Who has the right to apply for a social package?

Federal Law No. 178 tells us what a social package for disabled people and other privileged categories of citizens is.

Thus, state policy in the field of social security provides vulnerable citizens with a set of guaranteed services available for use free of charge.

A social package for disabled people, or in other words a set of social services, is assigned by the territorial branch of the Pension Fund after the provision of title documents and the preparation of an appropriate application.

The set of social services offered by the state. services are provided for the following categories of citizens:

  1. Disabled people:
  • 1 group;
  • 2 groups;
  • 3 groups;
  1. Persons who became disabled as a result of participation in hostilities:
  • After being imprisoned in a fascist camp;
  • Military veterans;
  1. Disabled children;
  2. Civil servants who became disabled while performing their duties:
  • employees of the correctional system;
  • police officers;
  • military personnel;
  1. Persons who received the status of “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  2. Persons who worked at military installations;
  3. Persons affected by radiation and atomic tests;
  4. Military personnel who were in service for six months or more, but were not included in the active army during the Second World War;
  5. Family members of privileged categories of citizens.

List of diseases for receiving free medicines

  1. Free pass. This could be a trip by intercity or suburban transport to the location of the sanatorium and in the opposite direction.
  2. Preventive measures in the sanatorium. The medical institution must be included in the list of organizations that have the right to carry out medical activities. If a disabled person cannot do without assistance, the voucher and travel are also provided for an accompanying person.
  3. Free medications provided with a doctor's prescription.

What is included in the social package for the disabled

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • viral infections;
  • skin lesions;
  • disorders of the circulatory system, hematopoietic organs and blood;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • oncology;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary and cardiovascular systems.

Submit the complete package of documents to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund. Other government departments and services are not authorized to award disability pensions. There are several ways to submit documents to the Pension Fund. Choose how and where to apply for disability benefits from four possible options:

  • in person, by making an appointment by phone or through the State Services portal;
  • by mail, sending documents by registered mail with a list of attachments;
  • by contacting the MFC (if the Pension Fund has entered into an additional agreement with the MFC);
  • through the unified identification and authentication system “Gosuslugi” or the personal account of the Pension Fund of Russia.

Group II

  1. Prepare documents confirming the recipient's right to state benefits and pensions.
  2. Provide a complete package of documents to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  3. Wait for the fund's decision to assign payments or refuse.

You can apply for a free parking permit for a car driven by a driver who is a disabled person of group 1 or 2, as well as a car that transports a disabled person of group 1 or 2 or a disabled child. Group 3 disabled people who have limited ability to move independently also have the right to free parking.

  • technical means of rehabilitation and services provided for by the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person at the expense of the federal budget;
  • medicinal products for medical use according to prescriptions for drugs, medical products according to prescriptions for medical products, as well as specialized medical nutrition products for disabled children;
  • rehabilitation means, goods and services for persons injured due to industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

To receive personal notifications about social support measures, you must agree to proactive information on the government services portal. Notifications will be sent in your personal account. At the first stage, information will be provided upon the occurrence of three life events: the attainment of retirement age, the establishment of disability, and upon registration of the birth of a child. Over time, the list of services will be expanded.

  • disabled people (I, II and III groups);
  • disabled children;
  • veterans and family members of deceased veterans;
  • former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos, and other places of forced detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War;
  • victims of radiation exposure.

Citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in Russia and belonging to federal preferential categories are entitled to receive a set of social services:

Who is eligible to receive a package of social services?

Please note, heroes of the Soviet Union, heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory, and in the event of their death - members of their families, as well as heroes of Socialist Labor, heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory, despite the fact that they have the right to EDV cannot apply for NSO. They can receive either EDV or benefits (Heroes of the USSR, the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory are entitled to benefits in the areas of medicine, housing and communal services and housing conditions, travel and culture and education, heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory - also in the fields of medicine, housing and communal services and living conditions, travel and education).

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Moscow city public transport is completely free for use by disabled people and parents of disabled minors, however, for this you need to have a Muscovite social card. The card is issued at the territorial department of social protection of the population if all necessary supporting documents are available.

Basic amount of social package

The right to a set of social services applies to disabled people and other beneficiaries within the framework of the EDV. Therefore, to receive this preference, a certificate of assignment of EDV is issued directly.

The minimum volume of social services financed from the federal treasury is established by law. The authorities of the country's regions have the right to adopt local regulations establishing additional services included in the social package, as well as other grounds for inclusion in preferential categories of citizens, for example, if a candidate receives an income below the subsistence level.

