Application for a refund for undergoing a medical examination

Home / Labor Law / Employment / Hiring


Published: 05/22/2020

Reading time: 6 min



In some cases, an employee is required to undergo a medical examination before employment. The list of such situations is prescribed in Article 214 of the Labor Code.

  • How can an employer pay for a medical examination?
  • Procedure and terms for payment of compensation
  • Documents for refund
  • Where to file a complaint about refusal to pay compensation

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The purpose of such an examination is to determine the professional suitability of the applicant to occupy the given position.

Application for reimbursement of expenses for mandatory medical examination

Application for reimbursement of expenses for mandatory medical examination of Nina Igorevna Krasnova,

working as a salesperson in the sales department

When hired at Beta LLC on December 23, 2020, I passed a mandatory preliminary medical examination, which was paid for at my own expense.

In accordance with Part.

7 tbsp. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, mandatory medical examinations are paid for at the expense of the employer.

Taking into account the above, I ask you to reimburse me for the costs of undergoing a mandatory preliminary medical examination.

Appendix: Receipt for payment of mandatory preliminary medical examination No. 145358 dated December 23, 2018

Compensation for preliminary medical examination

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According to Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to pay for a medical examination in the following cases: - if the employee is engaged in heavy or dangerous work, for example, underground, using harmful substances, etc., in this case, the employee undergoes a medical examination not only upon admission to work, but also periodically, in order to prevent the development of occupational diseases; - if labor duties are related to traffic, then the employee undergoes a medical examination upon hiring, and young people under the age of twenty-one and annually thereafter; - if official duties are related to work in medical and preventive institutions and children's institutions, in the food industry, public catering and trade, water supply facilities. Application in free form.

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Compensation for the initial medical examination

According to Art. 212-213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the employer’s responsibilities include organizing a medical examination at his own expense and at the expense of the enterprise in the following cases:

  • Initial medical examination when hiring a candidate.
  • Periodic medical examinations of employees.
  • Unscheduled medical examinations of employees on their initiative, with preservation of their jobs and salaries during the examination.

An employer may have an agreement with a medical institution for employees to undergo examinations. Payment for a medical examination can be made as follows:

  • The enterprise and the medical organization enter into an agreement for the provision of services, and payment is made in cashless form.
  • A candidate for a position undergoes an examination at his own expense, and the employer reimburses him for the amount spent.

The second option is less profitable for the employee, since the employer can delay in every possible way with the reimbursement of funds , and if the state of health does not correspond to the position held, even refuse to pay the money.

Refund if a preliminary or planned medical commission is required by law

In Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation lists categories of employees who must undergo both preliminary and scheduled medical examinations, which will determine their suitability for performing assigned duties, as well as prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases.

Surveys provided for in Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are organized at the expense of the employer.

Should there be reimbursement of expenses when a health certificate is required at the initiative of the employer?

According to the law, undergoing a medical examination is not mandatory for all categories of employees . Candidates for positions related to dangerous and harmful working conditions, transport, trade, food industry, medicine, and education are required to undergo examination.

In some situations, even if not provided for by law, the employer requires employees to provide a health certificate from a medical institution. In such a situation, the pre-employment examination occurs at the initiative of the employer, but must be carried out by the candidate on a voluntary basis and paid for by the employer.

How is money refunded for an employee undergoing a medical examination upon hiring?

Usually the payment is made the first time. The procedure for receiving the payment will be as follows: If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, contact us through the online consultant form or call the following numbers:

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  • Then management is given a certain period of time to consider it, after which it gives an order on the need to include compensation in the amount of the next payment.
  • The employee undergoes a medical examination and receives an official conclusion, which confirms that his health status corresponds to his position.
  • Payment of compensation is of a declarative nature and is made on the basis of an application received from.

In order for the employer to transfer compensation for the completed medical examination, you need to submit an application to him. The application is drawn up in any order and contains the following information:

How to return money: step-by-step instructions for an employee

If a candidate for a position was forced by the employer to go for a preliminary medical examination, then he has the right to demand compensation for all monetary expenses.

