I. General provisions
- The service station master inspector is directly subordinate to __________________.
- The service station acceptance master follows the instructions of __________________.
- The service station acceptance master replaces __________________.
- The service station acceptance master is replaced by __________________.
- The service station master inspector is appointed and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.
- Must know: - the technical base of cars for repairs and spare parts, - the devices of domestic and imported cars, - the technology of vehicle maintenance and repair, - warehouse accounting, - document flow at a service station, - the principle of operation of a service station.
- Qualification requirements: Education - secondary specialized, higher; Experience from 1 year.
- _________________________________________________________________.
II. Job responsibilities
- Communication with customers.
- Accepting maintenance orders from clients.
- Preparation of documents.
- Making decisions on warranty cases.
- Distribution of repairs by priority, planning the workshop load.
- Distribution of work among mechanics (taking into account qualifications) after receipt of the application.
- Monitoring the completeness and timeliness of work.
- Ensuring interaction with other departments.
- Monitoring compliance with the requirements for organizing a service station.
- Maintaining a spare parts warehouse.
- Participation in the formation of a spare parts warehouse.
- Document management.
- Drawing up reports.
- _________________________________________________________________.
- _________________________________________________________________.
III. Rights
The service station master inspector has the right:
- give his subordinate employees instructions and tasks on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
- control the implementation of production tasks, timely execution of individual assignments by employees subordinate to him.
- request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to issues of his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees.
- interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in his functional responsibilities.
- get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the Division.
- propose to the manager proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description.
- submit for consideration by the manager proposals on rewarding distinguished employees and imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
- report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
- _________________________________________________________________.
- _________________________________________________________________.
IV. Responsibility
The service station acceptance master is responsible for:
- For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.
- For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.
- For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.
- _________________________________________________________________.
- _________________________________________________________________.
This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.
1.2. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the Employee when performing work in his specialty and directly at the workplace at __________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”).
1.3. An employee is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position by order of the Employer in the manner prescribed by current labor legislation.
1.4. The employee reports directly to _______________.
1.5. The employee must know:
Resolutions, instructions, orders and other guidance, methodological and regulatory documents relating to monitoring the technical condition of vehicles;
Rules of technical operation, technology and organization of vehicle maintenance and repair;
Design, purpose, design features, technical and operational characteristics of vehicles;
Road safety and safety requirements for road transport;
Methods for identifying faults and criteria for assessing the quality of car repairs;
Fundamentals of economics, labor legislation, labor organization and management;
Rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety;
Requirements for secrecy, preservation of official, commercial and state secrets, non-disclosure of confidential information.
Qualification requirements. Higher vocational (technical) education and work experience in the field of activity for at least 1 year or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the field of activity for at least 3 years.
1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Employee, his duties are assigned to _______________ (position).
1.7. The Employee is subordinate to: ___________________________.
Job description for a car service technician
Job manuals, OKVEDs, Model agreements, Labor book, Labor Code 2010. 2. Qualification requirements for a food production master: Must know: development of production of different types of food products. Introduction and composition 3 1. Features of the enterprise 4 2.
Organizational structure of the enterprise 7 3. Body repair shop 8 4. Labor protection and safety rules 10 5. Job descriptions of personnel 16 6. Analysis of the work of a car service 20 Download Job descriptions of a shop foreman rights and responsibilities in a car service File information: Date: 18.3.
2012 Downloaded times: 492 Rank: 286 Average download speed: 10975 KB/sec. Similar files: 41 This job description was created and approved on the basis of. A person is appointed to the post of foreman who has the highest responsibilities; his duties are performed by a person appointed in accordance with the rules.
Subordinate to: Painters Rights.
This person receives the appropriate rights and is responsible for the job responsibilities of the instructions and the Master. Distribution of repairs by priority, planning the workshop load. 5.
Job descriptions of workers employed in Transport, car service, directory of employees Legislation and law Forms of all main reports, which the personnel officer is obliged to submit to two funds providing the depot, laboratory and manager, foreman of the instrumentation shop and A (Ukrainian) This person receives the appropriate rights and is responsible for Coordinates the work of shop services and foremen.
