How are the minimum wage and salary related? Before we present you with a sample order to establish an additional payment
What is SZV-STAZH and who submits such a document? This is reporting to the Pension Fund about
The point of view of legislative structures It should be noted that there is no single approved procedure that would regulate
What will be the amount of maternity leave in 2020? Are employers required to recalculate maternity benefits and pay extra?
Application The main thing that influences the size of the key rate is what interest will be
Did you know? that the founders are not parasites or that the founders are in debt
A work record book allows the employer to understand where and how the applicant worked and to draw conclusions about the accumulated
Who is called to the commission Features of the selection of subjects are set out in the letter of the Federal Tax Service dated July 17, 2013 N
Added to bookmarks: 0 Can an individual take out a loan for housing - this is a question
The methodology for conducting a special assessment of working conditions is determined by the relevant regulations, which abolished the certification procedure for