Development of a program for forming a personnel reserve (using the example of the sales department)

Regulations on personnel reserve at the enterprise

In some companies, this document may be called “Regulations on working with the personnel reserve.”
It is usually developed by the HR service after consultation with senior management and middle managers.

Don't forget that:

  • when developing, it is necessary to take into account the opinions of managers at all levels - only with their help can the Kyrgyz Republic be created;
  • the finished document is agreed upon and approved by the manager;
  • the labor collective must know about the existence of such a document, have access to it and apply for inclusion in the Kyrgyz Republic as a self-nominated candidate.

Let's consider a sample regulation on the personnel reserve of an enterprise: what sections and subsections does this local regulatory act of the organization include.

What is a personnel reserve?

The personnel reserve is a list of employees who can potentially replace the management team. They must meet the requirements for leadership positions. The reserve is formed for the following purposes:

  • Continuity in management.
  • Building resilience in times of dramatic change.
  • Increased loyalty of management team.
  • Reducing staff turnover.
  • Frame stabilization.

The reserve provides savings on the selection of new employees and their training.


  1. General provisions (where the concept itself is formulated, the goals of creating the CD, the main directions of work and those responsible are determined).
  2. Principles for the formation of the Kyrgyz Republic (indicates the basic analytical information necessary for the formation of the Kyrgyz Republic, sources, conditions for inclusion, criteria and methods for assessing and selecting candidates for the Kyrgyz Republic).
  3. Advanced training for employees enrolled in the Kyrgyz Republic (methods for identifying the need for advanced training, methods for preparing employees for a future assignment, principles for creating and approving an individual specialist development route are listed).
  4. Assessing the effectiveness and quality of training, adjusting the CD (methods for analyzing the success of each member of the CD, algorithms for exclusion from the CD are described).
  5. Appointment to a position (the final section, which describes how an employee is transferred from the Kyrgyz Republic to a vacant managerial position).

Sample regulations on the personnel reserve of managers

Stages of forming a personnel reserve

Creating a personnel reserve is a fairly lengthy procedure. It can be divided into these stages:

  1. Appointment of employees responsible for nominating employees to the reserve.
  2. Creation of general lists of candidates for the reserve.
  3. Conducting psychodiagnostic procedures to determine the potential of employees.
  4. Formation of final lists of workers enrolled in the reserve.
  5. Approval of the list of employees included in the reserve by order of the general director of the organization.

The issuance of an order is the final stage in the formation of a reserve. However, the work doesn't end there. In the future, the manager will need to establish principles for working with the reserve.

Regulations on personnel reserve in the municipal service

The formation of the Kyrgyz Republic is a priority area of ​​personnel work in a municipality, as stated in Law No. 25-FZ (“On Municipal Service”). It is created on the basis of a competition, during which the compliance of the applicant’s qualifications with the requirements established by law is assessed.

Since these issues of the municipality, unlike enterprises of any form of ownership, are strictly regulated by laws, it is recommended to carefully study them and prepare a local regulatory act that takes into account both general and municipal-specific approaches:

  • Competitive selection (allowed, but not required);
  • Publicity, transparency, availability of information about the formation of the Kyrgyz Republic (open announcement of competitions and placement of questionnaires);
  • The presence of special restrictions and prohibitions related to municipal service (age, citizenship, criminal record, disqualification, presence of certain diseases, close relatives in higher authorities, etc.)
  • Availability of qualification requirements defined by law;
  • An expanded list of documents that the candidate must provide.

Examples of regulations on the personnel reserve of municipal administrations can be found on the websites of local administrations, since in their work they are obliged to implement the principle of equal access of citizens to enrollment in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Sample regulations on municipalities' CD

Regulations on the formation and work with the personnel reserve of a state unitary enterprise

“APPROVED” ____________________________ (Head of ____________________________ structural unit)

"___"_______________ ____ G.



1.1. The personnel reserve of the State Unitary Enterprise “________” (hereinafter referred to as the reserve) is employees who have passed the qualification selection and are included in the reserve lists for systematic targeted training, focused on obtaining the knowledge and skills necessary for appointment to a higher position.