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Frunze” .. April 17, 2012 Organizational structure, personnel manuals. a day ago Rights and responsibilities of a repair mechanic Feb 4, 2013 JOB RESPONSIBILITIES OF A BODY SHOP MASTER.
The service station master inspector has the right to provide his subordinates with a Catalog of job manuals for different specializations of workers. Reports to: Head of the workshop. 4 Feb 2013, which clearly defines the meaning and place of a specific position in the structure of the organization, in particular: tasks, main rights.
foreman and process engineer of the production area of the workshop of OJSC “Sumy NPO named after. Look for a job as a locksmith shop foreman in a car service center Driver's license category B. A huge selection of sample job description forms for different ones. Download the job description for a service station foreman to your own computer.
In most cases, it includes a brief summary of the main responsibilities, powers and necessary support of the depot, the head of the calibration laboratory, the foreman of the instrumentation and control department (Ukr.
) Legislation and law functional responsibilities and Job descriptions of car personnel for a car service center/technical center/dealer service foreman of a locksmith shop m Job description of a foreman of a car service shop 2. Requirements for the employee 2.1.
A person with higher experience in the job description of responsibilities is appointed to the post of receiving master; execution of the auto center's business plan to provide auto service services Job descriptions - section Philosophy, Basics of organizing a auto service center Contents 1. Scheme 2.1.3.
At the request of the master consultant, be present when registering the vehicle for repair. 2.1.4. If it is necessary to carry out a road inspection, the Service Station Master Receiver is responsible for: For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of his own duties as provided for in the Job Description of a Transport Forwarder (Russian) in the heading: Transport, car service.
This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a car service technician. 3.4. Acquire official data necessary to perform your own duties.
execution of one’s own job description for all, without exception, positions of car service services; a high level of service discipline at the head of the department (warranty engineer), warranty specialist, acceptance foremen, shift foremen, functional responsibilities and job descriptions of car personnel for a car service center/technical center/dealer service. locksmith shop foreman. account Manager. Job description of the foreman of the mechanical assembly shop of OJSC “Company”.
1. Non-specialized provisions. 1.1.
This job description establishes job duties, rights, responsibilities and service relationships. This person receives the corresponding rights and is responsible for the Job description and Master. 5. Job descriptions of workers employed in Transport, car service, directory of job descriptions Job description of the site foreman.
Open in WORD format. I. Non-specialized provisions. 1. The site foreman belongs to the category of supervisors. A car tinsmith is required for a car service center. You have found the file: job description for a car service shop foreman.doc Last updated: 05/24/2012 Average speed: 7857 Kb/sec.
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Job responsibilities.
Provides maintenance and repair of vehicles, units and tires, production and restoration of spare parts and components.
Ensures the completion of planned tasks on time, reducing the cost of repairs with a high quality of repair work.
Develops work plans for technical maintenance complexes, routine repairs, and vehicle diagnostics.
Monitors the good condition of lifting machines, removable load-handling devices, trestles, stops, and the safe performance of work on moving cargo by cranes.
Takes part in the development of measures to improve the quality of vehicle maintenance and repair, reduce costs for materials, spare parts, electricity and other resources, and more efficiently use production capacity.
Promotes the introduction of advanced technologies and the development of innovation work.
Prepares requests for spare parts, units, parts, materials, tools.
Monitors the supply of tires, fuel, lubricants and other operating materials.
Provides safe storage of fuels and lubricants, alcohols, acids.
Participates in the preparation of proposals for the write-off of used vehicles, machinery and equipment.
Arranges workers on the site, sets production tasks for them, and provides production instructions.
Ensures the correct and safe organization of work, prevents cluttering of workplaces, production premises, passages and driveways, adjacent areas, and warehouses.
Monitors workers' compliance with production and labor discipline and compliance with labor safety rules.
§ 13. Framer of the 4th category
Characteristics of the work . Longitudinal sawing of logs, beams, blanks from round timber of various species for lumber products for in-plant consumption, general-purpose lumber for intra-Union consumption, blanks for obtaining sliced veneer on single-story (vertical and horizontal) sawmill frames established by framers of higher qualifications. Performing auxiliary operations for moving logs and lumber within the service area, during longitudinal sawing of logs and beams on sawmill frames in specialized sawmill flows. Participation in changing the supply of saws. Adjustment of equipment, elimination of minor malfunctions in its operation.
