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Lesson 4. Balance sheet and Vasya, or accounting for turnover and account balances
What is a balance? Balance is the difference between income and expenses, calculated for
Form of certificate of absence of arrears in payment of wages to employees of the organization
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Paying taxes - how to reflect them in accounting entries
According to the norms of current legislation, companies and individual entrepreneurs hiring specialists under labor and civil law contracts,
Registration of a consignment note for grain according to the SP-31 form: important nuances and a sample document
Sample filling sp 31 grain In other cases, the buyer of grain will not
All about submitting and filling out 2-NDFL for 2020
2020-05-28 1260 One of the stable sources of replenishment of the country’s budget is the personal income tax
Is it possible to confirm “profitable” expenses with a cash receipt?
On the cash receipt there is only the amount: about the documents for the advance report Receiving the check after
What is the income code for financial assistance up to 4000 rubles and the deduction code?
Peculiarities of reflecting material assistance in the 2-NDFL certificate The tax code provisions provide for the use of a special procedure
Common mistakes in 6-NDFL and how to avoid them. Selection from the Federal Tax Service
Who is the tax agent for personal income tax? The following persons are recognized as tax agents for personal income tax (clause
Gd11.27.05.2020 Lecture educational and methodological material
In the preferential period of service, does an employee-teacher have a code for early assignment of pension 27-PD or 28-PD? Answer
How to correctly fill out section 2 of the VAT return for a tax agent
Average headcount in DAM 1 Tariff code in DAM 1 2020 is especially important for
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