1.2. The formation of a reserve and work with it is carried out in order to:

— constant replenishment of the staff of State Unitary Enterprise “________” with highly qualified specialists;

— timely filling of vacancies for positions;

— increasing the level of selection and placement of personnel, introducing forecasting of career moves (career planning) into the practice of working with personnel;

— reducing risks when assigning employees;

— motivating the career growth of employees and additionally encouraging them to improve their educational level and professional qualifications.

Achieving these goals is associated with the formation and development of specialists enrolled in the reserve, professionally necessary knowledge, business and personal qualities that ensure the successful performance of functional responsibilities in their position.

1.3. Working with reserves includes the following areas:

1.3.1. Reserve formation:

— analysis of the need for reserve;

— identification of employees who have the potential to occupy higher positions, qualification selection;

— registration and approval of reserve lists.

1.3.2. Targeted training of employees included in the reserve lists for filling a higher position.

1.3.3. Realization of reserve:

— ensuring the planned replacement of a reserve position and approval of a new employee in it;

— systematic (at least once a year) updating of reserve lists for the purpose of replenishment;

— adjustment of reserve lists based on the results of an analysis of the effectiveness of training of employees in the reserve.

1.4. Responsibility for organizing the formation and working with the reserve rests with the head of the personnel service.


2.1. Work on the formation of the reserve should be preceded by the determination by the personnel service of the unit of the optimal number of personnel reserves based on:

— forecasting changes in the structure of the apparatus;

— personnel needs for the short term (one year) and long term (up to 5 years);

— the actual number of prepared reserves at each level;

— the number of candidates who dropped out of the reserve due to failure to complete the individual training program, change of place of residence, etc.;

— the number of personnel released during organizational and staffing measures that can fill existing vacancies.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of the reserve, its strength must be at least 2 candidates per position for each category of positions. It is allowed to enroll one specialist in the reserve for different (no more than two) categories of positions.

2.2. The personnel reserve of State Unitary Enterprise “________” is formed from the following sources:

- qualified specialists;

— deputy heads of departments;

— heads of departments (middle management);

— employees of other enterprises selected as candidates for positions in the State Unitary Enterprise “________”.

2.3. When selecting candidates for the reserve, you should consider:

— level of education (it is recommended to consider the minimum level of incomplete higher education, subject to continued education);

— health status (ability to perform work functions in full);

— work experience in the profession and in a higher position of the corresponding category;

— qualification requirements for the planned position.

2.4. Selection is made based on an assessment of the level of qualifications, personal qualities and productivity of employees. To carry out the selection, it is recommended to use the following methods:

— analysis of documents (personal data, documents on education and advanced training, autobiographies, characteristics, certification results, reports, etc.);

— assessment of the quality of work (work results, thoroughness in completing tasks, reliability, rationality, efficiency);

— interview (to identify aspirations, motives of behavior, needs and other information relevant for making a decision on inclusion in the reserve).

2.5. The selection of candidates and preparation of documents for inclusion in the reserve list is carried out by the candidates’ immediate managers and line managers together with the personnel service and economic security specialists.

The employee's immediate supervisor, in accordance with the recommended criteria (Appendix No. 1), carries out an initial assessment of the candidate's business and personal qualities and submits to the personnel department a written recommendation to include the employee in the reserve for the appropriate category (Appendix No. 5). Responsibility for the timeliness and quality of selection rests with the manager.

Based on the recommendation received, taking into account the need for the reserve (clause 2.1), preliminary study and selection data (clauses 2.2 - 2.4), and the opinions of economic security specialists, the specialists of the personnel department make a conclusion on the possibility and advisability of including the candidate on the reserve list .

During the preparation of documents for inclusion of a candidate in the reserve list, it is recommended to fill out an evaluation criteria card for the candidate (Appendix No. 1), which is used to draw up an individual training plan (Appendix No. 4) and analyze the effectiveness of the specialist’s status in the reserve.

2.6. The reserve is formed for appointment to positions from the head of the workshop (district, service, department), equal to or higher than them. Reserve lists (Appendix No. 2) for higher positions of State Unitary Enterprise “________” are formed by the personnel service and approved by the general director; for other positions - director of a structural unit.