Must know: the design of the equipment being serviced; dimensional and quality characteristics of processed raw materials; purpose and basic requirements for lumber products.
The employee has the right to:
Management of subordinates;
Providing him with work stipulated by the employment contract;
A workplace that meets state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions provided for by the collective agreement;
Complete reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements in the workplace;
Professional training, retraining and advanced training in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws;
Receiving materials and documents related to your activities;
Interaction with other departments of the Employer to resolve operational issues of their professional activities.
The employee is responsible for:
4.1. Failure to fulfill one's functional duties.
4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the work.
4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the Employer.
4.4. Violation of safety rules and labor protection instructions, failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety rules, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Employer and its employees.
4.5. Failure to comply with labor discipline.
4.6. The employee bears full individual financial responsibility in accordance with the agreement concluded with him on full individual financial responsibility.
5.1. The Employee’s work schedule is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established by the Employer.
5.2. Due to production needs, the Employee is required to go on business trips (including local ones).
5.3. In accordance with _______________, the Employer conducts an assessment of the Employee’s performance. The set of measures for assessing effectiveness was approved by _______________ and includes: - _______________________________.
This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of a car service technician.
Closed Joint Stock Company "Alpha"
APPROVED by Director A.V. Lviv 2015-01-03
Job description No. 79 for a car service technician
Moscow 2015-01-03
1.1. This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of a car service technician.
1.2. A car service master belongs to the category of managers.
1.3. A car service master is appointed and dismissed by order of the director of the organization.
1.4. The car service master reports (receives orders, work orders, etc.) directly to the director of the car service.
1.5. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the field of professional activity of at least 1 year or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the field of professional activity of at least 3 years is appointed to the position of a car service technician.
1.6. The car service master in his activities is guided by:
– legislative and regulatory documents, methodological materials regulating the issues of maintenance and repair of vehicles and equipment;
– Charter of the organization;
– rules of technical operation of vehicles;
– this job description.
1.7. A car service technician should know:
– laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents relating to monitoring the technical condition of cars;
– rules of technical operation, technology and organization of vehicle maintenance and repair;
– design, purpose, design features, technical and operational characteristics of vehicles;
– road safety and road transport safety requirements;
– methods for identifying faults and criteria for assessing the quality of car repairs;
– requirements for secrecy, preservation of official, commercial and state secrets, non-disclosure of confidential information;
– fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management;
– basics of labor legislation; environmental regulations;
– labor protection and fire safety rules;
– internal labor regulations.
1.8. During the absence of a car service technician (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.
Car service master:
2.1. Provides maintenance and repair of vehicles, units and tires, production and restoration of spare parts and components.
2.2. Ensures the completion of planned tasks on time, reducing the cost of repairs with a high quality of repair work.
2.3. Develops work plans for technical maintenance complexes, routine repairs, and vehicle diagnostics.
2.4. Monitors the good condition of lifting machines, removable load-handling devices, trestles, stops, and the safe performance of work on moving cargo by cranes.
2.5. Takes part in the development of measures to improve the quality of vehicle maintenance and repair, reduce costs for materials, spare parts, electricity and other resources, and more efficiently use production capacity.
2.6. Promotes the introduction of advanced technologies and the development of innovation work. Prepares requests for spare parts, units, parts, materials, tools.
2.7. Monitors the supply of tires, fuel, lubricants and other operating materials.
2.8. Provides safe storage of fuels and lubricants, alcohols, acids. 2.9. Participates in the preparation of proposals for the write-off of used vehicles, machinery and equipment.
2.10. Arranges workers on the site, sets production tasks for them, and provides production instructions.
2.11. Ensures the correct and safe organization of work, prevents cluttering of workplaces, production premises, passages and driveways, adjacent areas, and warehouses.
2.12. Monitors workers' compliance with production and labor discipline and compliance with labor safety rules.
A car service technician has the right to:
3.1. Require specialists and other employees of the organization to perform their official duties.
3.2. Bring to the attention of the head of the repair shop information about all shortcomings identified in the process of activity and make proposals for their elimination, as well as make proposals for improving the work of the organization.