Before undergoing a medical examination at the enterprise, the employee is given a referral letter indicating a list of doctors who must be examined. The cost of the services of these specialists will be reimbursed by the employer.

To receive compensation, the employee must contact the company’s accounting department and provide the following package of documents:

  • an application requesting reimbursement of the funds spent;
  • referral for medical examination;
  • receipt for payment for medical services;
  • medical report from doctors.

If an employee is denied employment, the employer is in any case obliged to reimburse the funds spent on the medical examination. If the employer refuses payment, the employee has the right to file a claim in court.

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I have read the requirements for this deduction. There is a snag in the certificate on form 2-NDFL.

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Attention, the question is, at what amount of the. Can wages be tax deducted?

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How does the organization reimburse fees for the examination?

Below we will look at what documents are needed and who to provide them to.


One of the documents that an employee must present to the accounting department in order to receive reimbursement for a medical examination is a statement. As a rule, the organization has samples of such documents that employees can use.

The application is written to the director of the enterprise, which is indicated in the “header of the document” . In addition, it is necessary to indicate from whom the request is being sent (position and full name of the employee).

The text of the document indicates a request for reimbursement of the cost of undergoing a medical examination, indicating the amount spent, which is confirmed by a receipt from a medical institution attached to the application. At the end, the applicant puts the date the document was drawn up and a personal signature.

The employee submits the application together with the referral that was issued to him before undergoing the medical examination.

The direction must include the following items:

  1. The name of the organization that sends the employee to undergo a medical examination.
  2. Type of activity and form of ownership of the organization, indicating the OKVED code.
  3. The name of the medical organization and its address.
  4. Type of medical examination (preliminary).
  5. Full name and date of birth of the candidate.
  6. The name of the department where the employee will work.
  7. The position and types of work that the employee will perform.
  • directions for a medical examination upon hiring
  • directions for a medical examination upon hiring

If an enterprise does not transfer funds by bank transfer to a medical institution for employees to undergo medical examinations, then the employee pays for the preliminary examination himself.

Based on the information in the referral, he goes through a certain list of doctors whose services are paid at the cash desk of the medical institution. The fact of payment is confirmed by a check or receipt.

The receipt serves as confirmation of the amount of compensation indicated in the application.

Reception of papers by the accounting department

The employee submits all documents to the organization’s accounting department. The manager must indicate his visa on the application. If all documents are collected in full, the accountant accrues funds.

An employee’s claim for reimbursement of expenses for a medical examination must be considered within a period not exceeding 10 days (Article 235 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). As a rule, funds are transferred to the employee along with the first salary or advance payment.

Is it possible to get a refund for a medical examination when applying for a job?

Doctors' services are paid for by the enterprise employing employees; there are no exceptions to this rule.

If, as a result of the preliminary examination, it turns out that the applicant is unsuitable for the job for which he applied, the employer will still bear the costs. A complete list of work requiring monitoring of the mental and physical condition of personnel is contained in Order of the Ministry of Health No. 302-n dated April 12, 2011. The legislator lists the following categories: those employed in harmful and dangerous industries - a person comes into contact with caustic, chemical, toxic substances, the work involves actions at heights, at high or low temperatures; working underground, transport managers - such people are subject to inspections from one to several times per shift; those involved in raising and teaching children related to cooking - the requirements have been established

Who pays the applicant's expenses in case of refusal to sign an employment contract?

If the initiator of a medical examination during employment is the employee himself, but this is not prescribed by law and the employer does not require a certificate of health, then the money for the examination is not reimbursed to the employee. Payment for the examination falls on the shoulders of the employee himself, both in the case of signing an employment contract and in the event of a refusal to hire.

If the case of undergoing a pre-employment examination at a medical institution complies with legal requirements, or the employer insists on undergoing it, then the employee does not bear any costs.

Passing a medical examination during employment has advantages for both the employer and the employee. The manager will be confident that the health status of the employee hired has no contraindications to the existing working conditions, and the employee himself will have the opportunity to identify possible problems in the early stages.

Sample application for a refund for a medical examination when applying for a job

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