2.7. In order to ensure control and accounting for employees enrolled in the reserve, a “Reserve Specialist Card” (Appendix No. 3) is issued, which is stored according to the rules of documents containing the employee’s personal data. Approved reserve lists are stored in the appropriate personnel department.


3.1. Training of employees enrolled in the personnel reserve is carried out in order to acquire practical and organizational skills to perform the duties of the reserve position.

Preparation for filling positions of technical managers is carried out according to the employee’s activity profile with the obligatory study of basic issues of economics and management.

Reserve training can be carried out with or without interruption from production (in-house training).

The effectiveness of the reserve is ensured, first of all, by creating conditions for training, advanced training, and professional growth of candidates for higher positions.

3.2. Reserve training is an integral part of the comprehensive personnel training program of the State Unitary Enterprise “________” and is included in the annual training plan as a separate section.

Preparation should include theoretical and practical parts. In order to study the operational experience of foreign energy companies, reserve specialists and managers can be trained abroad according to programs specially prepared for employees of the State Unitary Enterprise “________”.

3.3. The main types of theoretical training of the reserve are:

— targeted retraining and advanced training;

— training on problems of increasing the efficiency of production and management, including personnel management, studying economic disciplines;

— training — conducting seminars and business games on effective management;

— participation in conferences and seminars to familiarize yourself with modern achievements of science and technology.

3.4. To form an understanding of the activities of the entire energy system, an employee enrolled in the promotion reserve may be sent for an internship.

Internship is a type of practical training for the reserve and is intended to form and consolidate in practice professional knowledge obtained as a result of theoretical training. The internship is organized to study Russian and foreign best practices, acquire organizational skills for the employee to perform new job responsibilities.

Changing the types of activities of a reservist allows you to better understand the employee’s abilities for various types of work, innovation, establishing business contacts, analysis and making group decisions.

3.5. The main types of internship are:

— performance of duties in the divisions of the State Unitary Enterprise “________” in positions corresponding to the level and specialization of the reserve position;

— internship in departments of the State Unitary Enterprise “________” in positions that contribute to the development of special practical skills and abilities;

— internship in other organizations and institutions in a profile corresponding to the profile of a reserve position;

— participation in emergency events: operational study of the situation and decision-making at the sites of accidents and technological failures; inspections, checks, etc.;

— internship to study foreign experience (participation in an international program).

3.6. An individual training plan is drawn up for employees enrolled in the reserve (Appendix No. 4). When compiling it, it is recommended to use a map of candidate evaluation criteria (Appendix No. 1).

An individual training plan is drawn up by the personnel department taking into account the initiative of the reservist and approved by the head of the structural unit of the State Unitary Enterprise "________".

3.7. The Personnel Development Department determines and recommends possible training programs, terms and educational institutions and includes a reserve training plan in the general personnel training plan of the State Unitary Enterprise "________".


4.1. Promotion from the reserve is carried out in the manner adopted in the State Unitary Enterprise “________” when resolving issues of appointment to higher positions.

4.2. In order to increase the efficiency of the reserve, annual adjustments to the reserve lists are carried out, during which the results of annual training are assessed, conclusions are given on the possibility of nominating a candidate to a higher position, the advisability of continuing training, adjustments to the individual plan, and exclusion from the reserve.

4.3. It is recommended to assess the quality of training of reservists in structural divisions during the work of personnel commissions, taking into account the annually completed evaluation criteria card and the candidate’s written report on the implementation of the annual individual training plan. The assessment results and conclusions are entered into the reserve specialist’s card (Appendix No. 3).

4.4. Copies of the adjusted reserve lists and individual training plans are submitted annually by October 1 to the personnel service of the State Unitary Enterprise “________” in order to form an annual system-wide reserve training plan.


Appendix No. 1. Map of candidate evaluation criteria.

Appendix No. 2. Reserve lists for higher positions.

Appendix No. 3. Reserve specialist card.

Appendix No. 4. Individual training plan for an employee enrolled in the reserve.

Source - Kasenov R.B.

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