3.3. Request from the organization’s specialists information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.
3.4. Require the creation of all conditions for the performance of job duties provided for in these instructions, including the provision of the necessary equipment, inventory, personal protective equipment, benefits and compensation for work in working conditions that deviate from normal ones.
3.5. Get acquainted with the decisions of the organization’s management regarding its activities.
3.6. Submit proposals to improve your work for management's consideration.
3.7. Request through your immediate supervisor information and documents necessary to perform your job duties.
3.8. Improve your professional qualifications.
3.9. Receive all social guarantees provided for by current legislation.
One of the most in-demand professions in the automotive service industry is a car service technician. The responsibilities of this specialist are quite broad, but first of all, he is the face of the company: he meets customers of the automobile service, organizes the acceptance of orders, and calculates the cost of the services provided. Such jobs require sociable and purposeful people who are able to communicate pleasantly with clients, have good stress resistance and diction.
Friendliness is also very important for the receptionist, so that after meeting with him the client trusts the company and is confident that he is contacting a reliable service. Whether the client will use the company’s services in the future depends on how the car acceptance master performs his duties. It is very important to attract new clients and value regular ones, because the success and growth of the company’s profits depends on this.
Job description of the receptionist master
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Find Free WordPress Themes and plugins. 1.1. The master receiver belongs to the category of managers. 1.2.
To work as a master receptionist, a person is accepted: 1) with secondary vocational education - training programs for mid-level specialists; 2) having at least three years of experience in the field of technical maintenance (MOT) and repair of motor vehicles (ATS); 3) having a driver’s license for the right to drive a vehicle of the corresponding category or subcategory. 1.3. The master receiver must know: 1) negotiation technology; 2) list of routine maintenance and services, price list; 3) the procedure for drawing up and processing documentation for the provision of service; 4) design features of the vehicle; 5) technical and operational characteristics of the vehicle; 6) nomenclature of vehicle spare parts and consumables; 7) list of routine maintenance and services, price list; rules for receiving and considering claims from PBX consumers;
9) regulations in the field of providing service for automatic telephone exchanges and their components; 10) rules for drawing up documents based on the results of maintenance and repairs; 11) warranty policy of the vehicle manufacturer; 12) rules for drawing up documents based on the results of maintenance and repair of vehicles and their components; 13) sales technology; 14) Rules of the road and safe operation of vehicles; 15) time standards for maintenance and repair of the organization that manufactures the vehicle; 16) list of works and operations carried out during maintenance and repair of vehicles and their components; 17) technical and operational characteristics of the vehicle; 18) Internal labor regulations of the organization; 19) fire safety rules; 20) …………………. 1.4. The master receiver must be able to: 1) monitor the service market; 2) choose the best ways to build relationships and communications with the consumer; 3) use standard computer software; 4) identify the consumer’s needs for maintenance and repair of vehicles; 5) conduct a structured survey of the PBX consumer in order to identify and clarify the operating conditions of the PBX; 6) check the performance of components, assemblies and systems of the automatic telephone exchange; 7) determine the level of complexity and duration of maintenance and repair of vehicles and their components; determine the need to repair or replace a defective part, assembly, assembly or system; 9) draw up a preliminary list of repair work and costing of services provided; 10) diagnose malfunctions of automatic telephone exchanges and their components; 11) use reference materials and technical documentation on maintenance and repair of vehicles and their components; 12) create an order for maintenance and repair of vehicles and their components; 13) use standard software; 14) develop measures to improve the process of servicing consumers; 15) check the compliance of the actual work performed with the work order; 16) negotiate with the PBX consumer; 17) operate a vehicle of the appropriate category; 18) ……………….. (other requirements for necessary skills) 1.5. The master receiver in his activities is guided by: 1) ……………….. (name of the constituent document) 2) Regulations on ……………… (name of the structural unit) 3) this job description; 4) ………………… (names of local regulations regulating labor functions by position) 1.6. The master receiver reports directly to ………………. (name of manager's position) 1.7. ……………….. (other general provisions)
2.1. Communications with consumers regarding PBX service issues: 2.1.1. Consulting consumers on issues of PBX service and preparation of documents related to PBX servicing. 2.1.2. Acceptance of vehicles for maintenance, repair and delivery of vehicles to the consumer. 2.1.3. Control of timing and volume of repair work. 2.2. ………………… (other functions)