The basic volume of services guaranteed by the state consists of the following preferences:

  • Receiving free medications from the list established by the Government of the Russian Federation and only according to a prescription form from the attending physician. Medicines can be obtained from specialized pharmacies opened at hospitals and other public health institutions;
  • Providing a voucher for resort and sanatorium treatment, if the applicant has medical indications for this, confirmed by an extract or referral from the attending physician;
  • Free travel on intercity or suburban public transport to the place of treatment and back.

Benefit holders in the form of a social package have the right to refuse the offered guarantees and receive their cash equivalent. The alternative is especially relevant for those beneficiaries who, due to their lifestyle, level of health, and transport infrastructure of their area of ​​residence, do not objectively need dedicated services.

The refusal of the social package is drawn up in the form of an application addressed to the territorial department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of the benefit holder. For timely consideration of the application and transfer of monetary compensation for unused social powers, the application must be submitted for consideration no later than October 1 of the current reporting period.

Preferential categories of citizens who have previously refused in-kind assistance in favor of cash payments do not need to confirm their decision annually. Cash payments will be transferred automatically until the person makes a contrary decision and submits it to a representative of the authorized extra-budgetary fund for review.

Federal regulations allow you to refuse the social package in whole or in part. Accordingly, in case of partial refusal, compensation payments will be proportionately reduced.

Social benefits for disabled people - EDV

Disabled people of group 2 are entitled to 6,044.48 rubles. The number of dependent persons also influences here. If we are talking about one person, the payment will reach 8,059.31 rubles. When there are several dependents, 10,074.14 rubles are charged. With an increase by one more person, the insurance pension reaches 12,088.97 rubles.

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Social disability pension

Based on paragraph 1 and subparagraph 38 in Article 264 of the Tax Code, other expenses can include those borne by taxpayer organizations that provide work to disabled people and provide their social protection.

  • receive 50% compensation for utility bills;
  • get housing if you don’t have your own or current living conditions are unfavorable;
  • improve existing living conditions. To do this, you need to contact the FSS;
  • receive a land plot or compensation for it;
  • work no more than 35 hours a week;
  • study at a university for free and receive a 1.5 times increased scholarship;
  • free installation of dentures;
  • take advantage of tax benefits: you don’t have to pay land, property and transport taxes. When filing a property claim for no more than 1 million rubles, you do not have to pay the state fee.

In Russia, benefits are provided not only to people with disabilities, but also to their guardians. People with disabilities can use some services free of charge, such as free transportation to treatment, and receive compensation for the purchase of rehabilitation equipment. In addition, disabled people
are entitled to a large number of benefits. They can:

Disabled people of the first group can count on the following allowances:

Social pensions in 2021 will amount to 13,302.77 rubles.

Upon reaching retirement age, a person with disabilities can write an application for payment of an insurance pension; it will be paid instead of a social pension if there is at least one day of work experience. Residents of the Far North, military personnel, and workers in hazardous industries receive bonuses.

  • Working conditions. Without the consent of disabled people, they cannot be forced to work overtime, on weekends or at night. The nature of the work itself should not be harmful to health;
  • Public transport. Travel is free for disabled children, as well as disabled people of groups I and II who have visual impairments or cannot move;
  • Driving. Disabled people of all groups can install a “Disabled” sign on their car - this allows them to park for free;
  • Discount on medicines. This benefit is provided in the amount of 50 or 100% depending on the group and whether the disabled person is employed;
  • Public places. Disabled people of groups I and II are accepted without waiting in line wherever people are treated or served (in clinics, in stores, etc.);
  • Accommodations. The standard area for a disabled person is 36 m², twice as much as for a healthy person. An apartment or land plot is equipped with special equipment and devices (for example, ramps) at the expense of the state;
  • Social housing. A disabled person may qualify for housing under a social tenancy agreement. At a minimum, he will be registered, and a disabled orphan will be given housing out of turn.

The amount of the insurance pension includes a fixed part, which is determined by the government and indexed every year. As of January 1, 2019, its value ranges from 3,467 to 24,003 rubles. The amount of disability benefits is calculated taking into account the group, family and social status, and length of service.

Disability insurance payment

  • To pay utility bills (50%).
  • Housing subsidy.
  • For education.
  • Free travel on city public transport, and a half discount on the cost of travel on other types of transport.
  • A trip to a sanatorium, medications and medicines, prosthetics.
  • Social services: nurse, discounts on funeral services, etc.

