of place of service.

But all types of reports, regardless of the type of institution, must contain the following information:

  • whose name is written in;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the submitter;
  • purpose of writing;
  • signature;
  • date of.

However, when preparing a report there are many different nuances.

On demobilization leave

A report on demobilization leave is the most long-awaited for anyone undergoing compulsory military service.

This document includes the following sections:

  • in the upper right part - rank and full name. immediate commander;
  • main part - contains a reference to the law according to which leave is granted;
  • below the main part - the address where you need to send your personal file for military registration is written down;
  • at the bottom of the page is indicated: position, rank, last name, first name and patronymic, date of dismissal, date of drawing up the report.

This is important to know: Postponement of leave due to family circumstances

At the same time, you should remember one important nuance - this report must be submitted 3 months before the dismissal.


Sample report for demobilization leave

On the main

Career military and police officers, as well as representatives of other law enforcement agencies, usually write a report on the provision of regular annual paid leave in a similar format.


Sample report for main leave

For family (personal) reasons

Military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may have relatives who tend to get sick. Just for such a case, the law provides for the opportunity to draw up a report “for family reasons.”

This document should include the same sections as in other types of reports. The text should provide as succinctly as possible, but at the same time briefly, information regarding the reason for taking leave.

If it is illness or death, then you will need to attach the relevant supporting documents (certificate, certificate).


Sample report for family leave

On study leave

If a person undergoing military service or working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs studies at a secondary educational institution or university, then, according to current legislation, the management is obliged to provide him with appropriate study leave.

The basis for this is a summons certificate and a timely submitted report.

It includes the following:

  • position of the immediate superior, his full name;
  • the period during which exemption from service is required;
  • reference to the provision of law on the basis of which leave can be issued;
  • vacation location;
  • help call number;
  • The date must be present.


Sample report for study leave

In what cases is a lump sum payment for vacation paid? The answer is here.

With subsequent dismissal

A military leave report (2021 model) may imply subsequent dismissal.

This is practiced if retirement age is approaching and there is unused vacation available.

This type of report should contain the following:

  • position and full name immediate superior - in the header of this document;
  • a request for leave with subsequent dismissal - with reference to current legislation;
  • at the bottom of the sheet are indicated: date of preparation of the document, rank, position, surname, signature.

This report is also the basis for receiving vacation pay and pay.


Sample report for leave with dismissal

How to Write a Leave Report for a Military Personnel

  • last name, first name, patronymic, position, military rank of the person in whose name the report is drawn up (immediate superior);
  • last name, first name, patronymic, military rank, position of the serviceman requesting leave;
  • type, duration, start and end dates of leave, period for which it is provided;
  • information about the location of the person reporting during vacation;
  • information about persons performing the duties of the deceased.

Men can be granted parental leave if the mother is dead, seriously ill, or deprived of parental rights, or if the serviceman is a single parent.

For child care

How military personnel rest This type of rest can be provided to contract military personnel for a period of 30 to 60 days based on the decision of the military medical commission, if they need treatment (for example, a sanatorium-resort) or for mental and psychological rehabilitation, treatment of post-traumatic syndrome and other disorders arising as a result of performing their professional duties.

  • How to write a vacation report correctly
  • How to write a vacation report correctly
  • How to write a report on VPD

Based on the document drawn up, an order must be issued, after which the military man can begin service.

Types of military leave

Drawing up a report to receive leave However, the correctness of drawing up the report largely depends on the leave that the serviceman wants to receive, so the types of leave periods will be disclosed below.

  1. The main one is the periods provided to the military annually. The duration depends on the period of service.
  2. Additional, which includes:
  3. creative;
  4. preferential;
  5. demobilization leave;
  6. for pregnancy and childbirth;
  7. for child care;
  8. sick days;
  9. for family reasons.
  10. Vacation rest is a category of time off, which is provided only for cadets of military schools and universities. Vacation holidays are divided into two parts. The part that falls during the winter season is considered additional rest. And the summer part refers to the main vacations.
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