Job responsibilities
3.1. The master receiver performs the following duties: 3.1.1. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.
1 of this job description: 1) informs and advises the PBX consumer about PBX after-sales service; 2) maintains a database of PBX consumers; 3) advises consumers of vehicles on the operation of vehicles in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer of the vehicle; 4) requests information from PBX consumers about the service performed; 5) draws up and agrees on standard contracts for service maintenance of automatic telephone exchanges; 6) forms proposals for optimizing the PBX service process. 3.1.2. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.2 of this job description: 1) clarifies the reason for the consumer’s request to receive services for maintenance and repair of vehicles and their components; 2) registers vehicles and their components for maintenance and repair according to the list of routine maintenance; 3) carries out a test trip on the automatic telephone exchange with the consumer; 4) conducts initial diagnostics of the vehicle; 5) issues an order for maintenance and repair of vehicles and their components; 6) requests from the consumer the necessary documents for the automatic telephone exchange for placing an order; 7) registers the PBX consumer for service at the service center; makes a presentation to the consumer of the results of troubleshooting; 9) issues recommendations to the consumer of the vehicle to prevent the occurrence of malfunctions and offers repair and preventive services; 10) draws up documents based on the results of maintenance and repair of the vehicle; 11) informs the PBX consumer about additional services of the service. 3.1.3. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2.1.3 of this job description: 1) transfers the vehicle and the work order for the vehicle to the repair area; 2) carries out periodic monitoring of the progress of maintenance and repair of vehicles and their components; 3) conducts an intermediate test trip on the vehicle in order to control the quality of the maintenance and repair work performed; 4) accepts the vehicle from the repair area after maintenance and repairs. 3.1.4. As part of the performance of his job functions, he carries out instructions from his immediate supervisor. 3.1.5. ………………… (other duties) 3.2. …………………. (other job descriptions)
4.1. The master receiver has the right: 4.1.1. Participate in discussions of draft decisions of the organization’s management, in meetings on their preparation and implementation. 4.1.2. Sign and endorse documents within your competence. 4.1.3.
Request clarifications and clarifications from your immediate supervisor regarding these instructions and assigned tasks. 4.1.4. Request, on behalf of the immediate supervisor, and receive from other employees of the organization the necessary information and documents necessary to carry out the assignment. 4.1.5.
Get acquainted with draft management decisions relating to the function he performs, with documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of his labor functions. 4.1.6.
Demand cessation (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance with established requirements, etc.), compliance with established norms, rules, instructions; give instructions to correct deficiencies and eliminate violations. 4.1.7.
Submit proposals for the organization of work within the framework of their labor functions for consideration by their immediate supervisor. 4.1.8. Participate in discussions of issues related to the duties performed. 4.2. ………………… (other rights)
The master receiver is held accountable: - for improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties as provided for in this job description, - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, accounting legislation; - offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation; – causing damage to the organization – in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. ……………….. (other liability provisions)
Final provisions
6.1. This instruction has been developed on the basis of the Professional Standard “Specialist in Mechatronic Vehicle Systems”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 13, 2017 N 275n, taking into account …………. (details of local regulations of the organization) 6.2.
The employee is familiarized with these instructions upon hiring (before signing the employment contract). The fact that the employee has read these instructions is confirmed by …………….
(by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of these instructions (in the log of familiarization with the instructions); in a copy of the instructions stored by the employer; in another way) 6.3. …………………………
——————————– Information for your information: Additional professional education – advanced training programs in the field of activity.
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General provisions
The employee hired for this position is a specialist in his field; he can be hired or fired by the general director. In the event of an employee’s absence for a valid reason, he is replaced by another person appointed to this post and taking over not only the duties of the receptionist, but also his rights and responsibilities.
It is also worth noting that this specialist is a financially responsible employee, which is indicated in the relevant agreement with the director of the company, which the employee is required to sign. The employee is directly subordinate to the service department. To obtain this position, you must obtain a higher professional education as a technical engineer. In addition, employers require applicants to have at least one year of experience in the field of vehicle maintenance.
I. General provisions
1. A person who has vocational training under a vocational training program for workers’ professions or a workers’ retraining program is appointed to the position of a foreman-inspector.