A pensioner can independently choose the package package, completely or partially refusing the services offered by the state. Depending on what type of social security for disabled people of group 2 was chosen in 2021, the amount of the EDV will change, which includes the cost of social security (RUB 1,211.66, taking into account indexation). Each component has a monetary equivalent:

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Cash equivalent of the package

The social package, like other payments from state reserves, is not subject to income tax and is subject to indexation in accordance with the inflation rate established by the Government.

According to the current situation, the amount of monetary compensation for refusal of a social package in kind will be:

  • If you completely refuse all offered social services - about 1 thousand. 80 rubles;
  • In case of partial failure:
  1. The provision of medicines is estimated at a multiple of almost 830 rubles;
  2. Free travel – up to 119 rubles;
  3. Sanatorium-resort treatment – ​​up to 128 rubles.

Those entitled to a social package or its monetary compensation may experience an increase in the amount of payments no earlier than February 2019.

Indexation of EDV for people with disabilities in 2021, latest news

  • for sanatorium-resort treatment - 144.37 rubles;
  • for drug provision - 933.25 rubles;
  • for free travel on railway transport - 134.03 rubles.

What will be the amount of the monthly allowance for disability, taking into account the chosen option for receiving a social package, can be determined from the following table:

  • An application to change the form of obtaining NSO could be submitted until October 1, 2021.
  • If a citizen did not submit such an application within the prescribed period, then in 2021 social assistance will be provided in the same form as in 2021.
  • Accordingly, for this pensioner, last year’s payment amount will be indexed - there will be no additional recalculations.

The opportunity to replace the free distribution of subsidized medications with material payments is also available to disabled children. One of the parents (if the family is full) or the person caring for the child will apply to the Pension Fund. Compensation after refusal of drug provision will be transferred to the specified bank account.

Advice! “There is no need to contact the Pension Fund every year (this was the case before 2009). Once a decision is made, it will remain in effect until the resumption of the natural form of social recruitment is initiated.”

Procedure for refusing social benefits

For disabled children, the period of stay in the sanatorium is at least 21 days, for adults - 18 days. If the disease affects the spinal cord or brain, medical sanatorium care must be provided for at least 42 days.

21 Apr 2021 semeiadvo 418

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Additional privileges for disabled people

Citizens with disabilities and who have registered the right to receive a set of social services in their favor, if there are special indications and health conditions, can receive additional benefits guaranteed by the state:

  • The possibility of obtaining food products sold by state pharmacy chains with a mandatory reflection of their list on the prescription form from the attending physician;
  • Compensation for travel expenses incurred by a person accompanying a disabled child to the location of a sanatorium-resort institution;
  • Increased time of stay for treatment in a sanatorium or resort, which can reach a maximum of 42 days;
  • The right to additional leave;
  • Enrollment in an educational institution of secondary or higher profile without competition for a budget place or under a quota. When receiving education in the chosen specialty, a student with a disability is also entitled to increased scholarship payments (the difference with the basic accruals can reach 50%);
  • Providing technical aids to ensure a disabled person’s comfortable stay in society;
  • Dental prosthetics (limited - only to persons with group 1 or 2 disabilities).

List of documents

In addition to the disabled, veterans, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Russia and full holders of the Order of Glory, citizens exposed to radiation, and pregnant wives of military personnel undergoing conscription will receive an increase. Indexation will be carried out based on the inflation rate for the previous year.

Who is entitled to receive disability benefits?

The second disability group is assigned to persons who are significantly limited in health, but are still able to take care of themselves. Such citizens are able to work, but only if they have special auxiliary devices, equipment or tools. What kind of money are beneficiaries entitled to count on, what benefits are entitled to disabled people of group 2? For 2021, the payment is 5,606.15 rubles. The size of the social pension is increased by the amount of the regional coefficient, if available.

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3. Purchasing medications . Disabled people of groups 1 and 2 (unemployed) receive medications free of charge with a prescription from the attending physician. Working pensioners (groups 2 and 3 with unemployed status) pay 50% of the cost of medicines.

1. Education . Disabled people of groups 1 and 2 have the right to enroll free of charge and out of turn at any educational institution (after passing mandatory exams). They are also provided with an increased stipend.

Social pension for disabled people in 2021

Citizens of the first group can receive free orthopedic shoes, and disabled people of groups 2 and 3 are given a 50% discount. If there is an ITU conclusion, medical products and dressings are received by disabled people of groups 1 and 2.

agreements. He must work 40 hours or less per week. A person can take a vacation whenever he wishes (by law he is entitled to 30 paid days), can take an additional vacation for 60 days (in this case no compensation is paid), and has the right to special conditions at work. There is a ban on overtime work, work on weekends and holidays without the consent of the disabled person.

