What are the requirements? A tax inspector may demand the following from a taxpayer: Pay arrears on penalties,
If you have received a letter from the tax office/tax authority, then the first thing to do is
What has changed in the law on cash registers since July 2019 Back in the summer of 2020
Video help “Accounting for account 94”: basic transactions, accounting This video briefly describes
What are forms KS-2 and KS-3 If you are often one of the parties to legal
According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee has the right to ask the employer in writing to establish a part-time working week for him. Parties
As always, we will try to answer the question “Zero RSV, do you need to fill out section 3
How to fill out a payment order for income tax All basic details have not undergone any changes
Transactions in foreign currency and subsequent revaluation of foreign currency funds are relevant today for any
In this article I was going to show how to make a balance sheet from SALT. However, estimating