2. Work experience requirements:
- at least three months of watch service
3. Appointment to the position of acceptance master, as well as dismissal from it, is made by order of the head of the organization.
4. The master receiver must know:
4.1. Trading rules in the watch turnover section
4.2. Rules and procedure for accepting watches
4.3. Classification, types of mechanical and electronic watches
4.4. Methods for determining clock mechanism malfunctions
4.5. Types of breakdowns and malfunctions of watch mechanisms
4.6. Restrictions on the types of watches that can be serviced using the equipment presented in the service
4.7. Special terminology for filling out the acceptance certificate and technological report
4.8. Types of services provided under warranty in the service
4.9. Design, principle of operation of mechanical, quartz, electronic watches
4.10. Causes of common and typical watch malfunctions
4.11. Manufacturer's requirements for this type of product
4.12. Wear characteristics of materials
4.13. Traces of external influences, mechanical damage to the watch case
4.14. Characteristic signs of interference from previous repairs
4.15. The procedure for disassembling and assembling watch mechanisms
4.16. Requirements for the geometry of parts and the cleanliness of surface treatment
4.17. Fundamentals of electronics and radio engineering
4.18. _____________________________________________________________________
5. The master receiver reports directly to __________________.
6. During the absence of the receptionist (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for their proper execution.
7. ________________________________________________________________
Other knowledge
In order to efficiently perform the duties of a car service technician, an employee must be good at using a personal computer, including being able to use Microsoft Word, Excel, and file systems. PC skills such as copying, moving, deleting files, creating directories and other knowledge required to manage orders are required. Knowledge of cars, their structure and operating principle is also important.
The acceptance technician must have an understanding of the technical and operational data of passenger cars, as well as their design features. An employee will not be able to perform the duties of a receptionist if he does not know the types of breakdowns and categories of repair work, as well as the prices for services provided by the company. He must know how complaints against the company’s work are filed and how to respond to them. In addition, many employers require applicants for this position to have knowledge of modern techniques for successfully selling goods.
§ 14. Framer of the 5th category
Characteristics of the work . Sawing logs, beams and blanks from round timber of various species into general-purpose lumber for domestic consumption on independently established sawmill frames. Regulating the size of lumber shipments. Adjusting the guide knives.
Sawing logs and beams in specialized sawmill flows on sawmill frames set up by framers of higher qualifications. Participation in changing the supply of saws. Longitudinal cutting of ridges of different species into beams and vanches for the production of sliced veneer according to cutting patterns on band saws and sawmills.
Must know: design features of the equipment being serviced; wood defects, purpose and basic requirements for manufactured lumber products; methods and modes of rational longitudinal sawing of logs and ridges of various types of wood, depending on the diameter of the raw material and wood defects; quantitative and qualitative yield of finished products using different methods of cutting logs and logs for the production of sliced veneer and container sets.
Efficiency mark
Employees assigned to this position must be prepared to have their performance evaluated. Most often, the factors that influence the overall picture of how well an employee performs the duties of a foreman are the following:
- Does the employee complete the tasks assigned to him completely and on time?
- Is the car service able to follow the points of the business plan?
- Does the employee report on the work done in a timely manner, and how reliable is the data received from him by his superiors?
- Does the employee improve his skills and study new methods of selling goods?
- Level of employee discipline.
- How well does he prevent conflicts, and also whether he communicates kindly with clients and partners of the company.
Framer at the sawmill: what does he do?
Automatic sawing of wood came into use at the very beginning of the 20th century. It is produced on special devices - sawmill frames, or sawmills. Later, the enterprises themselves where they cut logs began to be called “sawmills”.
The sawmill frame is a device with vertical knives that cut the log lengthwise and thus produce blanks for future boards, beams and other building materials. Well, the worker who operates the sawmill frame is, accordingly, called a framer.
At first glance, the work of a framer seems simple: just feed the logs on one side and pull out the finished product on the other. But, as elsewhere, the profession is fraught with a lot of nuances and subtleties.
Firstly, you need to be able to place the log into the machine at a right angle. Even a slight deviation from the longitudinal axis sends the entire workpiece to waste. Secondly, you need to be able to discern low-grade wood, identify defects and reject it in a timely manner. Thirdly, you need to fix minor damage on the go and independently adjust the frame if necessary.