· Tax deductions. Personal income tax is reduced by 500 rubles, a disabled person does not pay insurance payments, transport tax (if you have a car with a power of less than 100 hp). Disabled children from childhood do not pay property tax or registration fees when opening an individual entrepreneur.

Within three days, the ITU Bureau prepares an act, which is transferred to the Pension Fund (the pension will be calculated in accordance with it). The patient receives a rehabilitation program and a list of recommendations for restoring health.

A monthly payment is added to this amount (EDV = 2,144 rubles), if the pensioner receives it in cash equivalent. Adding up all the available subsidies for this category of citizens, we end up with an amount of about six thousand rubles per month.

Algorithm for registration of NSO

To become a recipient of social assistance, the applicant must comply with a certain algorithm of actions, expressed as follows:

  • Establishing involvement in preferential categories of citizens;
  • Preparation of documents confirming the right to benefits;
  • Contact the competent institution (territorial department of the Pension Fund of Russia) by:
  1. Personal appearance;
  2. Through the State Services portal;
  3. Through MFC;
  4. Using postal services;
  5. Through a representative by proxy;
  • Transfer of documents to the representative of the extra-budgetary fund;
  • Conducting a review of the candidate by a commission at the Pension Fund of Russia and generating a response within up to 30 days;
  • Familiarization of the applicant with the verdict (no later than 5 days from the date of adoption of the final decision);
  • Appointment of the NSO in kind or in cash (the latter option is possible only if a waiver of the NSO is drawn up in advance in favor of proportionate cash payments).

Indexation and timing

The size of the disability pension of group 3 in 2021 for non-working disabled people can only be predicted approximately, since each person with limited ability to work has individual parameters for calculation:

What does magnification consist of?

The state pension is intended for different categories, from WWII veterans to participants in the liquidation of man-made disasters. Depending on the category, it ranges from 1 and ¼ to 3 FV, but even those who have 300% of “social services” will not particularly feel the increase of 1.5%. In addition to fixed payments, it is planned to increase other components of the pension:

  1. Disabled children from childhood who remain with the status for life.
  2. Military personnel who took part in combat military operations (Great Patriotic War, Chechnya) and received injuries of varying degrees of severity, preventing them from living a normal, fulfilling life.
  3. Disabled workers who have become disabled due to an accident at work or as a result of an occupational illness.
  4. Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • removal of obligations from collecting taxes on property (apartment, car);
  • exemption from state duty for opening an individual entrepreneur (registration);
  • removal of tax obligations upon acquisition of a real estate warrant;
  • if you have a personal plot, tax fees are significantly reduced (discount of up to 10 thousand rubles);
  • Personal income tax is 500 rubles. monthly
  • exemption from income tax.

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What concessions are available to citizens with the status of “childhood disabled”?

In addition, you have the right to get on the waiting list to improve your living space. Persons with disabilities have the right to take advantage of benefits for the purchase of land for development. The amount of benefits for disabled people of group 3 in Moscow is determined by the region in which the citizen lives.

Now we propose to consider what amount of additional payment to the pension is expected in 2021 for a disabled person of group 3. At the state level, fixed additional payments have been established for people with disabilities of group 3. This amount consists of a set of benefits that a citizen has the right to choose independently. This list includes:

  • when will the EDV be indexed for disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 in 2021 - February 1. This date is approved by law and does not change;
  • what amount is charged - in accordance with the coefficient established by the Government. In 2021 it was 4.9%;
  • what will be the amount of the monthly allowance for disability in 2021 - the amount for 2020 plus an increasing coefficient, minus the cost of the selected social service (one or the entire set).

What is due to disabled people of group III in 2021: benefits and payment amounts

  • citizens with disability group 3 who have no dependents - 3,022.24 rubles. ;
  • disabled people of the 3rd group with 1 dependent – ​​5,037.07 rubles. ;
  • disabled people of the 3rd group with 2 dependents – 7,051.9 rubles. ;
  • disabled people of the 3rd group with 3 dependents – 9,066.73 rubles. .

Starting from February 2021, Russia will index the monthly cash payment received by disabled people, combat veterans, Chernobyl survivors and other beneficiaries. The size of the EDV will increase by 4.9%. Let's calculate what the increase will be not in percentage, but in rubles.