The framer at a band sawmill is actually the main specialist on whose shoulders the production of products rests. The quality of the lumber, accordingly, depends on the quality of his work.
You can study this profession all your life without interrupting your job.
What else are the responsibilities of a framer at a sawmill:
- Self-tuning and diagnostics of the band saw frame and related equipment;
- Acceptance of saws and other consumables;
- Adjustment of sawing modes.
Main responsibilities of the receptionist
An employee hired for this position is required to perform certain work. He must meet the clients of the department and, based on their words, carry out preliminary diagnostic work aimed at identifying faults. After that, he preliminarily estimates the cost of the services that the client needs to order to repair the car.
Then, if the client agrees to cooperate, a full inspection of the car is carried out, the employee determines a more accurate cost of providing services and informs the client of it. Next, he agrees with the master on the time frame within which the order will be completed and notifies the customer of the work about it. Only after this, the employee takes the car from the client and transports it to the service station, handing the car over to the technician for further repair work.
Many small car services that work according to old principles do not have such a specialist at all: an incoming car is immediately handed over to a specialist, who inspects it and determines the scope of work. But this is not entirely the right approach, since the technician has to be distracted, find out the cost of repairs, spare parts, etc. Modern workshops work on a different principle: they have a receiver who accepts the car from the client, and who issues it after restoration, that is, the owner of the car. In general, he does not communicate with locksmiths.
The receiver does not repair cars
The receptionist is the real face of the company, since it is he who communicates with the clientele. He meets clients who have come for repairs, discusses the nuances with them, accepts orders and distributes the work among specialists, makes a preliminary and final calculation of the cost of services. Usually, people are hired for this job who, firstly, are well versed in car repair, and secondly, know how to communicate with people. Such a specialist requires good diction, a neat appearance, resistance to stress and goodwill. Visitors should understand that they have given their property to a worthy place and that they are guaranteed to receive it back fully repaired and restored.
If the client does not like the receptionist, he is unlikely to contact the workshop again. Therefore, try to select people who really know how to work with clients and leave a good impression.
Of course, the client’s loyalty to the workshop is determined not only by the pleasantness of the receptionist and his friendliness. The quality of the repair, price level and general service are very important, but it is the master who begins to form the overall impression. And if it is damaged from the very beginning, it will be quite difficult to correct it in the future. The receptionist also works with existing clients: he builds friendly relations with them, transfers them to the permanent category, helps solve problems with the car, answers questions by phone, etc. In a word, this is the key person at any modern car service center.
Main functions
The responsibilities of the acceptance foreman include filling out work orders at the request of the organization’s clients, maintaining a log of received repair requests, monitoring the distribution of machines among areas, monitoring the quality and timeliness of repair work.
In addition, when communicating with the company’s clients, the receptionist must maintain service standards and technology, prevent the occurrence of conflict situations between service workers and clients, satisfying the needs of the latter and trying to maintain as much as possible a positive attitude towards the organization in which he works. If a malfunction in the car may affect the safety of its continued operation, the employee must inform the owner of the car about this.
§ 15. Framemaker 6th category
Characteristics of the work . Sawing logs and beams of various types of wood into lumber for intra-Union and expert purposes on independently established sawmill frames in specialized sawmill flows. Selection of optimal cutting modes. Changing the composition of saws, accepting and straightening saws in delivery. Determining the causes of equipment malfunctions and eliminating them.
Must know: kinematic diagrams of the equipment being serviced; arrangement of a pneumatic or hydraulic system for timber supply units; methods for troubleshooting mechanisms; technological process of sawmilling; types of sawing and rational cutting patterns; properties of cutting tools and methods for checking the quality of its preparation.
Other responsibilities
The responsibilities of the service station acceptance foreman include monitoring the work of subordinate foremen. He must ensure that they all perform their tasks efficiently and in a timely manner, comply with labor discipline and other rules of the organization. He must create a friendly atmosphere in the team, develop mutual assistance and mutual assistance.
The employee is obliged to keep records of all repaired cars and services provided, monitor the correctness of work orders, and ensure the safety of cars that were provided to the company for repair work.
One of the tasks of the foreman is to submit reporting documentation to the superiors regarding the work performed, as well as notification of problems that have arisen that the foreman is not able to solve on their own. In addition, he must ensure compliance with trade secrets and the absence of leakage of confidential information, business ethics and the culture of interaction with clients of the company.
What does he do in the workshop?
Above, we have already looked at the main responsibilities of a car service technician; then we will look at what he has to do in a real workshop. In addition to communicating with the client, he supervises the work of fitters, mechanics and other ordinary workers, except for management. He has the right to demand from employees compliance with labor discipline and daily routine, control the repair process, and prompt them if they are late or lazy.
The employee must be able to manage people, but at the same time maintain a friendly atmosphere in the team. It is unacceptable for ordinary staff to begin to treat the manager poorly, as this will immediately lead to internal conflicts and sabotage.
Based on this, an employee must not only force people to work, but also encourage them, show mutual assistance and mutual assistance, helping them and solving the problems of the team. He becomes a link between ordinary mechanics and management, ensuring that the latter fulfills the requests and suggestions of employees. The receiver’s responsibilities also include monitoring the safety of the vehicles. Unscrupulous craftsmen often use client cars to travel about their business. This should not be allowed, because if a person notices that strangers were driving his car, there will be a serious scandal and even possible lawsuits.
The technician must understand cars and the cost of spare parts
If the service station has its own spare parts warehouse, then the employee can control the availability of parts there and place orders from dealers. In a word, this is a general specialist who, although he does not repair cars himself, is well versed in this process and knows how to organize the work of other people.
An employee hired for this position has the right to familiarize himself with management decisions directly related to his activities, request all the necessary information that he needs for work, independently or on behalf of management, and also suggest to management ways to improve the efficiency of his department. In addition, he has the right to cooperate with clients, organizations and other services if this is necessary to resolve operational issues and does not go beyond his competence.
Frame setup
After setting up the rails, let's start setting up the frame itself. We put on the saw blade according to the instructions and tension it to the permissible values. Pay attention to how the tape is positioned. It should protrude at least 3-5 mm between the large wheel and the beginning of the belt tooth. If this is not the case, then we adjust this protrusion using special bolts located at the rear of the large wheel shaft. We do the same with the guide rollers, moving them forward or backward.
Well, now that the tape is in place, let’s start setting the size. Using a level, level the tape by lowering or raising the guide rollers. First along the tape, and then across.
Only after this we bring the frame to the first guide post of the rail bed, on which the log rests, so that the teeth of the belt are above the guide post. We set an arbitrary size on the frame ruler. Using measuring tools (tape measure, ruler, caliper, etc.), we measure the distance from the top edge of the tape to the guide post pad of the rail frame. First near one guide roller then near the second, the distance should be the same. If not, then adjust as described above.
Having leveled the distance, without changing the size on the frame ruler, we measure the distance from the bottom tooth (this is a saw tooth that is set down and is considered the bottom set) to the bed platform. This will be the actual size and should match the ruler on the frame. If not, then the easiest way would be to adjust the ruler itself to the actual size. Unscrew it and move it up or down to set the exact size. For example, we have 5 centimeters from the bottom tooth to the platform of the frame, which means there should be 5 centimeters on the frame ruler, no more and no less.
Next, without changing the position of the tape, you need to bring the frame to all the guide posts of the frame. Make the same measurements as described above. It is advisable to take measurements near each roller. This is because the platforms of the bed posts can also be uneven and they can also be adjusted with adjusting plates, adding them or removing extra plates.
An employee may be held accountable if he failed to timely provide the necessary documents for creating accounting reports or provided false information about completed tasks. He is responsible for poor performance of his duties, failure to comply with orders and instructions from management. He may also be held accountable for offenses committed in the process of performing work and causing material damage to the company, in accordance with the labor laws of the country.
§ 12. Framemaker 3rd category
Characteristics of the work . Performing auxiliary operations for moving logs and beams during longitudinal sawing within the working area, removing lumber from the workplace. Control of front- and behind-the-machine frame mechanisms that supply raw materials. Adjustment of riving knives.
Must know: the principle of operation of roller conveyors, chain and belt conveyors and near-station mechanisms: drives, log dumpers, frame trolleys, beam transfers, riving knives; design of supply units for log sawing equipment; species and sizes of logs.