Required documents

When applying to the Pension Fund of Russia with an initiative to assign a set of social services, a citizen of a preferential category presents a number of documents, including:

  1. Passport or other document equivalent in force;
  2. SNILS;
  3. An application in the prescribed form for the appointment of an EDV (since the NSO is included in the scope of the specified preference);
  4. Application to replace the in-kind form of NSO with monetary compensation (if monetization is preferable);
  5. Documents confirming the right to the benefit:
  • ITU Act;
  • Disabled person's certificate;
  • Rehabilitation program for disabled people;
  • Discharge summary or medical certificate indicating the presence of a disability group;
  • Orders on involvement in military operations;
  • Documents indicating stay in a fascist concentration camp;
  • Certificates from the employer confirming that the disability was acquired in the performance of official duties;
  • Documents confirming the presence of special merits or titles;
  1. Current account for transferring monetary compensation according to NSO;
  2. A power of attorney confirming the authority to represent the interests of the applicant (if the candidate involves a third party in the procedure and cannot ensure personal appearance).


Please note that if a disabled person of group III, for good reasons, did not pay for housing and communal services on time

, for example, underwent long-term treatment in a hospital, then he does not have the right to refuse benefits.


  • medicines prescribed by doctors;
  • vouchers for preventive sanatorium treatment (for medical reasons);
  • free travel to the place of treatment (railway or bus).

Disabled people, according to Federal Law No. 181 of November 24, 1995, are entitled to a monthly payment in a certain amount. Now it is accrued in a proactive mode - immediately after information about the assignment of disability is entered into the register within 10 days.

The basic amount accrued to disabled people under Article 28 of Law No. 181-FZ is subject to annual indexation. The timing of its implementation depends on what kind of pension is assigned - insurance or social. RUB 2,336.70 – the amount of cash benefits that was assigned with the adoption of Government Resolution No. 73 of January 28, 2021, which determined the amounts of all EDV.

NSO - what it consists of and how it is determined

Additional education or professional retraining, provided that the disability group is the result of an injury or injury received during military service (budget places under a quota, social scholarship, room in a dormitory.

Disability benefits will be delivered in the same way as pension delivery. This can be credited to a card, savings book, received at a post office or delivered to your home. If desired, you can change the delivery method by submitting an application to the Pension Fund office.

EDV is assigned to disabled people in a proactive manner. Payments are automatically assigned based on the data contained in the Federal Register of Disabled Persons and are paid from the day the corresponding disability group was established.

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Amount of EDV for disability group 3 (table)

The amount of monthly cash payment for disability is indexed annually, as required by Part 4 of Art. 28.2 of Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995. The increase is made annually from February 1, increasing the amount of payments in accordance with the inflation of the previous year. At the same time, indexation also applies to the monetary equivalent of the NSO.

You can find the procedure for applying for benefits at the medical institution where the disability group is assigned. As soon as you have received the appropriate conclusion, you should contact the Pension Fund of your region. Here you need to provide:

A one-time cash payment to disabled people is financial support from the state, which can be expressed both in cash and in kind. A person has the right to choose the form of a one-time benefit.

Disability insurance payment

For working disabled people, increased leave of up to 60 days and a shortened working week of 40 hours are provided. Dismissal of a disabled worker at the initiative of the employer is legal if the employee has been undergoing treatment or recovery for more than 4 months. At the same time, the employee retains the right to paid sick leave and severance pay.

From February 1, 2021, the amount of NSS will be indexed by 4.9% and will amount to 1,211.65 . The cost of NSU is included in the EDV, so if a citizen is provided with the entire set of social services. services in kind, then the monthly payment will be reduced by 1211.65 rubles.

  • For 2021, the consumer price index, according to preliminary calculations by Rosstat, will be 4.9% , so the EDV from February 1, 2021 will also increase by 4.9% .
  • , which can be received both in kind and in the form of monetary compensation, will also increase by the same amount

Increase in monthly payment in 2021 in Russia: indexation of monthly cash payments

Russian citizens with disabilities can count on payments from the state, the purpose of which is to compensate for the costs of treatment, medications, rehabilitation and other expenses. Disabled people are entitled to a benefit called MDV (monthly cash payment), it - like other social benefits (except old-age pension) - will be increased by the level of inflation. The increase in EDV and NSU in 2021 for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 and disabled children will take place on February 1.

  1. Disabled people of the 3rd group have the right to receive a large number of benefits.
  2. They can work, but under special conditions.
  3. Privileges are provided to working and non-working citizens.
  4. From 2021, free parking is available.

Benefits are federal and regional. When receiving the first type of assistance, funds are provided from the federal budget. This requires mandatory fulfillment of obligations established by law. This applies to pensions and benefits.


  • probationary period is excluded;
  • Leave can be taken out at any time;
  • urgent termination of an employment agreement without work is available;
  • Overtime work is only available with written consent.

The next question is who pays disability benefits: the powers to assign insurance and social pensions in relation to persons with health limitations are vested in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

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